xHarbour Reference Documentation > Class Reference (textmode) | ![]() |
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Creates a new TIpClientSmtp object.
TIpClientSmtp():new( <cUrl>, [<lTrace>] ) --> oTIpClientSmtp
Alternatively, a TUrl() object can be passed that is initialized with the SMTP mail server URL.
The function returns a new TIpClientSmtp object and method :new() initializes the object.
Objects of the TIpClientSmtp() class inherit from the generic internet client class TIpClient(). TIpClientSmtp objects are used to communicate with an SMTP mail server. They use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, RFC0821.TXT) for sending, or writing, eMails. The address of the mail server must be provided as a URL string with method :new(). The URL is maintained by a TUrl() object, which is stored in the :oUrl instance variable.
The internet connection to the mail server must be established with the :open() method.
Once the internet connection is established (opened), eMails can be sent using the :sendMail() method, which accepts an eMail in form of a TIpMail() object.
When all eMails are sent, the internet connection must be closed with the :close() method.
Note: methods of the TIpClientSmtp class are divided into "High level" and "Low level" methods. "High level" methods are designed to process TIpMail() objects, while "Low level" methods communicate with an SMTP server directly using commands of the SMTP protocol.
See also: | TIpClientFtp(), TIpClientHttp(), TIpClientPop(), TIpMail(), TUrl() |
Category: | Internet functions , Object functions , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | tip\smtpcln.prg |
LIB: | lib\xhb.lib |
DLL: | dll\xhb.dll |
// The example outlines the steps and data required to send an eMail // including file attachment to an SMTP mail server (it forwards the eMail) PROCEDURE Main LOCAL oSmtp, oEMail LOCAL cSmtpUrl LOCAL cSubject, cFrom, cTo, cBody, cFile // preparing data for eMail cSmtpUrl := "smtp://mailaccount:password@smtp.server.com" cSubject := "Testing eMail" cFrom := "MyName@Mail.server.com" cTo := "YourName@another.server.com" cFile := "File_Attachment.zip" cBody := "This is a test mail sent at: " + DtoC(date()) + " " + Time() // preparing eMail object oEMail := TIpMail():new() oEMail:setHeader( cSubject, cFrom, cTo ) oEMail:setBody( cBody ) oEMail:attachFile( cFile ) // preparing SMTP object oSmtp := TIpClientSmtp():new( cSmtpUrl ) // sending data via internet connection IF oSmtp:open() oSmtp:sendMail( oEMail ) oSmtp:close() ? "Mail sent" ELSE ? "Error:", oSmtp:lastErrorMessage() ENDIF RETURN