xHarbour Reference Documentation > Statement Reference | ![]() |
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Defines a scalar class for a native data type.
ASSOCIATE CLASS <ClassName> WITH TYPE <datatype>
The ASSOCIATE CLASS statement associates a user defined scalar class with a native data type. Objects of such class are used in place of the data type <datatype>. A scalar class can have only CLASSDATA and METHODs but no DATA, since a scalar object itself is the data.
A scalar class must be declared and implemented following the CLASS statement. Default implementations of scalar classes can be enabled with the ENABLE TYPE CLASS. Note, however, that ASSOCIATE CLASS and ENABLE TYPE CLASS are mutually exclusive statements.
Category: | Class declaration , Declaration , xHarbour extensions |
Header: | hbclass.ch |
Source: | rtl\tclass.prg |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example implements a class that extends the data type // Date with advanced date and time formatting capabilities. // It distinguishes upper and lower case letters for the Day, // Month and time. A formatting template is built with the // following characters: // // d - numeric day without leading zero // dd - numeric day with leading zero // ddd - numeric day without leading zero and postfix (st, nd, rd, th) // D - first letter of weekday // DD - name of weekday abbreviated to two characters // DDD - name of weekday abbreviated to three characters // DDDD - complete name of weekday // M - numeric month without leading zero // MM - numeric month with leading zero // MMM - month name abbreviated to three letters // MMMM - complete month name // yy - year without century // yyyy - year with century // h - hour without leading zero // hh - hour with leading zero // m - minute without leading zero // mm - minute with leading zero // s - second without leading zero // ss - second with leading zero // \ - escape character for d, D, m, M, y, h, m, s #include "HbClass.ch" PROCEDURE Main LOCAL dDate ASSOCIATE CLASS DateFormatter WITH TYPE DATE dDate := Ctod( "09/01/2006" ) ? dDate // result: 09/01/06 ? dDate:shortDay() // result: Fri ? dDate:shortMonth() // result: Sep ? dDate:format( "dd MMM. yyyy" ) // result: 01 Sep. 2006 ? dDate:format( "dd-MM-yy hh:mm\h", Time() ) // result: 01-09-06 18:07h dDate += 2 ? dDate:format( "DDDD, MMMM ddd, at h \hour\s an\d m \minute\s" ) // result: Sunday, September 3rd, at 18 hours and 7 minutes ? dDate:httpDate() // result: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 18:07:45 RETURN CLASS DateFormatter EXPORTED: METHOD shortDay INLINE Left( CDow(self), 3 ) METHOD shortMonth INLINE Left( CMonth(self), 3 ) METHOD time INLINE Time() METHOD asString INLINE DtoS(self) METHOD httpDate METHOD format ENDCLASS METHOD httpDate( cTime ) CLASS DateFormatter RETURN ::format( "DDD, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss", cTime ) METHOD format( cFormat, cTime ) CLASS DateFormatter LOCAL aToken := {} LOCAL cToken := "" LOCAL cChar IF cTime == NIL cTime := ::time() ENDIf FOR EACH cChar IN cFormat IF .NOT. cChar IN "DdMyhms" IF Len( cToken ) > 0 AAdd( aToken, cToken ) ENDIF IF cChar == "\" cToken := cChar ELSE AAdd( aToken, cChar ) cToken := "" ENDIF ELSE cToken += cChar ENDIF NEXT AAdd( aToken, cToken ) cFormat := "" FOR EACH cToken IN aToken IF cToken == "" LOOP ENDIF SWITCH cToken[1] CASE "y" IF Len( cToken ) == 4 cFormat += Left( ::asString(), 4 ) ELSE cFormat += SubStr( ::asString(), 3, 2 ) ENDIF EXIT CASE "M" SWITCH Len( cToken ) CASE 1 cToken := SubStr( ::asString(), 5, 2 ) IF cToken[1] == "0" cFormat += cToken[2] ELSE cFormat += cToken ENDIF EXIT CASE 2 cFormat += SubStr( ::asString(), 5, 2 ) EXIT CASE 3 cFormat += ::shortMonth() EXIT DEFAULT cFormat += CMonth(self) END EXIT CASE "D" IF Len( cToken ) <= 3 cFormat += Left( CDoW(self), Len(cToken) ) ELSE cFormat += CDoW(self) ENDIF EXIT CASE "d" SWITCH Len(cToken) CASE 1 cToken := Right( ::asString(), 2 ) IF cToken[1] == "0" cFormat += cToken[2] ELSE cFormat += cToken ENDIF CASE 2 cFormat += Right( ::asString(), 2 ) EXIT DEFAULT cToken := Right( ::asString(), 2 ) cFormat += IIf( cToken[1] == "0", cToken[2], cToken ) DO CASE CASE cToken == "11" .OR. ; cToken == "12" ; cFormat += "th" CASE cToken[2] == "1" ; cFormat += "st" CASE cToken[2] == "2" ; cFormat += "nd" CASE cToken[2] == "3" ; cFormat += "rd" OTHERWISE cFormat += "th" ENDCASE END EXIT CASE "h" CASE "m" CASE "s" SWITCH cToken[1] CASE "h" ; cChar := Left (cTime,2) ; EXIT CASE "m" ; cChar := SubStr(cTime,4,2) ; EXIT CASE "s" ; cChar := Right (cTime,2) ; EXIT END IF Len( cToken ) == 1 .AND. cChar[1] == "0" cChar := cChar[2] ENDIF cFormat += cChar EXIT CASE "\" cFormat += SubStr( cToken, 2 ) EXIT DEFAULT cFormat += cToken END NEXT RETURN cFormat