Category > Database functions xHarbour Developers Network  

Alias()Returns the alias name of a work area.
BlobDirectExport()Exports the contents of a binary large object (BLOB) to a file.
BlobDirectGet()Loads data of a binary large object (BLOB) into memory.
BlobDirectImport()Imports a file into a binary large object (BLOB).
BlobDirectPut()Assigns data to a binary large object (BLOB).
BlobExport()Exports the contents of a memo field holding a binary large object (BLOB) to a file.
BlobGet()Reads the contents of a memo field holding a binary large object (BLOB).
BlobImport()Imports a file into a memo field.
BlobRootDelete()Deleted the root area of a BLOB file.
BlobRootGet()Retrieves data from the root area of a BLOB file.
BlobRootLock()Places a lock on the root area of a BLOB file.
BlobRootPut()Stores data in the root area of a BLOB file.
BlobRootUnlock()Releases the lock on the root area of a BLOB file.
BoF()Determines if the record pointer reached the begin-of-file boundary.
Browse()Browse a database file
DbAppend()Appends a new record to a database open in a work area.
DbClearFilter()Clears the current filter condition in a work area.
DbClearIndex()Closes all indexes open in the current work area.
DbClearRelation()Clears all active relations in a work area.
DbCloseAll()Close all open files in all work areas.
DbCloseArea()Closes a database file in a work area.
DbCommit()Writes database and index buffers to disk.
DbCommitAll()Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk.
DbCopyExtStruct()Creates a structure extended database file.
DbCopyStruct()Creates a new database based on the current database structure.
DbCreate()Creates an empty database from a structure definition array.
DbCreateIndex()Creates a new index and/or index file.
DbDelete()Marks records for deletion.
DbEdit()Browse records in a table.
DbEval()Evaluates a code block in a work area.
Dbf()Retrieves the alias name of the current work area.
DbFieldInfo()Retrieves information about a database field
DbFileGet()Copies data from a field into an external file.
DbFilePut()Copies the contents of an external file into a field.
DbFilter()Returns the filter expression of a work area-
DbfSize()Returns the size of a database file in memory that is opened in a workarea.
DbGoBottom()Moves the record pointer to last record.
DbGoto()Positions the record pointer on a particular record.
DbGoTop()Moves the record pointer to first record.
DbInfo()Queries and/or changes information about a database file open in a work area.
DbJoin()Merges records of two work areas into a new database.
Dblist()Displays records of a work area to the console, printer or file.
DbOrderInfo()Queries and/or changes information about indexes open in a work area.
DbRecall()Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion.
DbRecordInfo()Queries and/or changes information about a record of an open database file.
DbReindex()Rebuilds indexes open in a work area.
DbRelation()Returns the linking expression of a specified relation.
DbRLock()Locks a record for write access.
DbRLockList()Returns a list of locked records.
DbRSelect()Returns the child work area number of a relation.
DbRUnlock()Unlocks a record based on its indentifier.
DbSeek()Searches a value in the controlling index.
DbSelectArea()Selects the current work area.
DbSetDriver()Retrieves and/or selects the default replaceable database driver.
DbSetFilter()Defines a filter condition for a work area.
DbSetIndex()Opens an index file.
DbSetOrder()Selects the controlling index.
DbSetRelation()Relates a child work area with a parent work area.
DbSkip()Moves the record pointer in a work area.
DbSkipper()Helper function for browse objects to skip a database
DbSort()Creates a new, physically sorted database.
DbStruct()Loads structural information of a database into an array.
DbTableExt()Retrieves the default database file extension of the current RDD.
DbTotal()Creates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression.
DbUnlock()Releases file and all record locks in a work area.
DbUnlockAll()Unlocks all records and releases all file locks in all work areas.
DbUpdate()Updates records in the current work area from a second work area.
DbUseArea()Opens a database file in a work area.
Deleted()Queries the Deleted flag of the current record
Eof()Determines when the end-of-file is reached.
FieldBlock()Creates a set/get code block for a field variable
FieldGet()Retrieves the value of a field variable by its ordinal position.
FieldName()Retrieves the name of a field variable by its ordinal position.
FieldPos()Retrieves the ordinal position of a field variable by its name.
FieldPut()Assigns a value to a field variable by its ordinal position.
FieldWBlock()Creates a set/get code block for a field variable in a particular work area.
FLock()Applies a file lock to an open, shared database.
Found()Checks if the last database search operation was successful
Header()Returns the size of the database file header.
HS_Add()Adds a text string entry to a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Close()Closes a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Create()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Delete()Marks an index entry as deleted in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Filter()Uses a HiPer-SEEK index file as filter for a work area
HS_IfDel()Checks if a HiPer-SEEK index entry is marked as deleted
HS_Index()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file and fills it with index entries.
HS_KeyCount()Returns the number of index entries in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Next()Searches a HiPer-SEEK index file for a matching index entry.
HS_Open()Opens a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Replace()Changes a HiPer-SEEK index entry.
HS_Set()Defines a search string for subsequent HS_Next() calls.
HS_Undelete()Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Verify()Verifies a HS_Next() match against the index key.
HS_Version()Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions.
IndexExt()Retrieves the default index file extension in a work area.
IndexKey()Returns the index expression of an open index.
IndexOrd()Returns the ordinal position of the controlling index in a work area.
LastRec()Returns the number of records available in a work area.
LUpdate()Returns the last modification date of a database open in a work area.
NetAppend()Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area.
NetCommitAll()Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk.
NetDbUse()Opens a database file for shared access in a work area.
NetDelete()Marks records for deletion.
NetErr()Determines if a database command has failed in network operation.
NetError()Determines if a Net*() function has failed.
NetFileLock()Applies a file lock to an open, shared database.
NetFunc()Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires.
NetLock()Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout.
NetOpenFiles()Opens databases and associated index files.
NetRecall()Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion.
NetRecLock()Locks the current record for write access.
OrdBagExt()Retrieves the default extension for index files.
OrdBagName()Retrieves the file name of an open index.
OrdCondSet()Sets the conditions for index creation.
OrdCount()Determines the number of indexes open in a work area.
OrdCreate()Creates a new index.
OrdCustom()Determines if an index is a custom index.
OrdDescend()Determines the navigational order of a work area.
OrdDestroy()Deletes an index from an index file.
OrdFindRec()Searches a record number in the controlling index.
OrdFor()Retrieves the FOR expression of an index.
OrdIsUnique()Retrieves the UNIQUE flag of an index.
OrdKey()Returns the key expression of an index.
OrdKeyAdd()Adds an index key to a custom built index.
OrdKeyCount()Retrieves the total number of keys included in an index.
OrdKeyDel()Removes an index key from a custom built index.
OrdKeyGoTo()Moves the record pointer to a logical record number.
OrdKeyNo()Returns the logical record number of the current record.
OrdKeyRelPos()Returns or sets the relative position of the current record.
OrdKeyVal()Retrieves the index value of the current record from the controlling index.
OrdListAdd()Opens and optionally activates a new index in a work area.
OrdListClear()Closes all indexes open in a work area.
OrdListRebuild()Rebuilds all indexes open in the current work area
OrdName()Returns the symbolic name of an open index by its ordinal position.
OrdNumber()Returns the ordinal position of an open index by its symbolic name.
OrdScope()Defines the top and/or bottom scope for navigating in the controlling index.
OrdSetFocus()Sets focus to the controlling index in a work area
OrdSetRelation()Defines a scoped relation between child work area and parent work area.
OrdSkipRaw()Moves the record pointer via the controlling index.
OrdSkipUnique()Navigates to the next or previous record that has another index value.
OrdWildSeek()Searches a value in the controlling index using wild card characters.
RecCount()Returns the number of records available in a work area.
RecNo()Retrieves the number of the current record in a work area.
RecSize()Retrieves the number of bytes required to store a database record.
RLock()Locks the current record for concurrent write access in a work area.
Select()Retrieves the work area number by alias name.
SetNetDelay()Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions.
Used()Determines if a database file is open in a work area.

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