xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Sets the conditions for index creation.
OrdCondSet( [<cForCondition>] , ;
[<bForCondition>] , ;
[<lAllRecords>] , ;
[<bWhileCondition>], ;
[<bEval>] , ;
[<nInterval>] , ;
[<nStart>] , ;
[<nNext>] , ;
[<nRecord>] , ;
[<lRest>] , ;
[<lDescend>] , ;
[<reserved>] , ;
[<lAdditive>] , ;
[<lCurrent>] , ;
[<lCustom>] , ;
[<lNoOptimize>] , ;
[<cWhileCondition>], ;
[<lTemporary>] , ;
[<lUseFilter>] , ;
[<lExclusive>] ) --> lSucces
- <cForCondition>
- A character string holding the FOR expression for the index to create. This string
is stored in the index file header and can later be retrieved using the
OrdFor() function. Pass an empty string ("") if the index is
created without a FOR condition.
The FOR expression cannot exceed 250 characters in length. RDDs that do not
support a FOR condition when creating indexes generate a runtime error when
this parameter is used.
- <bForCondition>
- A code block specifying the FOR expression, or NIL if no FOR expression is
used. The code block expression must be identical with the expression specified
as a character string <cForCondition>. The code block is evaluated for all records in
the current work area. Those records where <bForCondition> yields .T. (true)
are included in the index.
- <lAll>
- If .T. (true) is passed, all records in the current work area are indexed.
The default value is .F. (false) so that the scope for indexing can be
narrowed with the parameters <nRecord> or <lRest>.
- <bWhileCondition>
- A code block containing a logical expression, or NIL if no WHILE condition
is used. The index creation continues while the code block returns .T. (true).
Index creation is terminated as soon as <bWhileCondition> yields .F. (false).
<bWhileCondition> changes the default scope to <lRest>. The code block is
only used during index creation and not stored in the index file.
- <bEval>
- A code block that is evaluated every <nInterval> records. It is normally
used to inform the user about indexing progress and must return a logical value.
The indexing operation continues as long as Eval(<bBlock>) returns .T. (true). The
operation is stopped when Eval(<bBlock>) returns .F. (false).
- <nInterval>
- This is a numeric value specifying the number of records to index before the
code block <bEval> is called. The default value is 0, so that <bEval> is
called for every record.
- <nStart>
- This is a numeric value specifying the record number to begin the index creation
with. The default value is 0, i.e. indexing begins with the first record.
- <nNext>
- A numeric value restricting the number of records to evaluate during index creation
to <nNext>. The default value is 0, i.e. there is no restriction.
- <nRecord>
- A numeric value specifying the record number of a single record to add to the
index. The default value is 0, i.e. the single record scope is ignored.
- <lRest>
- If .T. (true) is passed, only the records from <nStart> to the end of file are
processed. Passing .F. (false) processes all records. The default value is .T. (true).
- <lDescend>
- The default value for <lDescend> is .F. (false), resulting in records being added
to the index in ascending order. If .T. (true) is passed, a descending index is
- <reserved>
- This parameter is reserved for future use.
- <lAdditive>
- If .T. (true) is passed, an index is created in addition to open indexes. The
default value is .F. (false) causing all indexes open in the work area being
closed before the new index is created.
- <lCurrent>
- Passing .T. (true) for <lCurrent> instructs the RDD to use the current logical order
of records for navigating the database during index creation. The logical
order is determined by the controlling index and the OrdScope()
restriction. The default value is .F. (false) so that the records in the
current work area are evaluated in physical order.
- <lCustom>
- If .T. (true) is passed, only an empty index is created that is custom built.
Index entries must be added or deleted explicitely using functions OrdKeyAdd()
and OrdKeyDel(). RDDs that support custom indexes do not add or delete keys
automatically. The default value is .F. (false).
- <lNoOptimize>
- The parameter is only relevant when <bForCondition> is specified. Normally,
the FOR condition is optimized. Passing .T. (true) suppresses optimization.
The default value is .F. (false).
- <cWhileCondition>
- This is an optional character string holding the WHILE expression for the index to create.
- <lTemporary>
- If .T. (true) is passed, a temporary index is created which is automatically
destroyed when the index is closed. The temporary index may be created in memory only or
in a temporary file. This lies in the responsibility of the RDD used for index creation.
- <lUseFilter>
- Passing .T. (true) for <lUseFilter> instructs the RDD to recognize a filter
condition active in the current work area that is set with SET FILTER
or SET DELETED. In this case, filtered records are not included in the
index. The default value is .F. (false) so that a filter condition is not recognized
during index creation.
- <lExclusive>
- If .T. (true) is passed, the index file is created in EXCLUSIVE file access mode.
The default value is .F. (false) so that the index file is created in SHARED mode.
The function returns .T. (true) if the conditions for index creation are set,
otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
The OrdCondSet() function specifies the conditions for index creation
in the current work area. The conditions override default values and
remain active until an index is created. This is accomplished with function
OrdCreate(). Consequently OrdCondSet() is immediately followed
by a call to OrdCreate().
It is recommended to specify index creation conditions using the INDEX
command. This command is preprocessed to OrdCondSet() and OrdCreate(). INDEX is
much more comfortable to use for specifying the numerous function parameters.
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