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@...GET CHECKBOXCreates a Get object as check box and displays it to the screen.
@...GET LISTBOXCreates a Get object as list box and displays it to the screen.
@...GET PUSHBUTTONCreates a Get object as push button and displays it to the screen.
@...GET RADIOGROUPCreates a Get object as radio button group and displays it to the screen.
@...GET TBROWSECreates a Get object as browser and displays it to the screen
ACos()Calculates the arc cosine.
AddASCII()Adds a numeric value to the ASCII code of a specified character in a string.
AddMonth()Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from a Date value.
AfterAtNum()Extracts the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a search string.
AnsiToHtml()Inserts HTML character entities into an ANSI text string,
ASCIISum()Sums the ASCII codes of all characters in a string.
AscPos()Determines the ASCII code of a specified character in a string.
ASin()Calculates the arc sine.
AtAdjust()Justifies a character sequence within a string.
ATan()Calculates the arc tangent.
ATn2()Calculates the radians of an angle from sine and cosine.
AtNum()Searches multiple occurrences of a substring within a string.
AtRepl()Searches and replaces a substring within a string.
AtSkipStrings()Locates the position of a substring within a character string.
AtToken()Returns the position of the n-th token in a string.
BeforAtNum()Extracts the remainder of a string before the last occurrance of a search string.
BitToC()Translates bits of an integer to a character string.
Blank()Returns empty values for the data types A, C, D, L, M and N.
BoM()Returns the date of the first day of a month.
BoQ()Returns the date of the first day of a quarter.
BoY()Returns the date of the first day of a year.
CallDll()Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded external library.
Ceiling()Rounds a decimal number to the next higher integer.
Celsius()Converts degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Center()Returns a string for centered display.
CFTSAdd()Adds a text string entry to a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSClose()Closes a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSCrea()Creates a new Full Text Search index file.
CFTSDelete()Marks an index entry as deleted in a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSIfDel()Checks if a Full Text Search index entry is marked as deleted.
CFTSNext()Searches a Full Text Search index file for a matching index entry.
CFTSOpen()Opens a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSRecn()Returns the number of index entries in a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSReplac()Changes a Full Text Search index entry.
CFTSSet()Defines a search string for subsequent CFTSNext() calls.
CFTSUndel()Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a Full Text Search index file.
CFTSVeri()Verifies a CFTSNext() match against the index key.
CFTSVers()Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions.
CharAdd()Creates a string from the sum of ASCII codes of two strings.
CharAND()Binary ANDs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings.
CharEven()Extracts characters at even positions from a string.
CharHist()Creates a histogram of characters in a character string
CharList()Removes duplicate characters from a string.
CharMirr()Reverses the order of characters in a string.
CharMix()Merges the characters of two strings.
CharNoList()Returns a string containing all characters not included in a string.
CharNOT()Binary NOTs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings.
CharOdd()Extracts characters at odd positions from a string.
CharOne()Removes duplicate adjacent characters from a string.
CharOnly()Removes all characters but the specified ones from a string
CharOR()Binary ORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings.
CharPack()Compresses a string.
CharRela()Tests if two substrings in two strings have the same position.
CharRelRep()Replaces characters if two substrings in two strings have the same position.
CharRem()Deletes specified characters from a string.
CharRepl()Searches a list of characters and replaces them with a corresponding list.
CharRLL()Rotates bits in a character string to the left.
CharRLR()Rotates bits in a character string to the right.
CharSHL()Shifts bits in a character string to the left.
CharSHR()Shifts bits in a character string to the right.
CharSList()Removes duplicate characters from a string and sorts the result.
CharSort()Sorts character (sequences) within a string.
CharSpread()Formats a character string for block paragraphs.
CharSub()Creates a string by subtracting ASCII codes of two strings.
CharSwap()Exchanges adjacent characters in a string.
CharUnpack()Uncompresses a CharPack() compressed string.
CharWin()Replaces characters in a specified screen area.
CharXOR()Binary XORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings.
CheckSum()Calculates the checksum for a character string.
ClearBit()Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 0.
ClearEol()Clears a row on the screen beginning at a specified position.
ClearSlow()Clears a screen area incrementally with a delayed imploding effect.
ClearWin()Clears all or parts of the screen.
ClEol()Clears characters and colors in a row on the screen.
CLOSE LOGCloses all open log channels.
ClWin()Clears characters and colors on the screen.
ColorRepl()Replaces color attributes on the screen.
ColorToN()Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute.
ColorWin()Replaces a color attribute in a screen region.
Complement()Creates the complement for values of data type C, D, L, M, N
Cos()Calculates the cosine for an angle.
CosH()Calculates the hyperbolic cosine for an angle.
Cot()Calculates the cotangent.
CountGets()Returns the number of Get fields in the current Getlist array.
CountLeft()Counts a specified character from the left side of a string.
CountRight()Counts a specified character from the right side of a string.
CreateObject()Instantiates a new OLE Automation object.
Crypt()Encrypts or decrypts a character string.
CSetAtMuPa()Queries or changes the multi-pass mode for At***() functions.
CSetCent()Queries or changes the SET CENTURY setting.
CSetCurs()Queries or changes the SET CURSOR setting.
CSetKey()Retrieves the code block associated with a key.
CSetRef()Queries or changes the pass-by-reference mode for several string functions.
CSetSafety()Retrieves and/or changes the safety switch used in CA-Tools file operations.
CStrToVal()Converts a character string to a value of specific data type.
CtoBit()Converts a character string to an integer based on a bit pattern.
CtoDoW()Returns the number of a week day from its name.
CtoF()Converts an 8 byte string to a floating point number.
CtoMonth()Returns the number of a month from its name.
CtoN()Converts a string of digits to an integer of the specified base.
CtoT()Converts a character string into a DateTime value
CurDirX()Returns the current directory of a drive including directory separators.
CurrentGet()Returns the position of the current Get field in the Getlist array.
DateTime()Returns the current date and time from the operating system.
DaysInMonth()Returns the number of days in a month.
DaysToMonth()Returns the number of days from first January to the beginning of a month.
DbfSize()Returns the size of a database file in memory that is opened in a workarea.
DbJoin()Merges records of two work areas into a new database.
Dblist()Displays records of a work area to the console, printer or file.
DbSort()Creates a new, physically sorted database.
DbTotal()Creates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression.
DbUpdate()Updates records in the current work area from a second work area.
Default()Assigns a default value to a variable.
DeleteFile()Deletes a file with error handling.
DirMake()Creates a directory.
DirName()Returns the current directory.
DisableWaitLocks()Toggles the exclusive file opening mode.
DiskFormat()Formats a floppy disk.
DiskFree()Returns the free storage space of a disk drive in bytes.
DiskReady()Test if a disk drive is ready.
DiskReadyW()Tests if a drive can be written to.
DiskTotal()Returns the totl storage space of a disk drive in bytes.
DiskUsed()Returns the used storage space of a disk drive in bytes.
DMY()Formats a date as "dd. Month yyyy"
DosParam()Returns the command line parameters passed to an xHarbour application.
DoY()Returns the day number of a Date value in a year.
DriveType()Determines the type of a drive.
DtoR()Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
Enhanced()Selects the enhanced color of SetColor().
EoM()Returns the date of the last day in a month.
EoQ()Returns the date of the last day in a quarter.
EoY()Returns the date for the last day of a year.
ExeName()Returns the EXE file name of an xHarbour application.
Expand()Inserts characters between all characters in a string.
Exponent()Calculates the exponent of a floating point number.
Fact()Calculates the factorial of a number.
Fahrenheit()Converts degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.
FieldDeci()Returns the decimal places of a database field.
FieldNum()Returns the ordinal position of a field in a database.
FieldSize()Returns the length of a database field.
FileAppend()Concatenates two files.
FileAttr()Returns the attributes of a file.
FileCClose()Closes the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy().
FileCCont()Continues file copying in backup mode of FileCopy().
FileCOpen()Tests if the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy() is still open.
FileCopy()Copies files normally or in backup mode.
FileDate()Returns the date of a file.
FileDelete()Deletes one or more files specified by a file mask and file attributes.
FileMove()Moves a file to another directory.
FileReader()Returns a new TStreamFileReader object.
FileScreen()Reads the contents of a screen from a file.
FileSeek()Seeks files specified by a file mask and file attributes.
FileSize()Returns the size of a file.
FileStr()Reads a string from a file beginning at a specified offset.
FileTime()Returns the change time of a file.
FileValid()Tests if a string contains a valid file name.
FileWriter()Returns a new TStreamFileWriter object.
Floor()Rounds a decimal number to the next lower integer.
FloppyType()Determines the type of a floppy drive.
FtoC()Converts a floating point number to an 8 byte binary string.
Fv()Calculates the future value of constant, periodic investments.
GetActive()Returns or assigns the current Get object during READ.
GetActiveObject()Retturns an instantiated OLE Automation object.
GetApplyKey()Sends an Inkey() code to the currently active Get object.
GetClearA()Returns the default color attribute for clearing the screen.
GetClearB()Returns the default character for clearing the screen.
GetClrBack()Returns the background color of a color value.
GetClrFore()Returns the foreground color of a color value.
GetClrPair()Extracts a color value from a color string.
GetDoSetKey()Evaluates a SetKey() code block during READ.
GetE()Retrieves an operating system environment variable.
GetFldCol()Returns the screen column position of a Get field.
GetFldRow()Returns the screen row position of a Get field.
GetFldVar()Returns the name of a Get variable.
GetPairLen()Returns the length of a color value within a color string.
GetPairPos()Returns the absolute position of a color value in a color string.
GetPostValidate()Validates data after editing.
GetPrec()Retrieves computing precision for trigonometric functions.
GetPreValidate()Validates data before editing.
GetSecret()Allows for hidden Get input for character strings.
GetVolInfo()Retrieves the volume label of a disk.
GuiApplyKey()Sends an Inkey() code to the associated control of the currently active Get object.
GuiGetPostValidate()Validates data after editing.
GuiGetPrevalidate()Validates data before editing.
GuiReader()Processes user input.
HbCheckBox()Creates a new HbCheckBox object.
HbConsoleLock()Locks the console for the current thread
HbConsoleUnlock()Releases the console lock.
HbListBox()Creates a new HbListBox object
HbPushButton()Creates a new HbPushButton object.
HbRadioButton()Creates a new HRadioButton object.
HbRadioGroup()Creates a new HbRadioGroup object.
HbScrollBar()Creates a new HbScrollBar object.
HB_ArrayBlock()Creates a set/get code block for an array.
HB_Base64Decode()Decodes a base 64 encoded character string.
HB_Base64DecodeFile()Decodes a base 64 encoded file.
HB_Base64Encode()Encodes a character string base 64.
HB_Base64EncodeFile()Encodes a file base 64.
HB_BldLogMsg()Converts a list of parameters into a text string.
HB_Clocks2Secs()Calculates seconds from CPU ticks.
HB_CloseProcess()Closes a child process
HB_ClrArea()Replaces a color attribute in a screen region.
HB_ColorToN()Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute.
HB_Compress()Compresses a character string (ZIP).
HB_CompressBufLen()Calculates the buffer size required for compression.
HB_CompressError()Returns the error code of the last (un)compression.
HB_CompressErrorDesc()Returns an error description from a numeric error code.
HB_CreateLen8()Converts a numeric value to an eight byte character string in network byte order.
HB_Decode()Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement.
HB_DecodeOrEmpty()Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement.
HB_DeserialBegin()Initiates deserialization of a group of variables of simple or complex data types.
HB_DeserializeSimple()Deserializes values of simple data types.
HB_DeserialNext()Deserialization the next variable of simple or complex data types.
HB_DiskSpace()Returns the free storage space for a disk drive by drive letter.
HB_DumpVar()Converts a value to a character string holding human readable text.
HB_FCommit()Forces a disk write.
HB_FCreate()Creates and/or opens a binary file.
HB_FEof()Tests if the end-of-file is reached in the currently selected text file.
HB_FGoBottom()Moves the file pointer to the last line in a text file.
HB_FGoto()Moves the record pointer to a specific line in the currently selected text file.
HB_FGoTop()Moves the record pointer to the begin-of-file.
HB_FInfo()Retrieves status information about the currently selected text file.
HB_FLastRec()Returns the number of lines in the currently selected text file.
HB_FReadAndSkip()Reads the current line and moves the record pointer.
HB_FreadLN()Reads the current line and without moving the record pointer.
HB_FRecno()Returns the current line number of the currently selected text file.
HB_FSelect()Queries or changes the currently selected text file area.
HB_FSkip()Moves the record pointer in the currently selected text file.
HB_FUse()Opens or closes a text file in a text file area.
HB_F_Eof()Tests for End-of-file with binary files.
HB_GetLen8()Retrieves the length of data in a serialized binary string.
HB_IdleWaitNoCPU()Toggles the mode for CPU usage in Idle wait states.
HB_IsDateTime()Tests if the value returned by an expression is a DateTime value.
HB_LangErrMsg()Returns language specific error messages.
HB_LangMessage()Returns language specific messages or text strings.
HB_LangName()Returns the currently selected language.
HB_LogDateStamp()Returns a character string holding a date stamp.
HB_OpenProcess()Opens a child process.
HB_OsDriveSeparator()Returns the operating specific drive separator character.
HB_OsError()Returns the operating specific error code of the last low-level file operation.
HB_OsPathDelimiters()Returns the operating specific characters for paths.
HB_OsPathListSeparator()Returns the operating specific separator character for a path list.
HB_OsPathSeparator()Returns the operating specific separator character for a path.
HB_PCodeVer()Retrieves the PCode version of the current xHarbour build.
HB_Pointer2String()Reads bytes from a pointer into a character string.
HB_ProcessValue()Retrieves the return value of a child process.
HB_ReadLine()Scans a formatted character string or memo field for text lines.
HB_RegExAtX()Parses a string and fills an array with parsing information.
HB_RegExReplace()Searches and replaces characters within a character string using a regular expression.
HB_SerializeSimple()Serializes values of simple data types.
HB_SerialNext()Returns the position of the next chunk of binary data to retrieve.
HB_SetKeyArray()Associates a code block with multiple keys.
HB_SetKeyCheck()Evaluates a code block associated with a key.
HB_SetKeyGet()Retrieves code blocks associated with a key.
HB_SetKeySave()Queries or changes all SetKey() code blocks.
HB_String2Pointer()Obtains the pointer for a character string.
HB_SysLogClose()Closes the log file of the operating system.
HB_SysLogMessage()Adds a new entry to the log file of the operating system.
HB_SysLogOpen()Opens the log file of the operating system
HB_Translate()Converts a character string from one code page to another one.
HB_Uncompress()Uncompresses a compressed character string (ZIP).
HB_UUDecode()Decodes a UUEncoded character string.
HB_UUDecodeFile()Decodes a UUEncoded file.
HB_UUEncode()UUEncodes a character string.
HB_UUEncodeFile()UUEncodes a file.
HB_ValToStr()Converts values of simple data types to character string.
Hour()Extracts the hour from a DateTime value
HS_Add()Adds a text string entry to a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Close()Closes a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Create()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Delete()Marks an index entry as deleted in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Filter()Uses a HiPer-SEEK index file as filter for a work area
HS_IfDel()Checks if a HiPer-SEEK index entry is marked as deleted
HS_Index()Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file and fills it with index entries.
HS_KeyCount()Returns the number of index entries in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Next()Searches a HiPer-SEEK index file for a matching index entry.
HS_Open()Opens a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Replace()Changes a HiPer-SEEK index entry.
HS_Set()Defines a search string for subsequent HS_Next() calls.
HS_Undelete()Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a HiPer-SEEK index file.
HS_Verify()Verifies a HS_Next() match against the index key.
HS_Version()Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions.
HtmlToAnsi()Converts an HTML formatted text string to the ANSI character set.
HtmlToOem()Converts an HTML formatted text string to the OEM character set
INetAccept()Waits for an incoming connection on a server side socket.
INetAddress()Determines the internet address of a remote station.
INetCleanup()Releases memory resources for sockets.
INetClearError()Resets the last error code of a socket.
INetClearPeriodCallback()Voids a callback function for a socket.
INetClearTimeout()Voids a timout value for a socket.
INetClose()Closes a connection on a socket.
INetConnect()Establishes a sockets connection to a server.
INetConnectIP()Establishes a sockets connection to a server using the IP address.
INetCount()Returns the number of bytes transferred in the last sockets operation
INetCreate()Creates a raw, unconnected socket.
INetCRLF()Returns new line characters used in internet communications.
INetDataReady()Tests if incoming data is available to be read.
INetDGram()Creates an unbound datagram oriented socket.
INetDGramBind()Creates a bound datagram oriented socket.
INetDGramRecv()Reads data from a datagram socket.
INetDGramSend()Sends data to a datagram socket.
INetErrorCode()Returns the last sockets error code.
INetErrorDesc()Returns a descriptive error message
INetGetAlias()Retrieves alias names from a server.
INetGetHosts()Queries IP addresses associated with a name.
INetGetPeriodCallback()Queries a callback associated with a socket.
INetGetTimeout()Queries a timout value for a socket.
INetInit()Initializes the sockets subsystem.
INetPort()Determines the port number a socket is connected to.
INetRecv()Reads data from a socket.
INetRecvAll()Reads all data from a socket.
INetRecvEndblock()Reads one block of data until an end-of-block marker is detected.
INetRecvLine()Reads one line of data until CRLF is detected.
INetSend()Sends data to a socket.
INetSendAll()Sends all data to a socket.
INetServer()Creates a server side socket.
INetSetPeriodCallback()Associates callback information with a socket.
INetSetTimeout()Sets a timout value in milliseconds for a socket.
Infinity()Returns the largest number.
INIT LOGInitializes the Log system and opens requested log channels.
InvertAttr()Exchanges the foreground and background color.
InvertWin()Exchanges the foreground and background color on the screen.
IsAffirm()Converts "Yes" in a national language to a logical value.
IsBit()Checks whether a bit at a specified position is set.
IsDefColor()Checks if the default color is set.
IsDir()Checks if a character string contains the name of an existing directory.
IsLeap()Checks if a Date value belongs to a leap year.
IsLocked()Checks if a record is locked.
IsNegative()Converts "No" in a national language to a logical value.
JustLeft()Left justifies characters in a character string.
JustRight()Right justifies characters in a character string.
KbdStat()Determines the state of special keys like Ctrl or Shift keys.
KeySec()Starts a timer to write a key code into the keyboard buffer.
KeyTime()Writes a key code into the keyboard buffer at a specified time.
KSetCaps()Queries or changes the status of the Caps lock key
KSetIns()Queries or changes the status of the Insert/Overwrite key
KSetNum()Queries or changes the status of the Num lock key
KSetScroll()Queries or changes the status of the Scroll lock key
LastDayoM()Returns the number of days in a month.
LISTLists records of a work area to the console, file or printer.
LOGSends a message to open log channels.
Log10()Calculates the base 10 logarithm.
LtoC()Converts a logical value to a character.
LtoN()Converts a logical value to a numeric value.
Mantissa()Calculates the mantissa of a floating point number.
MaxLine()Returns the longest line in an ASCII formatted character string.
MDY()Formats a date as "Month dd, yy".
MilliSec()Defines a time delay in milliseconds.
Minute()Extracts the minute from a DateTime value
NationMsg()Returns application specific messages.
NetAppend()Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area.
NetCancel()Releases an existing network connection.
NetCommitAll()Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk.
NetDbUse()Opens a database file for shared access in a work area.
NetDelete()Marks records for deletion.
NetDisk()Tests if a drive is a network drive.
NetError()Determines if a Net*() function has failed.
NetFileLock()Applies a file lock to an open, shared database.
NetFunc()Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires.
NetLock()Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout.
NetOpenFiles()Opens databases and associated index files.
NetPrinter()Tests if the current printer is a network printer.
NetRecall()Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion.
NetRecLock()Locks the current record for write access.
NetRedir()Establishes a connection to a server.
NetRmtName()Returns the remote name of a network device.
Network()Tests for the existence of a network.
NNetwork()Tests for the existence of a Novell network.
NtoC()Converts an integer to a string of digits for a specified number base.
NtoCDoW()Converts a numeric week day to its name.
NtoCMonth()Converts a numeric month to its name.
NtoColor()Converts a numeric color attribute to a color string.
Nul()Returns a null string ("").
NumAND()Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values.
NumAndX()Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values.
NumAt()Counts multiple occurrences of a substring within a string.
NumCount()Installs and/or increments an internal counter value.
NumDiskL()Returns the number of logical drives.
NumHigh()Retrieves the high byte of a 16-bit integer.
NumLine()Returns the number of lines in an ASCII formatted character string.
NumLow()Retrieves the low byte of a 16 bit integer.
NumMirr()Mirrors 8 or 16 bits of a 16-bit integer.
NumMirrX()Mirrors bits of a numeric integer value.
NumNOT()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
NumNotX()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
NumOR()Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values.
NumOrX()Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values.
NumRoL()Rotates bits of a numeric 16-bit integer value to the left.
NumRolX()Rotates bits of a numeric integer value to the left.
NumToken()Returns the number of tokens in a string.
NumXOR()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric 32-bit integer values.
NumXorX()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric integer values.
Occurs()Counts the occurrance of a substring in a character string.
OemToHtml()Inserts HTML character entities into an OEM text string.
Ole2TxtError()Returns the last OLE error code as character string.
OleError()Returns the last OLE error code.
Os_NetRegOk()Checks for correct network registry settings on Windows platforms.
OS_NetVRedirOk()Checks for the correct VREDIR.VXD file.
PadLeft()Pads a character string on the left.
PadRight()Pads a character string on the right.
Payment()Calculates a periodical payment for loans.
Periods()Calculates the duration for paying back a loan at fixed interest rate and payments.
Pi()Returns Pi with highest accuracy.
PosAlpha()Returns the position of the first alphabetic characters in a character string.
PosChar()Replaces a single character at a specified position in a string.
PosDel()Deletes character(s) at a specified position in a string.
PosDiff()Searches the first position where two character strings differ.
PosEqual()Searches the first position where two character strings are equal.
PosIns()Inserts character(s) at a specified position in a string.
PosLower()Returns the position of the first lower case letter in a character string.
PosRange()Retrieves the position of the first character out of a range found in a string.
PosRepl()Replaces characters in a string beginning at a specified position.
PosUpper()Returns the position of the first upper case letter in a character string.
PrgExpToVal()Converts a character string obtained from ValToPrgExp() back to the original data type.
PrintReady()Tests if a printer connected to a specified port is ready.
PrintSend()Sends a string or a single character to the printer.
PrintStat()Returns the status of a printer.
Pv()Calculates the present value of future capital, based on periodic investments.
Quarter()Returns the quarter a date belongs to.
RangeRem()Deletes character(s) within a specified range of characters.
RangeRepl()Repleaces character(s) within a specified range of characters.
Rate()Calculates the interest rate for a loan.
RddRegister()Registers a user defined Replaceable Database Driver (RDD).
ReadExit()Enables or disables up/down arrow keys as exit keys for READ
ReadInsert()Queries or changes the insert/overstrike mode during READ.
ReadKey()Returns the key code of the key that has terminated READ.
ReadKill()Queries or changes the READ termination flag.
ReadUpdated()Queries or changes the updated flag of the READ command.
ReadVar()Returns name of the current GET or MENU TO variable.
RemAll()Deletes a specified character from both sides of a string.
RemLeft()Deletes a specified character from the left side of a string.
RemRight()Deletes a specified character from the right side of a string.
RenameFile()Renames a file and handles errors.
ReplAll()Replaces a specified character on both sides of a string.
ReplLeft()Replaces a specified character on the left side of a string.
ReplRight()Replaces a specified character on the right side of a string.
RestCursor()Restores shape and position of the screen cursor.
RestGets()Restores a previously saved Getlist array.
RestSetKey()Restores SetKey() settings and associated code blocks.
RestToken()Restores the global environment of the incremental tokenizer.
RtoD()Converts angles from radians to degrees.
SaveCursor()Saves the current cursor shape and position.
SaveGets()Saves the current Getlist array for nested READs.
SaveSetKey()Saves SetKey() settings and associated code blocks.
SaveToken()Saves the global environment of the incremental tokenizer.
SayDown()Outputs a string vertically to the bottom of the screen.
SayMoveIn()Outputs a string on the screen using a "move in" effect.
SayScreen()Displays a string on screen keeping existing color attributes.
SaySpread()Outputs a string on the screen using a "spread" effect.
ScreenAttr()Returns the numeric color attribute for a specified coordinate on the screen.
ScreenFile()Writes the contents of the current screen to a file.
ScreenMark()Searches strings on the screen and changes their color.
ScreenMix()Mixes a character string with color attributes.
ScreenStr()Returns the screen contents beginning at a specified position.
Scrollfixed()Scrolls a screen region horizontally and/or vertically.
SecondsCpu()Returns the CPU time used by the current process.
SecToTime()Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string.
SET LOG STYLESelects a style for logging data to log channels.
SetAtLike()Sets the search mode for At***() functions
SetBit()Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 1.
SetClearA()Sets the default color attribute for clearing the screen.
SetClearB()Sets the default character attribute for clearing the screen.
SetClrPair()Replaces a color value in a color string.
SetDate()Changes the system date from a Date value.
SetFAttr()Sets file attributes.
SetFCreate()Sets the default file attribute(s) for creating files.
SetFDaTi()Sets the last change date and time of a file.
SetLastKey()Changes the return value of function LastKey()
SetNetDelay()Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions.
SetNetMsgColor()Queries or changes the color for displaying failure messages of Net*() functions.
SetNewDate()Changes the system date from Numeric values.
SetNewTime()Changes the system time from Numeric values.
SetPosBS()Moves the screen cursor (text mode) one column to the right.
SetPrec()Specifies the computing precision for trigonometric functions.
SetTime()Changes the system time from a Time string.
ShowTime()Displays the system time continuously at a specified screen position.
Sign()Converts the sign of a number to a numeric value.
Sin()Calculates the sine.
SinH()Calculates the hyperbolic sine.
Standard()Selects the standard color of SetColor().
StoT()Converts a "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc" formatted string to a DateTime value
Strdel()Deletes characters from a string based on a mask string.
StrDiff()Calculates the similarity of two strings.
StrFile()Writes a string to a file starting at a specified position.
StringToLiteral()Creates a literal character string from a string.
StrPeek()Determines the ASCII code of a specified character in a string.
StrPoke()Changes the ASCII code of a specified character in a string.
StrScreen()Displays a screen string at the specified position.
StrSwap()Exchanges characters between two strings.
SX_Decrypt()Decrypts an encrypted character string.
SX_DtoP()Converts a Date value into a 3-byte character string.
SX_Encrypt()Encrypts a character string.
SX_FCompress()Compresses a file.
SX_FDecompress()Decompresses a compressed file.
SX_PtoD()Unpacks a packed 3-byte date value.
TabExpand()Replaces a tab with a specified number of another character.
TabPack()Inserts a Tab (Chr(9)) for multiple occurrances of a character.
Tan()Calculates the tangent.
TanH()Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.
THtmlCleanup()Releases memory tables required for HTML classes.
THtmlDocument()Creates a new THtmlDocument object.
THtmlInit()Initializes memory tables required for HTML classes.
THtmlIsValid()Validates a HTML tag name and attribute.
THtmlIterator()Creates a new THtmlIterator object.
THtmlIteratorRegEx()Creates a new THtmlIteratorRegEx object.
THtmlIteratorScan()Creates a new THtmlIteratorScan object.
THtmlNode()Creates a new THtmlNode object.
TimeToSec()Calculates the number of seconds since midnight.
TimeValid()Checks if a character string is a valid time string.
TIpClient()Abstract class for internet communication.
TIpClientFtp()Creates a new TIpClientFtp object.
TIpClientHttp()Creates a new TIpClientHttp object.
TIpClientPop()Creates a new TIpClientPop object.
TIpClientSmtp()Creates a new TIpClientSmtp object.
TIpMail()Creates a new TIpMail object.
Token()Retrieves the n-th token from a string.
TokenAt()Returns the start and end position of a token.
TokenEnd()Tests if tokens can still be found with TokenNext().
TokenExit()Releases memory resources of the global tokenizer environment.
TokenInit()Initializes the environment for the incremental tokenizer.
TokenLower()Changes the first character of tokens to lower case.
TokenNext()Retrieves the next token from a string.
TokenNum()Returns the number of tokens in a tokenizer environment.
TokenSep()Retrieves the separating characters of a token.
TokenUpper()Changes the first character of tokens to upper case.
TrueName()Completes a relative path to include the root directory.
TStream()Abstract class for low-level file data streams.
TStreamFileReader()Creates a new TStreamFileReader object.
TStreamFileWriter()Creates a new TStreamFileWriter object.
TtoC()Converts a DateTime value to a character string in SET DATE and SET TIME format.
TtoS()Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc format.
TUrl()Creates a new TUrl object.
Unselected()Selects the unselected color of SetColor().
UntextWin()Removes all text characters from the screen.
Updated()Queries the updated flag of the READ command.
UsrRdd_AreaData()Queries or attaches user-defined data to a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_AreaResult()Queries the result of the last operation of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_ID()Queries the ID of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_RddData()Queries or attaches user-defined data a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetBof()Sets the BoF() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetBottom()Defines the bottom scope value for a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetEof()Sets the Eof() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetFound()Sets the Found() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD.
UsrRdd_SetTop()Defines the top value for a work area of a user-defined RDD.
ValPos()Returns the numeric value of a digit at a specified position in a string.
VARDeclares an instance variable of a class.
VolSerial()Returns the serial number of a disk drive.
Volume()Sets the volume label of a disk.
WAClose()Closes all windows.
WaitPeriod()Defines a wait period and allows for time controlled loops.
WBoard()Determines the area that can be used for displaying windows.
WBox()Draws a frame around the current window.
WCenter()Centers a window on the screen or makes it entirely visible.
WClose()Closes the current window and selects the next window as current window.
WCol()Returns the left column position of the selected window.
Week()Calculates the numeric calendar week from a date.
WfCol()Returns the left column position of the usable area in a formatted window.
WfLastCol()Returns the right column position of the usable area in a formatted window.
WfLastRow()Returns the bottom row position of the usable area in a formatted window.
WFormat()Defines the usable display area inside the current window.
WfRow()Returns the top row position of the usable area in a formatted window.
Wild2RegEx()Converts a character string including wild card characters to a regular expression.
Win32Bmp()Creates a new Win32Bmp object.
Win32Prn()Creates a new Win32Prn object.
WInfo()Returns all coordinates of the current window.
WLastCol()Returns the right column position of the selected window.
WLastRow()Returns the bottom row position of the selected window.
WMode()Determines on which side windows are allowed to be moved off the screen.
WMove()Changes the upper left coordinate for the current window.
WMSetPos()Moves the mouse cursor to a new position in a window.
WNum()Returns the largest window ID of all windows.
WoM()Calculates the week number in a month.
WOpen()Creates a new window.
WordOne()Removes duplicate adjacent words (2-byte sequences) from a string.
WordOnly()Removes all words (2-byte sequence) but the specified ones from a string
WordRem()Deletes specified words (2-byte sequence) from a string.
WordRepl()Replaces words (2-byte sequences) in a string with a specified word.
WordSwap()Exchanges adjacent words (2-byte sequences) in a string.
WordToChar()Replaces words (2 byte sequence) with characters (1 byte)
WRow()Returns the top row position of the selected window.
WSelect()Returns and/or selects an open window as the current window.
WSetMouse()Determines the visibility and/or position of the mouse cursor.
WSetMove()Toggles the setting for moving windows interactively.
WSetShadow()Defines the shadow color for windows.
WStack()Returns window IDs of all open windows.
WStep()Sets the increments for horizontal and vertical window movement.
XtoC()Converts values of data type C, D, L, M, N to a string.
{ˆ }Literal DateTime value.

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