xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Instantiates a new OLE Automation object.
CreateObject( <cProgID> ) --> oOleAuto
cProgID := "Word.Application" // MS Office Word cProgID := "Excel.Application" // MS Office Excel cProgID := "InternetExplorer.Application" // Internet Explorer
The function returns a TOleAuto object which handles OLE automation on behalf of the xHarbour application. When the requested OLE object cannot be instantiated, a runtime error is raised.
OLE automation is a fundamental technology on Windows platforms. It allows for reusing functionality built into existing applications not developed with xHarbour. CreateObject() is the only function required to instantiate an OLE Automation object. For example:
oOLE := CreateObject( "Word.Application" )
This function call loads an instance of MS Office Word into memory and makes the functionality of Word available to the xHarbour application. The returned xHarbour OLE object communicates with the Word application, sends requests to it and returns responses of Word to the xHarbour application.
An OLE Automation object exposes its interface(s), methods and properties to the calling xHarbour application. They are available via methods and instance variables of the xHarbour object returned from CreateObject(). When a method name is sent to this object, the method of the same name of the OLE Automation object is invoked. Likewise, when a value is assigned to an instance variable of the xHarbour object, this value is passed on to a property of the OLE Automation object.
A detailed explanation of the communication between xHarbour and an OLE Automation object goes far beyond this documentation. However, the problem of the developer is to know the names of properties, methods and their arguments available in the OLE Automation object. This information is stored in what is called a Type Library which is part of an OLE application.
Type libraries can be contained in separate files (.tlb, .olb) or can be linked to an executable file (.dll, .exe). The type Library information is extracted from the calling process and is interpreted for data exchange. Refer to the ListOle.prg file in the samples folder of your xHarbour installation for listing information avialable in type libraries.
Note: a commonly used TypeLib viewer is called OleView.exe and is included in the Microsoft Windows SDK. Two example programs below are helpful for an xHarbour user for extracting #define constants and finding help information on an OLE application. Default locations for type libraries of common Microsoft products are listed in the tables below:
Default MS Office directories
Version | Installation directory |
Office 97 | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office |
Office 2000 | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office |
Office XP | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10 |
Office 2003 | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11 |
Office 2007 | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12 |
Type library names
Office product | Ver 97 | Ver 2000 | Ver XP, 2003 and later |
Access | Msacc8.olb | Msacc9.olb | Msacc.olb |
Excel | Excel8.olb | Excel9.olb | Excel.exe |
Graph | Graph8.olb | Graph9.olb | Graph.exe |
Outlook | Msoutl97.olb | Msoutl9.olb | MSOutl.olb |
PowerPoint | Msppt8.olb | Msppt9.olb | MSPpt.olb |
Word | Msword8.olb | Msword9.olb | MSWord.olb |
The type library of the Internet Explorer is stored in C:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll.
See also: | GetActiveObject(), Ole2TxtError(), OleError() |
Category: | OLE Automation , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | rtl\win32ole.prg |
LIB: | xhb.lib, ole.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
Simple Office Automation
// The example outlines Office Automation using MS Office Word as // automation object. The example creates a new Word document, and // saves it as DOC, RTF and PDF file. #define CRLF Chr(13)+Chr(10) #define wdFormatDocument 0 // .DOC #define wdFormatRtf 6 // .RTF PROCEDURE Main LOCAL cFileName := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir()+"\test" LOCAL cDocFile := cFileName+".doc" LOCAL cRtfFile := cFileName+".rtf" LOCAL oWord, oDocument, oText TRY oWord := GetActiveObject( "Word.Application" ) CATCH TRY oWord := CreateObject( "Word.Application" ) CATCH Alert( "ERROR! Word not avialable. [" + Ole2TxtError()+ "]" ) RETURN END END // create a new, empty Word document oDocument := oWord:documents:add() // get the text selection object oText := oWord:selection() // assign some text oText:Text := "OLE from xHarbour" + CRLF // select font name, size and attribute oText:font:name := "Arial" oText:font:size := 48 oText:font:bold := .T. // display the Word window oWord:visible := .T. // maximize the word window ? oWord:windowState := 1 // save file as regular DOC file oDocument:saveAs( cDocFile ) // save file as rich text oDocument:saveAs( cRtfFile, wdFormatRtf ) // hide Word window oWord:Visible := .F. oDocument:close() /******************* C A U T I O N *********************** * * oDocument is automatically released from memory and * cannot be used anymore after being :close()ed * ******************* C A U T I O N ***********************/ // create new Document object oDocument := oWord:documents:open( cRtfFile ) oWord:visible := .T. // select PDF printer driver oWord:activePrinter := "FreePDF XP" // print PDF file via PDF printer driver oWord:printOut() // terminate Word application oWord:quit() RETURN
Finding OLE Help files
// A good OLE Automation product comes with a help file explaining // the interfaces, properties and methods. The following example // implements a utility program that opens the online help file of // an OLE application, if it is available. // // The complete file name of the file including the type library // must be passed as command line parameter. // // e.g: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MsWord.olb #define NO_HELP_FILE "No help file available" #define SW_SHOW 5 PROCEDURE Main( cFileName ) LOCAL oTypeLib, cHelpFile, cSearch CLS IF Empty( cFileName ) ? "Usage: FindHelp.exe <typeLibraryFileName>" QUIT ENDIF TRY ? "Loading Type Library, please wait..." oTypeLib := LoadTypeLib( cFileName, .T. ) CATCH ? "Unable to load Type Library for:", cFileName QUIT END cHelpFile := OLEHelpFile( oTypeLib ) IF cHelpFile == NO_HELP_FILE ? cHelpFile QUIT ENDIF IF .NOT. File( cHelpFile ) cSearch := SearchHelpFile( cHelpFile ) IF cSearch == NO_HELP_FILE ? "Help file not found:", cHelpFile QUIT ELSE cHelpFile := cSearch ENDIF ENDIF ? "Help file found:" ? ? cHelpFile ? ? "Press Y to open help file" ? WAIT "(Y/N) " IF Chr(LastKey()) $ "yY" OpenHelpFile( cHelpFile ) ENDIF RETURN // Extracts the help file location from a type library FUNCTION OLEHelpFile( oTypeLib ) LOCAL cFile := NO_HELP_FILE LOCAL oOLE_CLASS FOR EACH oOLE_CLASS IN oTypeLib:Objects IF .NOT. Empty( oOLE_CLASS:HelpFile ) cFile := oOLE_CLASS:HelpFile EXIT ENDIF NEXT RETURN cFile // Language specific help files are installed in // sub-directories. Search sub-directories for help files. FUNCTION SearchHelpFile( cHelpFile ) LOCAL aDir aDir := DirectoryRecurse( cHelpFile ) RETURN IIf( Empty( aDir ), NO_HELP_FILE, aDir[1,1] ) // Open help file with associated viewer application FUNCTION OpenHelpFile( cHelpFile ) LOCAL nRet, cPath, cFileName, cFileExt HB_FNameSplit( cHelpFile, @cPath, @cFileName, @cFileExt ) nRet := _OpenHelpFile( cPath, cHelpFile ) RETURN nRet #pragma BEGINDUMP #pragma comment( lib, "shell32.lib" ) #include "hbapi.h" #include <windows.h> HB_FUNC( _OPENHELPFILE ) { HINSTANCE hInst; LPCTSTR lpPath = (LPTSTR) hb_parc( 1 ); LPCTSTR lpHelpFile = (LPTSTR) hb_parc( 2 ); hInst = ShellExecute( 0, "open", lpHelpFile, 0, lpPath, SW_SHOW ); hb_retnl( (LONG) hInst ); return; } #pragma ENDDUMP
Extracting enumerated OLE constants
// This program extracts enumerated constants from a // type library and creates a list of #define constants // applicable for properties of an OLE Automation object. // Output is directed to STDOUT. // // The complete file name of the file including the type library // must be passed as command line parameter. // // e.g: C:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll #translate ? [<x,...>] => OutStd( Chr(13)+Chr(10) ); OutStd( <x> ) #translate ?? [<x,...>] => OutStd( <x> ) PROCEDURE Main( cFileName ) LOCAL oTypeLib CLS IF Empty( cFileName ) ? "Usage: OleConst.exe <typeLibraryFileName>" QUIT ENDIF TRY QOut( "Loading Type Library, please wait..." ) oTypeLib := LoadTypeLib( cFileName, .T. ) CATCH QOut( "Unable to load Type Library for:", cFileName ) QUIT END IF .NOT. Empty( oTypeLib:Enumerations ) ? "// " ? "// Enumerations Extracted from file:" ? "// " ? "// ", cfileName ? "// " ? ? ListOleEnums( oTypeLib:Enumerations ) ENDIF RETURN // Collect enumerations in hash for automatic alpha sort STATIC PROCEDURE ListOleEnums( aEnums ) LOCAL hEnums, oEnum, aConst, oConst LOCAL nAlign := 0 LOCAL i, imax hEnums := Hash() HSetCaseMatch( hEnums, .F. ) FOR EACH oEnum IN aEnums aConst := Array( Len( oEnum:constants ) ) hEnums[ oEnum:name ] := aConst // Collect constants in array for value sort FOR EACH oConst IN oEnum:constants aConst[ HB_EnumIndex() ] := oConst nAlign := Max( nAlign, Len( oConst:name ) ) NEXT NEXT // Output xHarbour code for CH file imax := Len( hEnums ) FOR i:=1 TO imax ? "/*", PadL( " * ", nAlign + 20, "*" ) ? PadR( " * ENUMERATION: "+ HGetKeyAt( hEnums, i ), nAlign + 20 ), "*" ? " *", PadL( " */", nAlign + 20, "*" ) ListDefines( HGetValueAt( hEnums, i ), nAlign ) ? NEXT RETURN // Output #define directives for an xHarbour #inlude file STATIC PROCEDURE ListDefines( aConst, nPad ) LOCAL i, imax := Len( aConst ) LOCAL oConst // Sort by value, not by name, for readability ASort( aConst,,, {|o1,o2| o1:value < o2:value } ) FOR EACH oConst IN aConst ? "#define ", PadR( oConst:name, nPad ), " 0x"+NumToHex(oConst:value,8) IF oConst:helpString <> NIL ?? " //", oConst:helpString ENDIF NEXT RETURN