xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Partitions a linear hash for improved performance.
HSetPartition( <hHash>, <nPageSize>, [<nLevel>] ) --> NIL
The function returns always NIL.
The function partitions a linear hash into <nPageSize> numbers of items. By partitioning a linear hash, searching and inserting keys is improved. This is advantageous for hashes of more than 1000 key/value pairs. Smaller hashes do not need to be partitioned, unless they are accessed with a high frequency.
The partitioning of a hash results in a hash of hashes. Keys of a hash are distributed equally in sub-hashes so that searching or inserting a key becomes faster in a partitioned hash compared to a linear hash.
Important: this function may only be called on empty hashes. Do not pass a populated hash to it. To partition a filled hash, or repartition it, create an empty hash, set the desired partition scheme and merge the filled hash into the partitioned empty hash using HMerge().
See also: | Hash(), HGetPartition(), HMerge() |
Category: | Hash functions , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | vm\hash.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example employs a small test program that demonstrates // the effect of partitioning a large hash. The key creation // is done in a "worst case" scenario, where the key with highest // sorting order is inserted first into the hash. The key with // lowest sorting order is inserted last. You can vary the // #define constants for the number of hash keys, page size // and partition depth to see how each factor influences // the entire performance of populating a large hash. #define HASH_KEYS 10000 #define PAGE_SIZE 16 // 20 | 30 | 50 #define PART_LEVEL 2 // 5 | 4 | 3 PROCEDURE Main LOCAL hHash, cKey, nSize, nLevel LOCAL t1, t2, t3 t1 := Seconds() // creating linear hash hHash := {=>} FOR i:=1 TO HASH_KEYS cKey := "K" + Padl( HASH_KEYS - i, 6, "0" ) hHash[ cKey ] := 2 * i NEXT t2 := Seconds() // hash partitioned down to partitioning level hHash := {=>} HSetPartition( hHash, PAGE_SIZE, PART_LEVEL ) FOR i:=1 TO HASH_KEYS cKey := "K" + Padl( HASH_KEYS - i, 6, "0" ) hHash[ cKey ] := 2 * i NEXT t3 := Seconds() ? "Hash keys :", Len( hHash ) ? "linear hash:", 100*(t2-t1)/(t2-t1), "%" // 100.00 % ? "partitioned:", 100*(t3-t2)/(t2-t1), "%" // 1.80 % ? "IsPartition:", HGetPartition( hHash, @nSize, @nLevel ) ? "Page size :", nSize ? "Level :", nLevel RETURN