Category > Database commands xHarbour Developers Network  

APPEND BLANKCreates a new record in the current work area.
APPEND FROMImports records from a database file or an ASCII text file.
AVERAGECalculates the average of numeric expressions in the current work area.
CLOSECloses one or more specified files.
COMMITWrites memory buffers of all used work areas to disk.
CONTINUEResumes a pending LOCATE command.
COPY STRUCTURECopies the current database structure to a new database file.
COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDEDCopies field information to a new database file.
COPY TOExports records from the current work area to a database or an ASCII text file.
COUNTCounts records in the current work area.
CREATECreates and opens an empty structure extended database file.
CREATE FROMCreates a new database file from a structure extended file.
DELETEMarks one or more records for deletion.
DELETE TAGDeletes a tag from an index.
FINDSearches an index for a specified key value.
GOMoves the record pointer to a specified position.
INDEXCreates an index and/or index file.
JOINMerges records of two work areas into a new database.
LISTLists records of a work area to the console, file or printer.
LOCATEScans the current work area for a record matching a condition.
PACKRemoves records marked for deletion physically from a database file.
RECALLRemoves a deletion mark from one or more records.
REINDEXRebuilds all open indexes in the current work area.
REPLACEAssigns values to field variables.
SEEKSearches a value in an index.
SELECTChanges the current work area.
SET AUTOPENToggles automatic opening of a structural index file.
SET AUTORDERDefines the default controlling index for automatically opened index files.
SET AUTOSHAREDefines network detection for shared file access.
SET DBFLOCKSCHEMESelects the locking scheme for shared database access.
SET DELETEDSpecifies visibility of records marked for deletion.
SET EXCLUSIVESets the global EXCLUSIVE open mode for databases.
SET FILTERDefines a condition for filtering records in the current work area.
SET HARDCOMMITToggles immediate committing of changes to record buffers.
SET INDEXOpens one or more index files in the current work area.
SET MEMOBLOCKDefines the default block size for memo files.
SET OPTIMIZEToggles filter optimization with indexed databases.
SET ORDERSelects the controlling index.
SET RELATIONSynchronizes the record pointers in one or more work areas.
SET SCOPEChanges the top and/or bottom scope for navigating in the controlling index.
SET SCOPEBOTTOMChanges the bottom scope for navigating in the controlling index.
SET SCOPETOPChanges the top scope for navigating in the controlling index.
SET STRICTREADToggles read optimization for database access.
SKIPMoves the record pointer to a new position.
SORTCreates a new, physically sorted database.
SUMCalculates the sum of numeric expressions in the current work area.
TOTALCreates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression.
UNLOCKReleases file and/or record locks in the current or all work areas
UPDATEUpdates records in the current work area from a second work area.
USEOpens a database and its associated files in a work area.
ZAPDelete all records from the current database file

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