xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded external library.
DllCall( <cDllFile>|<nDllHandle>, ; [<nCallingConvention>] , ; <cFuncName>|<nOrdinal> , ; [<xParams,...>] ) --> nResult
Calling conventions
Constant | Value | Description |
DC_CALL_CDECL | 0x0010 | C calling convention (__cdecl) |
DC_CALL_STD *) | 0x0020 | Standard convention for WinAPI (__stdcall) |
*) default |
The function returns the result of the called DLL function as a numeric value.
Function DllCall() can be used to execute functions located in DLL files which are not created by the xHarbour compiler and linker. This allows for executing functions residing in system DLLs of the operating system or Third Party producers, for example.
The DLL that contains a function is either specified by its numeric DLL handle, or by its symbolic file name. In the latter case, DllCall() loads the library, executes the function and frees the library when the function has returned. When a numeric DLL handle is specified, the DLL is already loaded by LoadLibrary(), and it remains loaded when the DLL function is complete. The DLL must then be released explicitely with FreeLibrary().
When more than three parameters are specified, all <xParams,...> are passed on to the DLL function. However, since xHarbour has its own data types and more of them are available than in the C language, only values of a restricted number of data types can be passed. The values are converted to corresponding C data types.
Data type conversion
PRG level | C level |
Character | *char |
C structure | *void |
Date | DWORD |
Logical | DWORD |
Numeric | |
- Integer | DWORD |
- Decimal number | double |
Pointer | *void |
If other xHarbour data types are passed to DllCall(), a runtime error is generated.
Note: many Windows API functions are available as a Unicode and an Ansi version. If this is the case, DllCall() uses the Ansi version of the WinAPI function.
See also: | CallDll(), DllExecuteCall(), DllPrepareCall(), FreeLibrary(), GetProcAddress(), GetLastError(), LoadLibrary() |
Category: | DLL functions , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | rtl\dllcall.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example outlines how a Windows API function can be wrapped // within an xHarbour function without reverting to xHarbour's // extend API. The GetVolumeInformation() wrapper obtains only // the volume name and serial number. Other information available // from the WinAPI function is ignored. Note that the "out" // parameters of the API must be passed by reference to DllCall(). #define DC_CALL_STD 0x0020 #define MAX_PATH 260 PROCEDURE Main LOCAL cDrive := "D:\" LOCAL cVolName, cVolSerial cVolName := GetVolumeInformation( cDrive, @cVolSerial ) ? cVolName // result: BACKUP ? cVolSerial // result: 584C:2AE1 RETURN FUNCTION GetVolumeInformation( cVolume, cSerial ) LOCAL cVolumeName := Replicate( Chr(0), MAX_PATH+1 ) LOCAL nNameSize := Len( cVolumeName ) LOCAL nResult cSerial := U2Bin(0) nResult := ; // * C prototype * DllCall( ; "Kernel32.dll" , ; // DLL to call DC_CALL_STD , ; // calling vonvention "GetVolumeInformation" , ; // BOOL GetVolumeInformation( cVolume , ; // LPCTSTR lpRootPathName , @cVolumeName , ; // LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer , nNameSize , ; // DWORD nVolumeNameSize , @cSerial , ; // LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber , 0 , ; // LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength , 0 , ; // LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags , 0 , ; // LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer , 0 ) // DWORD nFileSystemNameSize ) // format serial number as FFFF:FFFF cSerial := NumToHex( Bin2U(cSerial), 8 ) cSerial := Stuff( cSerial, 5, 0, ":" ) RETURN Left( cVolumeName, At( Chr(0), cVolumeName ) - 1 )