xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Determines when the end-of-file is reached.
Eof() --> lIsEndOfFile
The function returns .T. (true) when the record pointer in a work area has reached the end of file, otherwise .F. (false).
The Eof() function indicates if the record pointer has reached the logical end-of-file mark during database navigation. The end-of-file mark is a state variable that exists for each work area. Eof() operates in the current work area unless it is used within an aliased expression.
The Eof() state of a work area is evaluated each time the record pointer is moved with commands like SKIP, SEEK or LOCATE or their functional equivalents. When Eof() returns .T. (true), this value is retained until the record pointer is moved to a different record, or a new record is appended.
Note that Eof() is always .T. (true) when a database has no records, and it returns always .F. (false) when a work area is not in use.
See also: | Bof(), DbSeek(), DbSkip(), DO WHILE, Found(), GO, LastRec(), LOCATE, RecNo(), SEEK, SKIP |
Category: | Database functions |
Source: | rdd\dbcmd.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example illustrates the Eof() state of a work area during // physical and logical record pointer movement. #include "Ord.ch" PROCEDURE Main LOCAL nCount := 0 USE Customer INDEX ON Upper(LastName+FirstName) TO Cust01 ? Eof(), LastName // result: .F. Alberts // physical movement of record pointer GOTO 200 ? Eof(), nCount, Recno() // result: .F. 0 200 // logical movement of record pointer DO WHILE .NOT.EoF() SKIP nCount ++ ENDDO // Note: from record #10 we skipped 45 records // to hit end-of-file, and ended up at record #220 // That's because the database is indexed. ? EoF(), nCount, Recno() // result: .T. 220 225 ? EoF(), Empty(LastName) // result: .T. .T. SKIP 0 ? EoF(), Empty(LastName) // result: .T. .T. SKIP -1 ? EoF(), LastName // result: .F. Waters SET SCOPETOP TO "G" // restrict logical navigation SET SCOPEBOTTOM TO "M" // restrict logical navigation GO BOTTOM ? EoF(), LastName // result: .F. Miller SKIP // EoF reached due to scope ? EoF(), LastName // result: .T. (empty) CLOSE Customer RETURN