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Scans a formatted character string or memo field for text lines.
HB_ReadLine( <cText> , ;
[<cDelim>|<aDelim>], ;
<nLineLen> , ;
[<nTabWidth>] , ;
<lWrap> , ;
[<nStartOffset>] , ;
@<lFound> , ;
@<lEOF> , ;
@<nEndOffSet> , ;
@<nEndOfLine> ) --> NIL
- <cText>
- This is a character string or memo field to extract a text line from. It can
be a formatted text string that includes Tab and Hard/Soft carriage return
- <cDelim>|<aDelim>
- This is either a character string holding the end-of-line character(s) to search
in <cText>, or an array holding individual end-of-line character(s). The default
value is determined by the SET EOL setting.
- <nLineLen>
- This is a numeric value specifying the number of characters that fit into one
extracted line.
- <nTabWidth>
- A numeric value specifying the number of blank spaces the Tab character should be
expanded to. It defaults to 4 blank spaces.
- <lWrap>
- A logical value indicating if word wrapping should be applied to <cText> when
lines are extracted. The default value is .T. (true), resulting in extracted text
lines that contain whole words only. When a word does not fit entirely to the end
of the extracted text line, it is wrapped to the next text line. Passing .F. (false)
for this parameter turns word wrapping off so that only lines ending with a hard
carriage return are extracted.
- <nStartOffset>
- A numeric value specifying the first character in <cText> to begin finding the
next text line. It defaults to 1.
- @<lFound>
- This parameter must be passed by reference. It receives a logical value: when
<lFound> is .T. (true), the text line ends with <cDelim>, otherwise it does
not include the end-of-line character(s).
- @<lEOF>
- This parameter must be passed by reference. It receives a logical value: when
<lEOF> is .T. (true), no more text lines can be extracted from <cText>.
- @<nEndOffSet>
- This parameter must be passed by reference. It receives a numeric value indicating
the end position of the found text line without the end-of-line character(s).
- @<nEndOfLine>
- This parameter must be passed by reference. It receives a numeric value indicating
the end position of the found text line including the end-of-line character(s).
The return value is always NIL.
HB_ReadLine() is a fast text scanning function used to extract single text lines
from a formatted text string that may include Tab characters (Chr(9)),
Soft carriage returns (Chr(141)) or Hard carriage returns (Chr(13)). Text is usually
scanned for single lines within a DO WHILE loop until <lEOF> is .T. (true).
// The example demonstrates how an entire text file can be transferred
// line by line into an array.
LOCAL cText := MemoRead( "HB_ReadLine.prg" )
LOCAL nLineLen := 60
LOCAL lWrap := .T.
LOCAL nEndOfLine := 0
LOCAL nStartOffset := 1
LOCAL nEndOffSet := 0
LOCAL lFound := .F.
LOCAL lEof := .F.
LOCAL aLines := {}
HB_ReadLine( cText , ;
NIL , ;
nLineLen , ;
NIL , ;
lWrap , ;
nStartOffset, ;
@lFound , ;
@lEof , ;
@nEndOffset , ;
@nEndOfLine )
cLine := SubStr( cText, nStartOffset, nEndOffset-nStartOffset+1 )
IF cLine == ""
cLine := " " // empty line for AChoice()
AAdd( aLines, cLine )
nStartOffSet := nEndOfLine
AChoice( ,,,, aLines )
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