xHarbour Reference Documentation > Command Reference |
Creates an index and/or index file.
INDEX ON <indexExpr> ;
[TAG <cIndexName>] ;
[TO <cIndexFile>] ;
[FOR <lForCondition>] ;
[WHILE <lWhileCondition>] ;
[ALL] ;
[NEXT <nNumber>] ;
[RECORD <nRecNo>] ;
[REST] ;
[EVAL <bBlock>] ;
[EVERY <nInterval>] ;
Note: the TAG and TO clauses are optional, but
it is necessary to specify at least one of them.
- ON <indexExpr>
- This is an expression which is evaluated for the records in the current work
area. The value of <indexExpr> determines the logical order of records when
the index is the controlling index. The data type of the index may be
Character, Date, Numeric or Logical. The maximum length of an index expression
and its value is determined by the replaceable database driver used to create
the index.
Important: When the index expression yields values of data type Character, the index
value must be of constant length. The functions Trim() or Ltrim() cannot be
used in an index expression since they result in a corrupt index.
- TAG <cIndexName>
- This is the symbolic name of the index to create in an index file.
It can be specified as a literal name or a character expression enclosed
in parentheses.
- TO <cIndexFile>
- <cIndexFile> is the name of the file that stores the new index. The file name
can be specified as a literal name or a character expression enclosed in
parentheses. When the file extension is omitted, it is determined by the
database driver that creates the file.
Although both TAG and TO clauses are optional, at least one of
them must be used.
- FOR <lForCondition>
- This is an optional logical expression which is evaluated for all records in
the current work area. Those records where <lForCondition> yields .T. (true)
are included in the index. The FOR condition is stored in the index file
and is maintained by the database driver when records are updated. That is,
if a record is changed so that it does not match the FOR condition, it is
removed from the index.
The FOR expression cannot exceed 250 characters in length. RDDs that do not
support a FOR condition when creating indexes generate a runtime error when
this option is used.
- WHILE <lWhileCondition>
- This is a logical expression indicating to continue index creation while
the condition is true. The INDEX command stops evaluating records as soon as
<lWhileCondition> yields .F. (false).
Unlike the FOR expression, which is stored in the index file and exists
throughout the lifetime of an index, the WHILE condition is only evaluated
during index creation. It is discarded when the index is complete.
RDDs that do not support a FOR condition when creating indexes generate a
runtime error when this option is used.
- The option specifies that <indexExpr> should be evaluated with all records
in the current work area. It is the default scope option if the INDEX command.
- NEXT <nNumber>
- This option restricts the number of records to evaluate during index creation
to <nNumber>.
- RECORD <nRecNo>
- This option adds only the record with the record number <nRecNo> to the
- The REST scope instructs the database driver to evaluate <indexExpr> for
the records beginning with the current record down to the end of file.
- EVAL <bBlock>
- This parameter is a code block that must return a logical value. The indexing
operation continues as long as Eval(<bBlock>) returns .T. (true). The
operation is stopped when Eval(<bBlock>) returns .F. (false).
The code block is evaluated for each record unless the EVERY option is
specified. It is recommened to use EVERY in conjunction with EVAL.
- EVERY <nInterval>
- This option is a numeric value specifying the number of records after which
the EVAL block is evaluated. This can improve the indexing operation
especially for large databases. EVERY is ignored when no EVAL block is
- The option suppresses inclusion of records that yield duplicate index values.
When an index value exists already in an index, a second record resulting in
the same index value is not added to the index.
- These options are mutually exclusive. They specify if the index is created
in ascending or descending order. If not specified, ASCENDING is the default.
When the ASCENDING or DESCENDING option is not supported by the database
driver, a runtime error is generated.
- The option instructs the database driver to use the current logical order
of records for navigating the database during index creation. The logical
order is determined by the controlling index and the SET SCOPE restriction.
When the USECURRENT clause is omitted, the records in the current work area
are evaluated in physical order.
- The option makes sure that index files remain open during index creation.
If not specified, all files but <cIndexFile> are closed prior to indexing.
- This option creates an empty index that is custom built. Index entries
must be added or deleted explicitely using functions OrdKeyAdd()
and OrdKeyDel(). RDDs that support custom indexes do not add or delete keys
- This specifies a non-optimized FOR condition. If not specified, it
will be optimized if the RDD supports it.
- If this option is specified, a temporary index is created which is automatically
destroyed when the index is closed. The temporary index may be created in memory only or
in a temporary file. This lies in the responsibility of the RDD used for index creation.
- This option instructs the RDD to recognize a filter condition active in the current
work area that is set with SET FILTER or SET DELETED. In this case,
filtered records are not included in the index.
- With this option, the index file is created in EXCLUSIVE file access mode.
By default, the index file is created in SHARED mode.
The INDEX command is used to created indexes and/or index files. An index
is stored in an index file which is maintained separately from a database.
Indexes provide for logical ordering of records in a work area by specifying
the expression <indexExpr>. An index file is created by the INDEX command
and the index expression is evaluated with the records in the current work
area. The resulting index value is stored in sorted order in an index file.
With RDDs that support multiple indexes per index file, such as DBFCDX,
indexes are added to <cIndexFile> when this file is open in the current
work area.
The commands SET INDEX and SET ORDER are used to
open an existing index file and select an index as the controlling one.
When an index is selected as the controlling index, database navigation with
SKIP occurs in logical index order and not in the physical order
of records as they are stored in the database.
Open index files can be re-organized using the REINDEX command. Note, however,
that only the FOR condition and the ASCENDING/DESCENDING option are maintained
with REINDEX. All other options available with the INDEX command are not
used with REINDEX.
See also: | CLOSE, DbOrderInfo(), Descend(), DtoS(), IndexKey(), IndexOrd(), OrdCreate(), OrdKeyNo(), REINDEX, SEEK, SET INDEX, SET ORDER, SORT, USE |
Category: |
Database commands
, Index commands |
Source: | rdd\dbcmd.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example creates three indexes in one index file and
// browses the customer database in the index order LName
RddSetDefault( "DBFCDX" )
USE Customer
INDEX ON Upper(FirstName) TAG FName TO Cust01
INDEX ON Upper(LastName) TAG LName TO Cust01
INDEX ON Upper(City) TAG City TO Cust01
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