Category > Date and time xHarbour Developers Network  

AddMonth()Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from a Date value.
BoM()Returns the date of the first day of a month.
BoQ()Returns the date of the first day of a quarter.
BoY()Returns the date of the first day of a year.
CDoW()Returns the name of a week day from a date.
CMonth()Returns the name of a month from a date.
CtoD()Converts a character string into a Date value
CtoDoW()Returns the number of a week day from its name.
CtoMonth()Returns the number of a month from its name.
CtoT()Converts a character string into a DateTime value
Date()Returns the current date from the operating system.
DateTime()Returns the current date and time from the operating system.
Day()Extracts the numeric day number from a Date value.
Days()Calculates the number of days from elapsed seconds.
DaysInMonth()Returns the number of days in a month.
DaysToMonth()Returns the number of days from first January to the beginning of a month.
DMY()Formats a date as "dd. Month yyyy"
DoW()Determines the numeric day of the week from a date.
DoY()Returns the day number of a Date value in a year.
DtoC()Converts a Date value to a character string in SET DATE format.
DtoS()Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDD format.
ElapTime()Calculates the time elapsed between a start and an end time.
EoM()Returns the date of the last day in a month.
EoQ()Returns the date of the last day in a quarter.
EoY()Returns the date for the last day of a year.
HB_Clocks2Secs()Calculates seconds from CPU ticks.
Hour()Extracts the hour from a DateTime value
IsLeap()Checks if a Date value belongs to a leap year.
LastDayoM()Returns the number of days in a month.
Max()Returns the larger value of two Numerics or Dates.
MDY()Formats a date as "Month dd, yy".
MilliSec()Defines a time delay in milliseconds.
Min()Returns the smallerr value of two Numerics or Dates.
Minute()Extracts the minute from a DateTime value
Month()Extracts the numeric month number from a Date value.
NtoCDoW()Converts a numeric week day to its name.
NtoCMonth()Converts a numeric month to its name.
Quarter()Returns the quarter a date belongs to.
Seconds()Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight
SecondsCpu()Returns the CPU time used by the current process.
Secs()Calculates the number of seconds from a time string.
SecToTime()Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string.
SetDate()Changes the system date from a Date value.
SetNewDate()Changes the system date from Numeric values.
SetNewTime()Changes the system time from Numeric values.
SetTime()Changes the system time from a Time string.
ShowTime()Displays the system time continuously at a specified screen position.
StoD()Converts a "yyyymmdd" formatted string to a Date value
StoT()Converts a "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc" formatted string to a DateTime value
SX_DtoP()Converts a Date value into a 3-byte character string.
SX_PtoD()Unpacks a packed 3-byte date value.
Time()Retrieves the system time as a formatted character string.
TimeToSec()Calculates the number of seconds since midnight.
TimeValid()Checks if a character string is a valid time string.
TString()Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string.
TtoC()Converts a DateTime value to a character string in SET DATE and SET TIME format.
TtoS()Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc format.
WaitPeriod()Defines a wait period and allows for time controlled loops.
Week()Calculates the numeric calendar week from a date.
WoM()Calculates the week number in a month.
Year()Extracts the numeric year from a Date value

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