Category > Declaration xHarbour Developers Network  

ACCESSDeclares an ACCESS method of a class.
ANNOUNCEDeclaration of a module identifier name.
ASSIGNDeclares an ASSIGN method of a class.
ASSOCIATE CLASSDefines a scalar class for a native data type.
CLASSDeclares the class function of a user-defined class.
CLASSDATADeclares a class variable of a class.
CLASSMETHODDeclares the symbolic name of a class method.
DATADeclares an instance variable of a class.
DELEGATEDeclares a message to be directed to a contained object.
DESTRUCTORDeclares a method to be called by the garbage collector.
ENABLE TYPE CLASSActivates scalar classes for native data tyes.
ERROR HANDLERDeclares the method for error handling within a class.
EXIT PROCEDUREDeclares a procedure to execeute when a program terminates.
EXPORTED:Declares the EXPORTED attribute for a group of member variables and/or methods.
EXTEND CLASS...WITH DATAAdds a new member variable to an existing class.
EXTEND CLASS...WITH METHODAdds a new method to an existing class.
EXTERNALDeclares the symbolic name of an external function or procedure for the linker.
FIELDDeclares a field variable
FUNCTIONDeclares a function along with its formal parameters.
GLOBALDeclares and optionally initializes a GLOBAL memory variable.
HIDDEN:Declares the HIDDEN attribute for a group of member variables and/or methods.
INIT PROCEDUREDeclares a procedure to execeute when a program starts.
INLINE METHODDeclares and implements an inline method that spans across multiple lines.
LOCALDeclares and optionally initializes a local memory variable.
MEMVARDeclares PRIVATE or PUBLIC variables.
MESSAGEDeclares a message name for a method.
METHOD (declaration)Declares the symbolic name of a method.
METHOD (implementation)Declares the implementation code of a method.
METHOD...OPERATORDeclares a method to be executed with an operator.
METHOD...VIRTUALDeclares a method as virtual.
OPERATOROverloads an operator and declares a method to be invoked for it.
OVERRIDE METHODReplaces a method in an existing class.
PARAMETERSDeclares PRIVATE function parameters.
PRIVATECreates and optionally initializes a PRIVATE memory variable.
PROCEDUREDeclares a procedure along with its formal parameters.
PROTECTED:Declares the PROTECTED attribute for a group of member variables and methods.
PUBLICCreates and optionally initializes a PUBLIC memory variable.
REQUESTDeclares the symbolic name of an external function or procedure for the linker.
STATICDeclares and optionally initializes a STATIC memory variable.
VARDeclares an instance variable of a class.

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