Item | Description |
AltD() | Activates and/or invokes the "classic" debugger. |
CStr() | Converts a value to a character string. |
ErrorBlock() | Sets or retrieves the error handling code block. |
ErrorLevel() | Sets the exit code of the xHarbour application. |
HB_AParams() | Collects values of all parameters passed to a function, method or procedure. |
HB_ArgC() | Returns the number of command line arguments. |
HB_ArgCheck() | Checks if an internal switch is set on the command line. |
HB_ArgString() | Retrieves the vale of an internal switch set on the command line. |
HB_ArgV() | Retrieves the value of a command line argument. |
HB_ArrayId() | Returns a unique identifier for an array or an object variable. |
HB_BldLogMsg() | Converts a list of parameters into a text string. |
HB_CmdArgArgV() | Returns the first command line argument (EXE file name). |
HB_DumpVar() | Converts a value to a character string holding human readable text. |
HB_GCAll() | Scans the memory and releases all garbage memory blocks. |
HB_GCStep() | Invokes the garbage collector for one collection cycle. |
HB_IsArray() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is an array. |
HB_IsBlock() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Code block. |
HB_IsByRef | Tests if a parameter is passed by reference. |
HB_IsDate() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Date. |
HB_IsDateTime() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a DateTime value. |
HB_IsHash() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Hash. |
HB_IsLogical() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a logical value. |
HB_IsMemo() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a Memo value. |
HB_IsNIL() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is NIL. |
HB_IsNull() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is empty. |
HB_IsNumeric() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a numeric value. |
HB_IsObject() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is an object. |
HB_IsPointer() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a pointer. |
HB_IsString() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a character string. |
HB_LogDateStamp() | Returns a character string holding a date stamp. |
HB_ThisArray() | Retrieves an array or object from its pointer. |
HB_XmlErrorDesc() | Retrieves a textual error description for XML file parsing errors. |
Memory() | Returns memory statistics. |
PCount() | Returns the number of passed parameters. |
ProcFile() | Determines the current PRG source code file. |
ProcLine() | Determines the current line number executed in a PRG source code file. |
ProcName() | Determines the symbolic name of the currently executed function, method or procedure. |
PValue() | Retrieves the value of a parameter passed to a function, method or procedure. |
Throw() | Throws an exception. |
TraceLog() | Traces and logs the contents of one or more variables. |
Type() | Determines the data type of a macro expression. |
Valtype() | Determines the data type of the value returned by an expression. |