xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Enforces execution of one or all background tasks.
HB_BackGroundRun( [<nTaskHandle>] ) --> NIL
The return value is always NIL.
Function HB_BackGroundRun() executes a single background task defined with <nTaskHandle>, or all tasks from the internal task list when no task handle is specified. The function can be used to enforce execution of background tasks during regular program execution or during idle states of a program.
Note: HB_BackGroundRun() executes the task specified with <nTaskHandle> immediately, even if the wait interval defined for this task has not elapsed, or if the task is not active.
See also: | HB_BackGroundActive(), HB_BackGroundAdd(), HB_BackGroundDel(), HB_BackGroundReset(), HB_BackGroundTime(), HB_IdleAdd() |
Category: | Background processing , xHarbour extensions |
Source: | rtl\bkgtsks.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |