xHarbour Reference Documentation > Command Reference |
Lists records of a work area to the console, file or printer.
LIST [<Expression,...>] ;
[FOR <lForCondition>] ;
[WHILE <lWhileCondition>] ;
[NEXT <nCount>] ;
[RECORD <nRecno>] ;
[TO PRINTER | TO FILE <cFilename>] ;
[REST] ;
[ALL] ;
- <Expression>
- An optional, comma separated list of expressions to display can be specified.
If omitted, all fields of a record are output.
- FOR <lForCondition>
- This is a logical expression which is evaluated for all records in the
current work area. Those records where <lForCondition> yields .T. (true) are
- WHILE <lWhileCondition>
- This is a logical expression indicating to continue processing records
while the condition is true. The LIST command stops as soon as
<lWhileCondition> yields .F. (false).
- NEXT <nCount>
- This option defines the number of records to display. It defaults to the current record.
The NEXT <nCount> scope processes the next <nCount> records.
- RECORD <nRecno>
- If specified, only the record with the ID <nRecno> is displayed.
- This option directs output to the printer. TO PRINTER and TO FILE are
mutually exclusive options.
- TO FILE <cFilename>
- The output can be directed to a file with the name <cFileName>.
- This option lists the records beginning with the current record to the last record.
If not specified, output begins with the first record.
- The option ALL processes all records. It becomes the default scope when a
FOR condition is specified.
- If specified, this option suppresses the display of record numbers. By default,
record numbers appear in the output.
LIST is a database command displaying the results of a list of expressions to the console,
a file or a printer. The command iterates the records in the current work area according
to optional FOR and/or WHILE conditions, and the defined scope as specified with the ALL,
NEXT, REST or RECORD options.
When records are marked for deletion, an asterisk (*) is output for deleted records
when SET DELETED is set to OFF.
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