xHarbour Reference Documentation > Command Reference |
Creates a new, physically sorted database.
SORT TO <cDatabase> ;
ON <fieldName1> [/[A | D][C]] ;
[, <fieldNameN> [/[A | D][C]]] ;
[<Scope>] ;
[WHILE <lWhileCondition>] ;
[FOR <lForCondition>] ;
[CODEPAGE <cCodePage>] ;
[CONNECTION <nConnection>] ]
- TO <cDatabase>
- This is the name of the database file to create. It can include path and file
extension. When no path is given, the file is created in the current directory.
The default file extension is DBF. <cDatabase> can be specified as a literal
file name or as a character expression enclosed in parentheses.
- ON <fieldName>
- The field names to use from the current work area for the sort operation
must be specified as literal names, or as character expressions
enclosed in parentheses.
- /A | /D
- These flags define the sorting order for a field. /D means Descending.
/A stands for Ascaneding and is the default.
- /C
- This flag is only meaningful for fields of data type Character. If the
flag is used, sorting of character values is case-insensitive.
- <Scope>
- This option defines the number of records to sort. It defaults to ALL.
The NEXT <nCount> scope sorts the next <nCount> records, while the
REST scope sorts records beginning with the current record down to the
end of file.
- WHILE <lWhileCondition>
- This is a logical expression indicating to continue sorting while
the condition is true. The SORT command stops processing as soon as
<lWhileCondition> yields .F. (false).
- FOR <lForCondition>
- This is a logical expression which is evaluated for all records in the
current work area. Those records where <lForCondition> yields .T. (true) are
added to the target database.
- CODEPAGE <cCodePage>
- This is a character string specifying the code page to use for character
strings stored in the new database. It defaults to the return value of
- CONNECTION <nConnection>
- This option specifies a numeric server connection handle. It is returned by
a server connection function which establishes a connection to a database
server, such as SR_AddConnection() of the xHarbour Builder SQLRDD. When
CONNECTION is used, the SORT TO command creates a database on the server.
The SORT command creates a new database file and adds to it records from
the current work area in sorted order. Fields of data type Character are
sorted according to their ASCII values, unless the /C flag is used. In this
case, the sorting of character values is case-insensitive. Numeric fields
are sorted by value, Date fields in chronological order and Logical fields
with .T. (true) being the high value. Memo fields cannot be sorted.
The default sorting order is ascending (/A flag). It can be changed to
descending using the /D flag.
The SORT command requires a file lock in the current work area (see function
FLock()). Alternatively, the database must be used in EXCLUSIVE
Records marked for deletion are not included in the target database when
SET DELETED is set to ON.
// The example creates a physically sorted database.
USE Customer
SORT TO Cust01 ON Lastname, Firstname
USE Cust01
CLOSE Cust01
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