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Searches a value in the controlling index.


DbSeek( <xValue>, [<lSoftSeek>], [<lFindLast>] ) --> lFound


The value to search for. Its data type must match the data type of the index expression of the controlling index.
This optional value defaults to .F. (false) causing the DbSeek() function to position the record pointer at Eof() if <xValue> is not found in the index. When .T. (true) is passed for <lSoftSeek> and <xValue> is not found in the index, the record pointer is positioned on the record with the next higher index value.
<lFindLast> is only relevant when the database contains multiple records having identical index values. It defaults to .F. (false) causing the DbSeek() function to position the record pointer on the first record found. .T. (true) instructs DbSeek() to position the record pointer on the last of multiple records having the same index value.


DbSeek() returns .T. (true) if <xValue> is found, otherwise .F. (false).


The DbSeek() function is used to perform fast searches in databases. To accomplish this, the database must be indexed, since DbSeek() searches the value <xValue> in the controlling index, rather than in the database. It operates in the current work area, unless it is used in an aliased expression.

When DbSeek() finds <xValue> in the controlling index, it returns .T. (true) and positions the record pointer to the corresponding record. The parameter <lFindLast> optionally specifies which record to find if there are multiple records having the same index value. By default, the first record is found. If <lFindLast> is .T. (true), DbSeek() positions the record pointer on the last of the records having identical index values.

After a successful search, the function Found() returns .T. (true) until the record pointer is moved again. In addition, both functions, BoF() and EoF() return .F. (false).

If the searched value is not found, DbSeek() positions the record pointer on the "ghost record" (Lastrec()+1) by default, and the function Found() returns .F. (false), while Eof() returns .T. (true). This behavior, however, depends on the SET SOFTSEEK setting, or the parameter <lSoftSeek>, respectively. If SOFTSEEK is set to ON, or <lSoftSeek> is .T. (true), the record pointer is moved to the record yielding the next higher index value. If such a record exists, both functions, Found() and Eof() return .F. (false). If no record with a higher index value than <xValue> exists, the record pointer ends up at the "ghost record" (see above).


See also:BoF(), DbGoBottom(), DbGoTop(), DbSkip(), Eof(), Found(), LOCATE, OrdFindRec(), OrdKeyGoto(), OrdWildSeek(), SEEK
Category: Database functions , Index functions


// The example outlines various possibilities of searching a value
// with DbSeek() and the resulting states of Found() and Eof().

      USE Customer NEW
      INDEX ON Upper(Lastname+Firstname) TO Cust01

      // standard search
      ? DbSeek( "GRAY" )                  // result: .T.
      ? Found(), Eof()                    // result: .T.  .F.
      ? Lastname, Firstname               // result: Gray       Eileen

      // find last matching record
      ? DbSeek( "GRAY", .F., .T. )        // result: .T.
      ? Found(), Eof()                    // result: .T.  .F.
      ? Lastname, Firstname               // result: Gray       Robert

      // no matching record
      ? DbSeek( "Gray" )                  // result: .F.
      ? Found(), Eof()                    // result: .F.  .T.
      ? Lastname, Firstname               // result: (empty string)

      // no matching record, with softseek
      ? DbSeek( "GREGOR", .T. )           // result: .F.
      ? Found(), Eof()                    // result: .F.  .F.
      ? Lastname, Firstname               // result: Hellstrom  Eric


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