xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Adds an index key to a custom built index.
OrdKeyAdd( [<nOrder>|<cIndexName>], ; [<cIndexFile>] , ; [<xIndexValue>] ) --> lSuccess
The function returns .T. (true) if the current record is successfully included in the index, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
OrdKeyAdd() is used to build a custom index whose entries are programmatically added and deleted. Custom built indexes are not automatically updated by the RDD but are initially empty. OrdKeyAdd() adds the current record to the custom index and OrdKeyDel() removes it. It is possible to add multiple index values to the index for the same record, so that the same record is found when different search values are passed to DbSeek().
If no parameters are passed, OrdKeyAdd() evaluates the index expresssion with the data of the current record to obtain <xIndexValue>. The record is added to the index when it matches the FOR condition and scoping restrictions, if they are defined. When <xIndexValue> is specified, it must have the same data type as the value of the expression &(OrdKey()).
OrdKeyAdd() fails if the record pointer is positioned on Eof(), if the specified index is not a custom index, or if the specified index does not exist.
This is important when the custom index is the controlling index. Since a custome index is initially empty, relative database navigation with SKIP positions the record pointer always at Eof(). To include records to a controlling custom index, they must be physically navigated to using DbGoto().
The recommended way of creating a custom index is to use a non-custom index as the controlling index, skip through the database and specify <cIndexName> for OrdListAdd() when the current record meets the conditions for being included in the custom index.
See also: | DbOrderInfo(), DbGoto(), INDEX, OrdKey(), OrdKeyDel(), OrdKeyVal() |
Category: | Database functions , Index functions |
Source: | rdd\dbcmd.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example shows two approaches for building a custom index. // In the first approach, the controlling index is a regular index // which allows for relative database navigation. The second approach // uses the custome index as controlling index and requires absolute // database navigation. The first five logical records and physical records // are added to the custome index. REQUEST Dbfcdx PROCEDURE Main USE Customer VIA "DBFCDX" INDEX ON Upper(LastName+FirstName) TAG NAME TO Cust01 INDEX ON Upper(LastName+FirstName) TAG NAMESET TO Cust01t CUSTOM // relative navigation with non-custom index OrdSetFocus( "NAME" ) GO TOP FOR i:=1 TO 5 OrdKeyAdd( "NAMESET" ) SKIP NEXT GO TOP Browse() // absolute navigation with custom index OrdSetFocus( "NAMESET" ) FOR i:=1 TO 5 DbGoto( i ) OrdKeyAdd( "NAMESET" ) NEXT GO TOP Browse() USE RETURN