xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Creates a new, physically sorted database.
DbSort( <cDatabase>, ;
<aFields> , ;
[<bFor>] , ;
[<bWhile>] , ;
[<nNext>] , ;
[<nRecord>] , ;
[<lRest>] ) --> lSuccess
- <cDatabase>
- This is a character string holding the name of the database file to create. It
can include path and file extension. When no path is given, the file is created
in the current directory. The default file extension is DBF.
- <aFields>
- A one dimensional array holding the names of database fields to sort must be
specified. Each element of the array holds a character string with a field name.
The character string may be extended by a flag specifying the sort order.
/A is the ascending flag (default), /D means descending sort, and /C is relevant
for case insensitive sorting of character fields.
- <bFor>
- This is an optional code block which must return a logical value.
The sorted records are added to the target database when <bFor> yields .T. (true), otherwise
they are ignored.
- <bWhile>
- This is an optional code block which must return a logical value. DbSort() returns
immediately as soon as <bWhile> yields .F. (false).
- <nNext>
- An optional numeric parameter restricting the number of records to sort
to <nNext>, beginning with the current record.
- <nRecord>
- Only a single record is processed when the record number <nRecord> is
- <lRest>
- An optional logical value that defaults to .F. (false). Specifying .T. (true) causes
DbList() to start output with the current record and continue until the end of file is
The function returns .T. (true) on success, and .F. (false) on failure.
DbSort() is the functional equivalent of the SORT command. Refer to SORT
for a detailed description of sorting records into a new database file.
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