Item | Description |
Alias() | Returns the alias name of a work area. |
BlobDirectExport() | Exports the contents of a binary large object (BLOB) to a file. |
BlobDirectGet() | Loads data of a binary large object (BLOB) into memory. |
BlobDirectImport() | Imports a file into a binary large object (BLOB). |
BlobDirectPut() | Assigns data to a binary large object (BLOB). |
BlobExport() | Exports the contents of a memo field holding a binary large object (BLOB) to a file. |
BlobGet() | Reads the contents of a memo field holding a binary large object (BLOB). |
BlobImport() | Imports a file into a memo field. |
BlobRootDelete() | Deleted the root area of a BLOB file. |
BlobRootGet() | Retrieves data from the root area of a BLOB file. |
BlobRootLock() | Places a lock on the root area of a BLOB file. |
BlobRootPut() | Stores data in the root area of a BLOB file. |
BlobRootUnlock() | Releases the lock on the root area of a BLOB file. |
BoF() | Determines if the record pointer reached the begin-of-file boundary. |
Browse() | Browse a database file |
DbAppend() | Appends a new record to a database open in a work area. |
DbClearFilter() | Clears the current filter condition in a work area. |
DbClearIndex() | Closes all indexes open in the current work area. |
DbClearRelation() | Clears all active relations in a work area. |
DbCloseAll() | Close all open files in all work areas. |
DbCloseArea() | Closes a database file in a work area. |
DbCommit() | Writes database and index buffers to disk. |
DbCommitAll() | Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk. |
DbCopyExtStruct() | Creates a structure extended database file. |
DbCopyStruct() | Creates a new database based on the current database structure. |
DbCreate() | Creates an empty database from a structure definition array. |
DbCreateIndex() | Creates a new index and/or index file. |
DbDelete() | Marks records for deletion. |
DbEdit() | Browse records in a table. |
DbEval() | Evaluates a code block in a work area. |
Dbf() | Retrieves the alias name of the current work area. |
DbFieldInfo() | Retrieves information about a database field |
DbFileGet() | Copies data from a field into an external file. |
DbFilePut() | Copies the contents of an external file into a field. |
DbFilter() | Returns the filter expression of a work area- |
DbfSize() | Returns the size of a database file in memory that is opened in a workarea. |
DbGoBottom() | Moves the record pointer to last record. |
DbGoto() | Positions the record pointer on a particular record. |
DbGoTop() | Moves the record pointer to first record. |
DbInfo() | Queries and/or changes information about a database file open in a work area. |
DbJoin() | Merges records of two work areas into a new database. |
Dblist() | Displays records of a work area to the console, printer or file. |
DbOrderInfo() | Queries and/or changes information about indexes open in a work area. |
DbRecall() | Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion. |
DbRecordInfo() | Queries and/or changes information about a record of an open database file. |
DbReindex() | Rebuilds indexes open in a work area. |
DbRelation() | Returns the linking expression of a specified relation. |
DbRLock() | Locks a record for write access. |
DbRLockList() | Returns a list of locked records. |
DbRSelect() | Returns the child work area number of a relation. |
DbRUnlock() | Unlocks a record based on its indentifier. |
DbSeek() | Searches a value in the controlling index. |
DbSelectArea() | Selects the current work area. |
DbSetDriver() | Retrieves and/or selects the default replaceable database driver. |
DbSetFilter() | Defines a filter condition for a work area. |
DbSetIndex() | Opens an index file. |
DbSetOrder() | Selects the controlling index. |
DbSetRelation() | Relates a child work area with a parent work area. |
DbSkip() | Moves the record pointer in a work area. |
DbSkipper() | Helper function for browse objects to skip a database |
DbSort() | Creates a new, physically sorted database. |
DbStruct() | Loads structural information of a database into an array. |
DbTableExt() | Retrieves the default database file extension of the current RDD. |
DbTotal() | Creates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression. |
DbUnlock() | Releases file and all record locks in a work area. |
DbUnlockAll() | Unlocks all records and releases all file locks in all work areas. |
DbUpdate() | Updates records in the current work area from a second work area. |
DbUseArea() | Opens a database file in a work area. |
Deleted() | Queries the Deleted flag of the current record |
Eof() | Determines when the end-of-file is reached. |
FieldBlock() | Creates a set/get code block for a field variable |
FieldGet() | Retrieves the value of a field variable by its ordinal position. |
FieldName() | Retrieves the name of a field variable by its ordinal position. |
FieldPos() | Retrieves the ordinal position of a field variable by its name. |
FieldPut() | Assigns a value to a field variable by its ordinal position. |
FieldWBlock() | Creates a set/get code block for a field variable in a particular work area. |
FLock() | Applies a file lock to an open, shared database. |
Found() | Checks if the last database search operation was successful |
Header() | Returns the size of the database file header. |
HS_Add() | Adds a text string entry to a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Close() | Closes a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Create() | Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Delete() | Marks an index entry as deleted in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Filter() | Uses a HiPer-SEEK index file as filter for a work area |
HS_IfDel() | Checks if a HiPer-SEEK index entry is marked as deleted |
HS_Index() | Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file and fills it with index entries. |
HS_KeyCount() | Returns the number of index entries in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Next() | Searches a HiPer-SEEK index file for a matching index entry. |
HS_Open() | Opens a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Replace() | Changes a HiPer-SEEK index entry. |
HS_Set() | Defines a search string for subsequent HS_Next() calls. |
HS_Undelete() | Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Verify() | Verifies a HS_Next() match against the index key. |
HS_Version() | Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions. |
IndexExt() | Retrieves the default index file extension in a work area. |
IndexKey() | Returns the index expression of an open index. |
IndexOrd() | Returns the ordinal position of the controlling index in a work area. |
LastRec() | Returns the number of records available in a work area. |
LUpdate() | Returns the last modification date of a database open in a work area. |
NetAppend() | Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area. |
NetCommitAll() | Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk. |
NetDbUse() | Opens a database file for shared access in a work area. |
NetDelete() | Marks records for deletion. |
NetErr() | Determines if a database command has failed in network operation. |
NetError() | Determines if a Net*() function has failed. |
NetFileLock() | Applies a file lock to an open, shared database. |
NetFunc() | Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires. |
NetLock() | Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout. |
NetOpenFiles() | Opens databases and associated index files. |
NetRecall() | Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion. |
NetRecLock() | Locks the current record for write access. |
OrdBagExt() | Retrieves the default extension for index files. |
OrdBagName() | Retrieves the file name of an open index. |
OrdCondSet() | Sets the conditions for index creation. |
OrdCount() | Determines the number of indexes open in a work area. |
OrdCreate() | Creates a new index. |
OrdCustom() | Determines if an index is a custom index. |
OrdDescend() | Determines the navigational order of a work area. |
OrdDestroy() | Deletes an index from an index file. |
OrdFindRec() | Searches a record number in the controlling index. |
OrdFor() | Retrieves the FOR expression of an index. |
OrdIsUnique() | Retrieves the UNIQUE flag of an index. |
OrdKey() | Returns the key expression of an index. |
OrdKeyAdd() | Adds an index key to a custom built index. |
OrdKeyCount() | Retrieves the total number of keys included in an index. |
OrdKeyDel() | Removes an index key from a custom built index. |
OrdKeyGoTo() | Moves the record pointer to a logical record number. |
OrdKeyNo() | Returns the logical record number of the current record. |
OrdKeyRelPos() | Returns or sets the relative position of the current record. |
OrdKeyVal() | Retrieves the index value of the current record from the controlling index. |
OrdListAdd() | Opens and optionally activates a new index in a work area. |
OrdListClear() | Closes all indexes open in a work area. |
OrdListRebuild() | Rebuilds all indexes open in the current work area |
OrdName() | Returns the symbolic name of an open index by its ordinal position. |
OrdNumber() | Returns the ordinal position of an open index by its symbolic name. |
OrdScope() | Defines the top and/or bottom scope for navigating in the controlling index. |
OrdSetFocus() | Sets focus to the controlling index in a work area |
OrdSetRelation() | Defines a scoped relation between child work area and parent work area. |
OrdSkipRaw() | Moves the record pointer via the controlling index. |
OrdSkipUnique() | Navigates to the next or previous record that has another index value. |
OrdWildSeek() | Searches a value in the controlling index using wild card characters. |
RecCount() | Returns the number of records available in a work area. |
RecNo() | Retrieves the number of the current record in a work area. |
RecSize() | Retrieves the number of bytes required to store a database record. |
RLock() | Locks the current record for concurrent write access in a work area. |
Select() | Retrieves the work area number by alias name. |
SetNetDelay() | Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions. |
Used() | Determines if a database file is open in a work area. |