xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Sends data to a datagram socket.
INetDGramSend( <pSocket> , ; <cIPAddress>, ; <nPort> , ; <cData> , ; [<nBytes>] ) --> nSentBytes
The function returns a numeric value indicating the number of bytes sent on the socket, or -1 on error. Use function INetErrorCode() to detect the cause of failure.
Function INetDGramSend() sends the number of <nBytes> bytes of <cData> from the local computer to the specified IP address and port via the datagram socket <pSocket>.
If the function succeds, it returns the number of bytes that are actually sent.
Note: there is no guarantee that all the data requested to be sent is actually sent to the socket when its size exceeds the system datagram size. Therefore, the return value should be compared with the length of <cData> and, if a smaller value is returned, INetDGramSend() should be called iteratively to send remaining data until the message is complete.
See also: | INetDGram(), INetDGramBind(), INetDGramRecv() |
Category: | Datagram functions , Sockets functions , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | vm\INet.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
UDP Server
// This example implements a simple User Datagram Protocol server demonstrating // basic steps for exchanging datagrams. A bound server socket is created with // INetDGramBind(). Then the DO WHILE loop checks the keyboard twice a second. // If no key is pressed, the server checks for incoming data with INetDataReady(). // If there is data, it is read in procedure ServeDGram() and an "OK!" response // is returned to the connecting process. PROCEDURE Main LOCAL pSocket, cData CLS INetInit() // listen on port 1800 pSocket := InetDGramBind( 1800 ) ? "Server up and running", pSocket ? "Press any key to quit" DO WHILE Inkey(.5) == 0 // check for incoming connection requests IF INetDataReady( pSocket ) > 0 // process datagram connection ServeDGram( pSocket ) ELSE // display some kind of "I am still alive" message ?? "." ENDIF ENDDO // close socket and cleanup memory INetClose( pSocket ) INetCleanup() RETURN PROCEDURE ServeDGram( pSocket ) LOCAL cBuffer, nBytes, cData := Space(80) // display IP address of client ? "Serving:", INetAddress( pSocket ) // receive datagram (max 80 bytes in this example) nBytes := INetDGramRecv( pSocket, @cData, Len(cData) ) ? "Bytes received:", nBytes ? "Data received:", Left( cData, nBytes ) // report "OK!" to remote process INetDGramSend( pSocket, INetAddress( pSocket ), INetPort( pSocket ), "OK!" ) RETURN
UDP Client
// This example is the client side of a User Datagram Protocol communication. // The client socket is created being capable of receiving broadcast messages. // The user can enter data in a single GET. This data is transferred to the // server process, and the response of the server process is displayed in the // local process. // Since a maximum of only 80 bytes is sent in the example, INetDGramSend() // is not called iteratively. #include "Inkey.ch" PROCEDURE Main( cServerIPAddress ) LOCAL pSocket, cData, nBytes IF Empty( cServerIPAddress ) // IP address of the local station cServerIPAddress := "" ENDIF INetInit() // create an unbound broadcast socket pSocket := INetDGRam( .T. ) IF InetDGramSend( pSocket, cServerIPAddress, 1800, "ALIVE?" ) < 1 ? "Unable to connect to " ?? cServerIPAddress, "Error:", InetErrorDesc( Socket ) INetCleanUp() QUIT ELSE ? "Found a server at ", InetAddress( pSocket ) WAIT ENDIF // set max. timeout to 10 seconds for receiving server response INetSetTimeout( pSocket, 10000 ) DO WHILE Lastkey() <> K_ESC CLS // let the user enter some data cData := Space(80) @ 2,2 SAY "Enter a string:" GET cData PICTURE "@S30" READ IF Lastkey() == K_ESC EXIT ENDIF cData := Trim( cData ) nBytes := Len ( cData ) InetDGramSend( pSocket, cServerIPAddress, 1800, cData, nBytes ) CLS ? "sent:", LTrim(Str(nBytes)), "bytes" // Receive the server's response cData := Space( 80 ) nBytes := INetDGramRecv( pSocket, @cData, 80 ) IF INetErrorCode( pSocket ) == 0 ? "received:", Left( cData, nBytes ) ELSE ? "error:", INetErrorDesc( pSocket ) ENDIF WAIT ENDDO // disconnect socket INetClose( pSocket ) INetCleanUp() RETURN