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Determines if an index is a custom index.
OrdCustom( [<cIndexName> | <nOrder>], ;
[<cIndexFile>] , ;
[<lNewCustomFlag>] ) --> lOldCustomFlag
- <cIndexName>
- This is a character string holding the symbolic name of the index to query.
It is analogous to the alias name of a work area. Support for
<cIndexName> depends on the RDD used to create the index. Usually, RDDs that
are able to maintain multiple indexes in one index file support symbolic
index names, such as DBFCDX, for example.
- <nOrder>
- Optionally, a numeric value specifying the ordinal position of the index open in
a work area. Indexes are numbered in the sequence of opening, beginning
with 1. The value zero identifies the controlling index.
- <cIndexFile>
- <cIndexFile> is a character string with the name of the file that stores
the index. It is only required when multiple index files are open that contain
indexes having the same <cIndexName>.
- <lNewCustomFlag>
- A logical value can be passed for <lNewCustomFlag>. It changes the
custom flag of the index. When .T. (true) is specified, the index becomes a custom
index that is not automatically updated by the RDD. Passing .F. (false) removes the
custom flag.
The function returns the custom flag set before the function is called.
The OrdCustom() function is used to determine if an index is a custom built index,
or changes the custom flag of an index at runtime. Custom built indexes are not
automatically updated by the RDD. Instead, index keys must be added to or removed
from an index programmatically using OrdKeyAdd() or OrdKeyDel().
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