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Counts the number of lines in a character string or memo field
MLCount( <cString> , ;
[<nLineLen>] , ;
[<nTabSize>] , ;
[<lWrap>] , ;
[<lLongLines>] ) --> nLineCount
- <cString>
- A character string or memo field to be counted. It can be a formatted
text string that includes Tab and Hard/Soft carriage return characters.
- <nLineLen>
- A numeric value specifying the number of characters per line. It is
usually a value between 4 and 254. If <nLineLen> is larger than 254 characters,
parameter <lLongLines> must be set to .T. (true). The default value for <nLineLen>
is 79.
- <nTabSize>
- A numeric value specifying the number of blank spaces the Tab character should be
expanded to. It defaults to 4 blank spaces.
- <lWrap>
- A logical value indicating if word wrapping should be applied to <cString> when
lines are counted. The default value is .T. (true), resulting in text lines being
counted that contain whole words only. When a word does not fit entirely to the end
of a text line, it is wrapped to the next text line. Passing .F. (false)
for this parameter turns word wrapping off so that only lines ending with a hard
carriage return are counted.
- <lLongLines>
- This parameter defaults to .F. (false). It must be set to .T. (true) when text lines
of more than 254 characters should be counted.
The function returns the number of lines contained in <cString> when it is
formatted according to the parameters <nLineLen>, <nTabSize> and <lWrap>.
MLCount() is used in conjunction with MemoLine() that
extracts single lines of text from a formatted text string or memo field.
MLCount() determines the total number of lines that can be extracted from
// Refer to function MemoLine() for a usage example of MLCount()
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