xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Copies key/value pairs from a hash into another hash.
HCopy( <hSource>, ; <hTarget>, ; [<nStart>], ; [<nCount>], ; [<xMode>] ) --> hTarget
The function returns a reference to <hTarget>.
The function copies key/value pairs from a source to a target hash. By default, all key/value pairs are copied. The first key/value pair and the number of them can optionally be specified with <nStart> and <nCount>.
Since keys in a hash must be unique, the <xMode> parameter defines how to treat keys that are present in both hashes. The following numeric values are valid for <xMode>.
Copy modes for HCopy()
Mode | Value | Description |
Normal copy *) | 0 | When a key of <hSource> is present in <hTarget>, the value of <hSource> is copied to <hTarget>. Otherwise, the key/value pair of <hSource> is added to <hTarget>. |
XOR copy | 1 | When a key of <hSource> is present in <hTarget>, the key/value pair is removed from <hTarge>, otherwise it is added to <hTarget>. |
AND copy | 2 | First, all keys in <hTarget> are removed when they are not present in <hSource>. Then, only values of matching keys in <hSource> are copied to <hTarget>. Other elements of <hSource> are not copied. |
NOT copy | 3 | All keys in <hTarget> are removed when they are present in <hSource>. No other key/value pair is added or changed. |
*) default mode |
As an alternative, a code block can be specified for <xMode> which allows to define even more sophisticated copy rules. The code block receives three parameters: the key, the value and the numeric ordinal position of the current key/value pair in <hSource>. The code block must return a logical value. When it returns .T. (true), the key/value pair is copied to <hTarget> in Normal copy mode. Otherwise, the key/value pair is ignored.
Notes: when the built in copy rules do not meet your requirements, use a code block for <xMode> that returns always .F. (false), and alter <hTarget> within the code block.
HCopy() does not return a new copy of the <hTarget> hash, but alters it. If you need to preserve the original target hash, create a new reference with HClone() first.
See also: | Hash(), HClone(), HDel(), HEval(), HGet(), HMerge(), HSet() |
Category: | Hash functions , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | vm\hash.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example demonstrates various copy modes of HCopy() PROCEDURE Main LOCAL hHash := Hash( "b", 20, "e", 30 ) LOCAL hSrc, hTgt hSrc := Hash( "a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3, "d", 4 ) hTgt := HClone( hHash ) HCopy( hSrc, hTgt ) ? ValToPrg( hTgt ) // result: { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3, "d" => 4, "e" => 30 } hTgt := HClone( hHash ) HCopy( hSrc, hTgt,,, 1 ) ? ValToPrg( hTgt ) // result: { "a" => 1, "c" => 3, "d" => 4 } hTgt := HClone( hHash ) HCopy( hSrc, hTgt,,, 2 ) ? ValToPrg( hTgt ) // result: { "b" => 2 } hTgt := HClone( hHash ) HCopy( hSrc, hTgt,,, 3 ) ? ValToPrg( hTgt ) // result: { "e" => 30 } hTgt := HClone( hHash ) HCopy( hSrc, hTgt,,, {|k,v,i| i > 1 .AND. v % 2 == 0 } ) ? ValToPrg( hTgt ) // result: { "b" => 2, "d" => 4, "e" => 30 } RETURN