xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Extracts a line of text from a formatted character string or memo field.
MemoLine( <cString> , ; [<nLineLen>] , ; [<nLineNum>] , ; [<nTabSize>] , ; [<lWrap>] , ; [<lLongLines>], ; [@<nOffSet>] ) --> cTextLine
The function returns a character string of <nLineLen> characters. If <lWrap> is .T. (true) and the extracted line does not end with a complete word, the line is filled with blank spaces up to the length of <nLineLen>. If <lWrap> is .F. (false), the returned string contains <nLineLen> characters and a next call to MemoLine() extracts characters following the next hard carriage return.
If <nLineNum> is larger than the number of lines contained in <cString>, an empty string ("") is returned.
MemoLine() is used to extract single text lines from a formatted text string that may include Tab characters (Chr(9)), Soft carriage returns (Chr(141)) or Hard carriage returns (Chr(13)). Multiple lines are usually extracted within a FOR..NEXT loop whose upper boundary is determined by the total number of text lines in a string, as reported by function MLCount().
If multiple lines are extracted, it is strongly recommended to pass <nOffSet> by reference to MemoLine(), initializing the parameter with 1. This improves the speed of text extraction considerably.
note: when text lines extracted with MemoLine() are displayed, they have only the same length if a fixed-size font is used for display.
See also: | FLineCount(), HB_FReadLine(), HB_ReadLine(), MemoEdit(), MemoRead(), MemoWrit(), MLCount(), MLPos() |
Category: | Character functions , Memo functions |
Source: | rtl\txtline.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example demonstrates MemoLine() usage for extracting all lines // of a text file. The difference of using line numbers versus using // line offsets is outlined. PROCEDURE Main( cFileName ) LOCAL nLineLen := 60 LOCAL nTabSize := 8 LOCAL lWrap := .T. LOCAL i, imax, cText, cLine, nOffSet, nTextLen LOCAL t1, t2, t3 IF Empty( cFileName ) .OR. .NOT. File( cFileName ) ? "No file specified" QUIT ENDIF cText := MemoRead( cFileName ) t1 := Seconds() imax := MLCount( cText, nLineLen, nTabSize, lWrap ) FOR i:=1 TO imax cLine := MemoLine( cText, nLineLen, i, nTabSize, lWrap ) NEXT t2 := Seconds() // This example shows the use of the <nOffSet> parameter. // Note that the line number does not change, but the starting // position in the text to begin extracting a line nTextLen := Len( cText ) nOffSet := 1 i := 0 DO WHILE nOffSet <= nTextLen cLine := MemoLine( cText, nLineLen, 1, nTabSize, lWrap,, @nOffSet ) i++ ENDDO t3 := Seconds() ? "Using line number:", t2-t1, "secs (" + Ltrim(Str(imax)) + " lines)" ? "Using line offset:", t3-t2, "secs (" + Ltrim(Str(i)) + " lines)" RETURN