Category > xHarbour extensions xHarbour Developers Network  

#ifCompile a section of code based on a condition.
#pragmaControls compiler switches at compile time.
#uncommand | #untranslateVoids a previously defined #command or #translate directive.
#xuncommand | #xuntranslateVoids a previously defined #xcommand or #xtranslate directive.
& (bitwise AND)Bitwise AND operator (binary): performs a logical AND operation.
(struct)Creates a new structure object
<<Left-shift operator (binary): shifts bits to the left.
<|| >Extended literal code block.
>>Right-shift operator (binary): shifts bits to the right.
@()Function-reference operator (unary): obtains a function pointer.
ACCESSDeclares an ACCESS method of a class.
ALenAlloc()Determines for how much array elements memory is pre-allocated.
AnsiToHtml()Inserts HTML character entities into an ANSI text string,
ASizeAlloc()Pre-allocates memory for an array.
ASSIGNDeclares an ASSIGN method of a class.
ASSOCIATE CLASSDefines a scalar class for a native data type.
AtSkipStrings()Locates the position of a substring within a character string.
C Structure classAbstract class for C structure support.
CallDll()Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded external library.
CharHist()Creates a histogram of characters in a character string
CharRLL()Rotates bits in a character string to the left.
CharRLR()Rotates bits in a character string to the right.
CharSHL()Shifts bits in a character string to the left.
CharSHR()Shifts bits in a character string to the right.
CharSList()Removes duplicate characters from a string and sorts the result.
CharSub()Creates a string by subtracting ASCII codes of two strings.
CLASSDeclares the class function of a user-defined class.
CLASSDATADeclares a class variable of a class.
CLASSMETHODDeclares the symbolic name of a class method.
CLOSE LOGCloses all open log channels.
CosH()Calculates the hyperbolic cosine for an angle.
CreateObject()Instantiates a new OLE Automation object.
CStr()Converts a value to a character string.
CStrToVal()Converts a character string to a value of specific data type.
CtoT()Converts a character string into a DateTime value
CurDirX()Returns the current directory of a drive including directory separators.
DATADeclares an instance variable of a class.
DateTime()Returns the current date and time from the operating system.
DbCopyExtStruct()Creates a structure extended database file.
DbCopyStruct()Creates a new database based on the current database structure.
DbJoin()Merges records of two work areas into a new database.
Dblist()Displays records of a work area to the console, printer or file.
DbSkipper()Helper function for browse objects to skip a database
DbSort()Creates a new, physically sorted database.
DbTotal()Creates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression.
DbUpdate()Updates records in the current work area from a second work area.
Default()Assigns a default value to a variable.
DefPath()Returns the SET DEFAULT directory.
DELEGATEDeclares a message to be directed to a contained object.
DESTRUCTORDeclares a method to be called by the garbage collector.
DirectoryRecurse()Loads file information recursively into a two-dimensional array.
DisableWaitLocks()Toggles the exclusive file opening mode.
DiskChange()Changes the current disk drive.
DiskUsed()Returns the used storage space of a disk drive in bytes.
DispOutAt()Displays a value on the screen at a certain position.
DispOutAtSetPos()Toggles update of the screen cursor with DispOutAt().
DllCall()Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded external library.
DllExecuteCall()Executes a DLL function via call template.
DllLoad()Loads a DLL file into memory.
DllPrepareCall()Creates a call template for an external DLL function.
DllUnload()Releases a dynamically loaded external DLL from memory.
ENABLE TYPE CLASSActivates scalar classes for native data tyes.
ERROR HANDLERDeclares the method for error handling within a class.
EXPORTED:Declares the EXPORTED attribute for a group of member variables and/or methods.
EXTEND CLASS...WITH DATAAdds a new member variable to an existing class.
EXTEND CLASS...WITH METHODAdds a new method to an existing class.
FCharCount()Counts the number of characters in a text file ignoring white space characters.
FieldDec()Retrieves the number of decimal places of a field variable.
FieldLen()Retrieves the number of bytes occupied by a field variable.
FieldType()Retrieves the data type of a field variable.
FileReader()Returns a new TStreamFileReader object.
FileStats()Retrieves file information for a single file.
FileWriter()Returns a new TStreamFileWriter object.
FLineCount()Counts the lines in an ASCII text file.
FOR EACHIterates elements of data types that can be seen as a collection.
FParse()Parses a delimited text file and loads it into an array.
FParseEx()Parses a delimited text file and loads it into an array (optimized).
FParseLine()Parses one line of a delimited text and loads it into an array.
FreeLibrary()Releases a dynamically loaded external DLL from memory.
FWordCount()Counts the words in a text file.
GetActiveObject()Retturns an instantiated OLE Automation object.
GetCurrentThread()Retrieves the handle of the current thread.
GetDefaultPrinter()Retrieves the name of a computer's default printer.
GetLastError()Retrieves the error code of the last dynamically called DLL function.
GetPrinters()Retrieves information about available printers.
GetProcAddress()Retrieves the memory address of a function in a dynamically loaded DLL.
GetRegistry()Retrieves the value of a registry entry
GetSystemThreadID()Retrieves the numeric system Thread ID of a thread.
GetThreadID()Retrieves the numeric application Thread ID of a thread.
GetVolInfo()Retrieves the volume label of a disk.
GLOBALDeclares and optionally initializes a GLOBAL memory variable.
HaaDelAt()Removes a key/value pair from an associative array.
HaaGetKeyAt()Retrieves the key from an associative array by its ordinal position.
HaaGetPos()Retrieves the ordinal position of a key in an associative array.
HaaGetRealPos()Retrieves the sort order of a key in an associative array.
HaaGetValueAt()Retrieves the value from an associative array by its ordinal position.
HaaSetValueAt()Changes the value in an associative array by its ordinal position.
HAllocate()Pre-allocates memory for a large hash.
HASSearches a character string for a matching regular expression.
Hash()Creates a new hash.
HbConsoleLock()Locks the console for the current thread
HbConsoleUnlock()Releases the console lock.
HBObject()Abstract base class for user-defined classes.
HBPersistent()Abstract base class for user-defined persistent object.
HB_AExpressions()Parses a character string into an array of macro expressions.
HB_AnsiToOem()Converts a character string from the ANSI to the OEM character set.
HB_AParams()Collects values of all parameters passed to a function, method or procedure.
HB_ArgC()Returns the number of command line arguments.
HB_ArgCheck()Checks if an internal switch is set on the command line.
HB_ArgString()Retrieves the vale of an internal switch set on the command line.
HB_ArgV()Retrieves the value of a command line argument.
HB_ArrayBlock()Creates a set/get code block for an array.
HB_ArrayId()Returns a unique identifier for an array or an object variable.
HB_ArrayToStructure()Converts an array to a binary C structure.
HB_AtX()Locates a substring within a character string based on a regular expression.
HB_BackGroundActive()Queries and/or changes the activity of a single background task.
HB_BackGroundAdd()Adds a new background task.
HB_BackGroundDel()Removes a background task from the internal task list.
HB_BackGroundReset()Resets the internal counter of background tasks.
HB_BackGroundRun()Enforces execution of one or all background tasks.
HB_BackGroundTime()Queries or changes the wait interval in milliseconds after which the task is executed.
HB_Base64Decode()Decodes a base 64 encoded character string.
HB_Base64DecodeFile()Decodes a base 64 encoded file.
HB_Base64Encode()Encodes a character string base 64.
HB_Base64EncodeFile()Encodes a file base 64.
HB_BitAnd()Performs a bitwise AND operation with numeric integer values.
HB_BitIsSet()Checks if a bit is set in a numeric integer value.
HB_BitNot()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
HB_BitOr()Performs a bitwise OR operation with numeric integer values.
HB_BitReset()Sets a bit in a numeric integer value to 0.
HB_BitSet()Sets a bit in a numeric integer value to 1.
HB_BitShift()Shifts bits in a numeric integer value.
HB_BitXOr()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with numeric integer values.
HB_BldLogMsg()Converts a list of parameters into a text string.
HB_BuildDate()Retrieves the formatted build date of the xHarbour compiler
HB_BuildInfo()Retrieves build information of the xHarbour compiler.
HB_CheckSum()Calculates the checksum for a stream of data using the Adler32 algorithm.
HB_Clocks2Secs()Calculates seconds from CPU ticks.
HB_CloseProcess()Closes a child process
HB_ClrArea()Replaces a color attribute in a screen region.
HB_CmdArgArgV()Returns the first command line argument (EXE file name).
HB_ColorIndex()Extracts a color value from a color string.
HB_ColorToN()Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute.
HB_Compiler()Retrieves the version of the C compiler shipped with xHarbour.
HB_Compress()Compresses a character string (ZIP).
HB_CompressBufLen()Calculates the buffer size required for compression.
HB_CompressError()Returns the error code of the last (un)compression.
HB_CompressErrorDesc()Returns an error description from a numeric error code.
Hb_CRC32()Calculates the checksum for a stream of data using the CRC 32 algorithm.
HB_CreateLen8()Converts a numeric value to an eight byte character string in network byte order.
HB_Crypt()Encrypts a character string.
HB_Decode()Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement.
HB_DecodeOrEmpty()Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement.
HB_Decrypt()Decrypts an encrypted character string.
HB_DeserialBegin()Initiates deserialization of a group of variables of simple or complex data types.
HB_DeSerialize()Converts a binary string back to its original data type.
HB_DeserializeSimple()Deserializes values of simple data types.
HB_DeserialNext()Deserialization the next variable of simple or complex data types.
HB_DiskSpace()Returns the free storage space for a disk drive by drive letter.
HB_DumpVar()Converts a value to a character string holding human readable text.
HB_EnumIndex()Returns the current ordinal position of a FOR EACH iteration.
HB_Exec()Executes a function, procedure or method from its pointer.
HB_ExecFromArray()Executes a function, procedure or method indirectly.
HB_FCommit()Forces a disk write.
HB_FCreate()Creates and/or opens a binary file.
HB_FEof()Tests if the end-of-file is reached in the currently selected text file.
HB_FGoBottom()Moves the file pointer to the last line in a text file.
HB_FGoto()Moves the record pointer to a specific line in the currently selected text file.
HB_FGoTop()Moves the record pointer to the begin-of-file.
HB_FInfo()Retrieves status information about the currently selected text file.
HB_FLastRec()Returns the number of lines in the currently selected text file.
HB_FNameMerge()Composes a file name from individual components.
HB_FNameSplit()Splits a file name into individual components.
HB_FReadAndSkip()Reads the current line and moves the record pointer.
HB_FReadLine()Extracts the next line from a text file.
HB_FreadLN()Reads the current line and without moving the record pointer.
HB_FRecno()Returns the current line number of the currently selected text file.
HB_FSelect()Queries or changes the currently selected text file area.
HB_FSize()Returns the size of a file in bytes.
HB_FSkip()Moves the record pointer in the currently selected text file.
HB_FTempCreate()Creates and opens a temporary file.
HB_FuncPtr()Obtains the pointer to a function or procedure.
HB_FUse()Opens or closes a text file in a text file area.
HB_F_Eof()Tests for End-of-file with binary files.
HB_GCAll()Scans the memory and releases all garbage memory blocks.
HB_GCStep()Invokes the garbage collector for one collection cycle.
HB_GetLen8()Retrieves the length of data in a serialized binary string.
HB_IdleAdd()Adds a background task for being executed during idle states.
HB_IdleDel()Removes a task from the list of idle tasks.
HB_IdleReset()Resets the internal counter of idle tasks.
HB_IdleSleep()Halts idle task processing for a number of seconds.
HB_IdleSleepMSec()Queries or changes the default time interval for idle task processing.
HB_IdleState()Signals an idle state.
HB_IdleWaitNoCPU()Toggles the mode for CPU usage in Idle wait states.
HB_IsArray()Tests if the value returned by an expression is an array.
HB_IsBlock()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Code block.
HB_IsByRefTests if a parameter is passed by reference.
HB_IsDate()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Date.
HB_IsDateTime()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a DateTime value.
HB_IsHash()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Hash.
HB_IsLogical()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a logical value.
HB_IsMemo()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Memo value.
HB_IsNIL()Tests if the value returned by an expression is NIL.
HB_IsNull()Tests if the value returned by an expression is empty.
HB_IsNumeric()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a numeric value.
HB_IsObject()Tests if the value returned by an expression is an object.
HB_IsPointer()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a pointer.
HB_IsRegExString()Checks if a character string is a compiled regular expression.
HB_IsString()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a character string.
HB_LangErrMsg()Returns language specific error messages.
HB_LangMessage()Returns language specific messages or text strings.
HB_LangName()Returns the currently selected language.
HB_LangSelect()Queries or changes the current national language .
HB_LibDo()Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded xHarbour DLL.
HB_LogDateStamp()Returns a character string holding a date stamp.
HB_MacroCompile()Compiles a macro string into a PCode sequence.
HB_MD5()Calculates a message digest for a stream of data using the MD5 algorithm.
HB_MD5File()Calculates a message digest for a file using the MD5 algorithm.
HB_MultiThread()Checks if an application is created for multi-threading.
HB_MutexCreate()Creates a Mutex.
HB_MutexLock()Obtains a permanent lock on a Mutex.
HB_MutexTimeoutLock()Tries to obtain a lock on a Mutex with timeout.
HB_MutexTryLock()Tries to obtain a permanent lock on a Mutex.
HB_MutexUnlock()Unlocks a Mutex.
HB_ObjMsgPtr()Retrieves the pointer to a method.
HB_OemToAnsi()Converts a character string from the OEM to the ANSI character set.
HB_OpenProcess()Opens a child process.
HB_OsDriveSeparator()Returns the operating specific drive separator character.
HB_OsError()Returns the operating specific error code of the last low-level file operation.
HB_OsNewLine()Returns the end-of-line character(s) to use with the current operating system.
HB_OsPathDelimiters()Returns the operating specific characters for paths.
HB_OsPathListSeparator()Returns the operating specific separator character for a path list.
HB_OsPathSeparator()Returns the operating specific separator character for a path.
HB_PCodeVer()Retrieves the PCode version of the current xHarbour build.
HB_Pointer2String()Reads bytes from a pointer into a character string.
HB_ProcessValue()Retrieves the return value of a child process.
HB_QSelf()Retrieves the self object during method execution.
HB_QWith()Retrieves the with object during WITH OBJECT execution.
HB_Random()Generates a random number between two boundaries.
HB_RandomInt()Generates a random integer number between two boundaries.
HB_RandomSeed()Sets the seed for generating random numbers.
HB_ReadIni()Reads an INI file from disk.
HB_ReadLine()Scans a formatted character string or memo field for text lines.
HB_RegEx()Searches a string using a regular expression
HB_RegExAll()Parses a string and fills an array with parsing information.
HB_RegExAtX()Parses a string and fills an array with parsing information.
HB_RegExComp()Compiles a regular expression into a binary search pattern.
HB_RegExMatch()Tests if a string contains a substring using a regular expression
HB_RegExReplace()Searches and replaces characters within a character string using a regular expression.
HB_RegExSplit()Parses a string using a regular expression and fills an array.
HB_ResetWith()Replaces the with object during WITH OBJECT execution.
HB_RestoreBlock()Converts binary information back to a code block.
HB_SaveBlock()Utility function for code block serialization.
HB_Serialize()Converts an arbitrary value to a binary string.
HB_SerializeSimple()Serializes values of simple data types.
HB_SerialNext()Returns the position of the next chunk of binary data to retrieve.
HB_SetCodePage()Queries or changes the current code page.
HB_SetIniComment()Defines the delimiting characters for comments and inline comments.
HB_SetKeyArray()Associates a code block with multiple keys.
HB_SetKeyCheck()Evaluates a code block associated with a key.
HB_SetKeyGet()Retrieves code blocks associated with a key.
HB_SetKeySave()Queries or changes all SetKey() code blocks.
HB_SetMacro()Enables or disables runtime behavior of the macro compiler.
HB_SetWith()Changes the with object during WITH OBJECT execution.
HB_Shadow()Displays a shadow around a rectangular area on the screen.
HB_SizeofCStructure()Calculates the amount of memory required to store a C structure.
HB_String2Pointer()Obtains the pointer for a character string.
HB_StructureToArray()Converts values contained in a binary C structure string to an array.
HB_SysLogClose()Closes the log file of the operating system.
HB_SysLogMessage()Adds a new entry to the log file of the operating system.
HB_SysLogOpen()Opens the log file of the operating system
HB_ThisArray()Retrieves an array or object from its pointer.
HB_Translate()Converts a character string from one code page to another one.
HB_Uncompress()Uncompresses a compressed character string (ZIP).
HB_UUDecode()Decodes a UUEncoded character string.
HB_UUDecodeFile()Decodes a UUEncoded file.
HB_UUEncode()UUEncodes a character string.
HB_UUEncodeFile()UUEncodes a file.
HB_ValToStr()Converts values of simple data types to character string.
HB_VMExecute()Executes a PCode string.
HB_VMMode()Indicates the creation mode of the xHarbour virtual machine.
HB_WithObjectCounter()Determines the nesting level of WITH OBJECT statements.
HB_WriteIni()Creates an INI file and writes hash data to it.
HB_XmlErrorDesc()Retrieves a textual error description for XML file parsing errors.
HClone()Creates an entire copy of a hash.
HCopy()Copies key/value pairs from a hash into another hash.
HDel()Removes a key/value pair from the hash by its key.
HDelAt()Removes a key/value pair from the hash by its ordinal position.
HEval()Evaluates a code block with each hash element.
HexToNum()Converts a Hex string to a numeric value.
HexToStr()Converts a Hex encoded character string to an ASCII string.
HFill()Copies the same value into all key/value pairs.
HGet()Retrieves the value associated with a specified key.
HGetAACompatibility()Checks if a hash is compatible with an associative array.
HGetAutoAdd()Retrieves the AutoAdd attribute of a hash.
HGetCaseMatch()Retrieves the case sensitivity attribute of a hash.
HGetKeyAt()Retrieves the key from a hash by its ordinal position.
HGetKeys()Collects all keys from a hash in an array.
HGetPairAt()Retrieves a key/value pair from a hash by its ordinal position.
HGetPartition()Checks if a hash is partitioned.
HGetPos()Retrieves the ordinal position of a key in a hash.
HGetVaaPos()Retrieves the sort order of all keys in an associative array.
HGetValueAt()Retrieves the value from a hash by its ordinal position.
HGetValues()Collects all values from a hash in an array.
HHasKey()Determines if a key is present in a hash.
HIDDEN:Declares the HIDDEN attribute for a group of member variables and/or methods.
HMerge()Merges the contents of an entire hash into another hash.
Hour()Extracts the hour from a DateTime value
HScan()Searches a value in a hash.
HSet()Associates a value with a key in a hash.
HSetAACompatibility()Enables or disables associative array compatibility for an empty hash.
HSetAutoAdd()Changes the AutoAdd attribute of a hash.
HSetCaseMatch()Changes the case sensitivity attribute of a hash.
HSetPartition()Partitions a linear hash for improved performance.
HSetValueAt()Changes the value in a hash by its ordinal position.
HS_Add()Adds a text string entry to a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Close()Closes a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Create()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Delete()Marks an index entry as deleted in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Filter()Uses a HiPer-SEEK index file as filter for a work area
HS_IfDel()Checks if a HiPer-SEEK index entry is marked as deleted
HS_Index()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file and fills it with index entries.
HS_KeyCount()Returns the number of index entries in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Next()Searches a HiPer-SEEK index file for a matching index entry.
HS_Open()Opens a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Replace()Changes a HiPer-SEEK index entry.
HS_Set()Defines a search string for subsequent HS_Next() calls.
HS_Undelete()Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Verify()Verifies a HS_Next() match against the index key.
HS_Version()Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions.
HtmlToAnsi()Converts an HTML formatted text string to the ANSI character set.
HtmlToOem()Converts an HTML formatted text string to the OEM character set
INSearches a value in another value.
INetAccept()Waits for an incoming connection on a server side socket.
INetAddress()Determines the internet address of a remote station.
INetCleanup()Releases memory resources for sockets.
INetClearError()Resets the last error code of a socket.
INetClearPeriodCallback()Voids a callback function for a socket.
INetClearTimeout()Voids a timout value for a socket.
INetClose()Closes a connection on a socket.
INetConnect()Establishes a sockets connection to a server.
INetConnectIP()Establishes a sockets connection to a server using the IP address.
INetCount()Returns the number of bytes transferred in the last sockets operation
INetCreate()Creates a raw, unconnected socket.
INetCRLF()Returns new line characters used in internet communications.
INetDataReady()Tests if incoming data is available to be read.
INetDGram()Creates an unbound datagram oriented socket.
INetDGramBind()Creates a bound datagram oriented socket.
INetDGramRecv()Reads data from a datagram socket.
INetDGramSend()Sends data to a datagram socket.
INetErrorCode()Returns the last sockets error code.
INetErrorDesc()Returns a descriptive error message
INetGetAlias()Retrieves alias names from a server.
INetGetHosts()Queries IP addresses associated with a name.
INetGetPeriodCallback()Queries a callback associated with a socket.
INetGetTimeout()Queries a timout value for a socket.
INetInit()Initializes the sockets subsystem.
INetPort()Determines the port number a socket is connected to.
INetRecv()Reads data from a socket.
INetRecvAll()Reads all data from a socket.
INetRecvEndblock()Reads one block of data until an end-of-block marker is detected.
INetRecvLine()Reads one line of data until CRLF is detected.
INetSend()Sends data to a socket.
INetSendAll()Sends all data to a socket.
INetServer()Creates a server side socket.
INetSetPeriodCallback()Associates callback information with a socket.
INetSetTimeout()Sets a timout value in milliseconds for a socket.
INIT LOGInitializes the Log system and opens requested log channels.
INLINE METHODDeclares and implements an inline method that spans across multiple lines.
IsAffirm()Converts "Yes" in a national language to a logical value.
IsAlNum()Checks if the first character of a string is alpha-numeric.
IsAscii()Checks if the first character of a string is a 7-bit ASCII character.
IsCntrl()Checks if the first character of a string is a control character.
IsDirectory()Checks if a character string contains the name of an existing directory.
IsDisk()Verify if a drive is ready
IsGraph()Checks if the first character of a string is a 7-bit graphical ASCII character.
IsLocked()Checks if a record is locked.
IsNegative()Converts "No" in a national language to a logical value.
IsPrint()Checks if the first character of a string is a printable 7-bit ASCII character.
IsPunct()Checks if the first character of a string is a punctuation character.
IsSameThread()Compares two thread handles.
IsSpace()Checks if the first character of a string is a white-space character.
IsValidThread()Checks if an expression is the thread handle of a running thread.
IsXDigit()Checks if the first character of a string is a hexadecimal digit.
JoinThread()Suspends the current thread until a second thread has terminated.
KillAllThreads()Kills all running threads except for the main thread.
KillThread()Kills a running thread.
LenNum()Returns the number of characters a numeric value needs for display.
LibFree()Releases a dynamically loaded xHarbour DLL from memory.
LibLoad()Loads an xHarbour DLL file into memory.
LIKECompares a character string with a regular expression.
LoadLibrary()Loads an external DLL file into memory.
LOGSends a message to open log channels.
Memory()Returns memory statistics.
MESSAGEDeclares a message name for a method.
METHOD (declaration)Declares the symbolic name of a method.
METHOD (implementation)Declares the implementation code of a method.
METHOD...OPERATORDeclares a method to be executed with an operator.
METHOD...VIRTUALDeclares a method as virtual.
Minute()Extracts the minute from a DateTime value
NationMsg()Returns application specific messages.
NetAppend()Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area.
NetCommitAll()Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk.
NetDbUse()Opens a database file for shared access in a work area.
NetDelete()Marks records for deletion.
NetError()Determines if a Net*() function has failed.
NetFileLock()Applies a file lock to an open, shared database.
NetFunc()Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires.
NetLock()Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout.
NetOpenFiles()Opens databases and associated index files.
NetRecall()Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion.
NetRecLock()Locks the current record for write access.
Notify()Resumes a single thread blocked by a particular Mutex.
NotifyAll()Resumes all threads blocked by a particular Mutex.
NumAndX()Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values.
NumMirrX()Mirrors bits of a numeric integer value.
NumNotX()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
NumOrX()Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values.
NumRolX()Rotates bits of a numeric integer value to the left.
NumToHex()Converts a numeric value or a pointer to a Hex string.
NumXorX()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric integer values.
OemToHtml()Inserts HTML character entities into an OEM text string.
Ole2TxtError()Returns the last OLE error code as character string.
OleError()Returns the last OLE error code.
OPERATOROverloads an operator and declares a method to be invoked for it.
OrdCount()Determines the number of indexes open in a work area.
OrdCustom()Determines if an index is a custom index.
OrdFindRec()Searches a record number in the controlling index.
OrdKeyRelPos()Returns or sets the relative position of the current record.
OrdSkipRaw()Moves the record pointer via the controlling index.
OrdWildSeek()Searches a value in the controlling index using wild card characters.
Os_IsWin2000()Checks if the application is running on Windows 2000.
Os_IsWin2000_Or_Later()Checks if the application is running on Windows version 2000 or later
Os_IsWin2003()Checks if the application is running on Windows 2003.
Os_IsWin95()Checks if the application is running on Windows 95.
Os_IsWin98()Checks if the application is running on Windows 98.
Os_IsWin9X()Checks if the application is running on a Windows 9x platform.
Os_IsWinME()Checks if the application is running on Windows ME.
Os_IsWinNT()Checks if the application is running on a Windows NT platform.
Os_IsWinNT351()Checks if the application is running on Windows NT 3.51.
Os_IsWinNT4()Checks if the application is running on Windows NT 4.0.
Os_IsWinVista()Checks if the application is running on Windows Vista.
Os_IsWinXP()Checks if the application is running on Windows XP.
Os_IsWtsClient()Checks if the application is running on a Windows Terminal Server client.
Os_NetRegOk()Checks for correct network registry settings on Windows platforms.
OS_NetVRedirOk()Checks for the correct VREDIR.VXD file.
Os_VersionInfo()Retrieves specific version information about the operating system.
OVERRIDE METHODReplaces a method in an existing class.
pragma pack()Defines the byte alignment for the next structure declaration.
PrgExpToVal()Converts a character string obtained from ValToPrgExp() back to the original data type.
PrinterExists()Checks if a particular printer is installed.
PrinterPortToName()Retrieves the name of the printer connected to a printer port.
PrintFileRaw()Prints a file to a Windows printer in RAW mode.
ProcFile()Determines the current PRG source code file.
PROTECTED:Declares the PROTECTED attribute for a group of member variables and methods.
PValue()Retrieves the value of a parameter passed to a function, method or procedure.
QueryRegistry()Checks if a particular registry key with specified value exists.
RAscan()Searches a value in an array beginning with the last element.
RddInfo()Queries and/or changes configuration data of RDDs.
RddRegister()Registers a user defined Replaceable Database Driver (RDD).
Scrollfixed()Scrolls a screen region horizontally and/or vertically.
SecondsCpu()Returns the CPU time used by the current process.
SecondsSleep()Suspends thread execution for a number of seconds.
SET AUTOPENToggles automatic opening of a structural index file.
SET AUTORDERDefines the default controlling index for automatically opened index files.
SET AUTOSHAREDefines network detection for shared file access.
SET BACKGROUND TASKSEnables or disables the activity of background tasks.
SET BACKGROUNDTICKDefines the processing interval for background tasks.
SET DBFLOCKSCHEMESelects the locking scheme for shared database access.
SET DIRCASESpecifies how directories are accessed on disk.
SET DIRSEPARATORSpecifies the default separator for directories.
SET EOLDefines the end-of-line character(s) for ASCII text files.
SET ERRORLOGDefines the default error log file.
SET ERRORLOOPDefines the maximum recursion depth for error handling.
SET FILECASESpecifies how files are accessed on disk.
SET HARDCOMMITToggles immediate committing of changes to record buffers.
SET LOG STYLESelects a style for logging data to log channels.
SET STRICTREADToggles read optimization for database access.
SET TIMESpecifies the time format for input and display.
SET TRACEToggles output of function TraceLog().
SetErrorMode()Queries or changes the behavior with operating system errors.
SetLastError()Sets a numeric value as last error code.
SetNetDelay()Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions.
SetNetMsgColor()Queries or changes the color for displaying failure messages of Net*() functions.
SetNewDate()Changes the system date from Numeric values.
SetNewTime()Changes the system time from Numeric values.
SetRegistry()Creates a key/value pair in the registry.
SinH()Calculates the hyperbolic sine.
StartThread()Starts a new thread.
StopThread()Stops a thread from outside.
StoT()Converts a "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc" formatted string to a DateTime value
Strdel()Deletes characters from a string based on a mask string.
StringToLiteral()Creates a literal character string from a string.
StrToHex()Converts a character string to a Hex string.
Subscribe()Subscribes for notifications on a Mutex.
SubscribeNow()Subscribes for notifications on a Mutex and discards pending notifications.
SWITCHExecutes one or more blocks of statements.
TanH()Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.
TBMouse()Moves the browse cursor to the mouse pointer.
ThreadSleep()Puts a thread to sleep.
Throw()Throws an exception.
THtmlCleanup()Releases memory tables required for HTML classes.
THtmlDocument()Creates a new THtmlDocument object.
THtmlInit()Initializes memory tables required for HTML classes.
THtmlIsValid()Validates a HTML tag name and attribute.
THtmlIterator()Creates a new THtmlIterator object.
THtmlIteratorRegEx()Creates a new THtmlIteratorRegEx object.
THtmlIteratorScan()Creates a new THtmlIteratorScan object.
THtmlNode()Creates a new THtmlNode object.
TIpClient()Abstract class for internet communication.
TIpClientFtp()Creates a new TIpClientFtp object.
TIpClientHttp()Creates a new TIpClientHttp object.
TIpClientPop()Creates a new TIpClientPop object.
TIpClientSmtp()Creates a new TIpClientSmtp object.
TIpMail()Creates a new TIpMail object.
TokenExit()Releases memory resources of the global tokenizer environment.
TokenNum()Returns the number of tokens in a tokenizer environment.
TraceLog()Traces and logs the contents of one or more variables.
TRY...CATCHDeclares a control structure for error handling.
TStream()Abstract class for low-level file data streams.
TStreamFileReader()Creates a new TStreamFileReader object.
TStreamFileWriter()Creates a new TStreamFileWriter object.
TtoC()Converts a DateTime value to a character string in SET DATE and SET TIME format.
TtoS()Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc format.
TUrl()Creates a new TUrl object.
TXmlDocument()Creates a new TXmlDocument object.
TXmlIterator()Creates a new TXmlIterator object.
TXmlIteratorRegEx()Creates a new TXmlIteratorRegEx object.
TXmlIteratorScan()Creates a new TXmlIteratorScan object.
TXmlNode()Creates a new TXmlNode object.
typedef structDeclares a new structure in C syntax.
UsrRdd_AreaData()Queries or attaches user-defined data to a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_AreaResult()Queries the result of the last operation of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_ID()Queries the ID of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_RddData()Queries or attaches user-defined data a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetBof()Sets the BoF() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetBottom()Defines the bottom scope value for a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetEof()Sets the Eof() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetFound()Sets the Found() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetTop()Defines the top value for a work area of a user-defined RDD.
ValToPrg()Converts a value to PRG code.
ValToPrgExp()Converts a value to a character string holding a macro-expression.
VARDeclares an instance variable of a class.
WaitForThreads()Suspends the current thread until all other threads have terminated.
Wild2RegEx()Converts a character string including wild card characters to a regular expression.
WildMatch()Tests if a string begins with a search pattern.
Win32Bmp()Creates a new Win32Bmp object.
Win32Prn()Creates a new Win32Prn object.
WInfo()Returns all coordinates of the current window.
WITH OBJECTIdentifies an object to receive multiple messages.
WMSetPos()Moves the mouse cursor to a new position in a window.
WSetMouse()Determines the visibility and/or position of the mouse cursor.
WStack()Returns window IDs of all open windows.
[ ] (string)Character operator (unary): retrieves a character from a string.
ˆˆBitwise XOR operator (binary): performs a logical XOR operation.
{=>}Literal hash.
{ˆ }Literal DateTime value.
| (bitwise OR)Bitwise OR operator (binary): performs a logical OR operation.

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