Item | Description |
@...GET CHECKBOX | Creates a Get object as check box and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET LISTBOX | Creates a Get object as list box and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET PUSHBUTTON | Creates a Get object as push button and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET RADIOGROUP | Creates a Get object as radio button group and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET TBROWSE | Creates a Get object as browser and displays it to the screen |
ACos() | Calculates the arc cosine. |
AddASCII() | Adds a numeric value to the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
AddMonth() | Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from a Date value. |
AfterAtNum() | Extracts the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a search string. |
AnsiToHtml() | Inserts HTML character entities into an ANSI text string, |
ASCIISum() | Sums the ASCII codes of all characters in a string. |
AscPos() | Determines the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
ASin() | Calculates the arc sine. |
AtAdjust() | Justifies a character sequence within a string. |
ATan() | Calculates the arc tangent. |
ATn2() | Calculates the radians of an angle from sine and cosine. |
AtNum() | Searches multiple occurrences of a substring within a string. |
AtRepl() | Searches and replaces a substring within a string. |
AtSkipStrings() | Locates the position of a substring within a character string. |
AtToken() | Returns the position of the n-th token in a string. |
BeforAtNum() | Extracts the remainder of a string before the last occurrance of a search string. |
BitToC() | Translates bits of an integer to a character string. |
Blank() | Returns empty values for the data types A, C, D, L, M and N. |
BoM() | Returns the date of the first day of a month. |
BoQ() | Returns the date of the first day of a quarter. |
BoY() | Returns the date of the first day of a year. |
CallDll() | Executes a function located in a dynamically loaded external library. |
Ceiling() | Rounds a decimal number to the next higher integer. |
Celsius() | Converts degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius. |
Center() | Returns a string for centered display. |
CFTSAdd() | Adds a text string entry to a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSClose() | Closes a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSCrea() | Creates a new Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSDelete() | Marks an index entry as deleted in a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSIfDel() | Checks if a Full Text Search index entry is marked as deleted. |
CFTSNext() | Searches a Full Text Search index file for a matching index entry. |
CFTSOpen() | Opens a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSRecn() | Returns the number of index entries in a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSReplac() | Changes a Full Text Search index entry. |
CFTSSet() | Defines a search string for subsequent CFTSNext() calls. |
CFTSUndel() | Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a Full Text Search index file. |
CFTSVeri() | Verifies a CFTSNext() match against the index key. |
CFTSVers() | Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions. |
CharAdd() | Creates a string from the sum of ASCII codes of two strings. |
CharAND() | Binary ANDs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharEven() | Extracts characters at even positions from a string. |
CharHist() | Creates a histogram of characters in a character string |
CharList() | Removes duplicate characters from a string. |
CharMirr() | Reverses the order of characters in a string. |
CharMix() | Merges the characters of two strings. |
CharNoList() | Returns a string containing all characters not included in a string. |
CharNOT() | Binary NOTs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharOdd() | Extracts characters at odd positions from a string. |
CharOne() | Removes duplicate adjacent characters from a string. |
CharOnly() | Removes all characters but the specified ones from a string |
CharOR() | Binary ORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharPack() | Compresses a string. |
CharRela() | Tests if two substrings in two strings have the same position. |
CharRelRep() | Replaces characters if two substrings in two strings have the same position. |
CharRem() | Deletes specified characters from a string. |
CharRepl() | Searches a list of characters and replaces them with a corresponding list. |
CharRLL() | Rotates bits in a character string to the left. |
CharRLR() | Rotates bits in a character string to the right. |
CharSHL() | Shifts bits in a character string to the left. |
CharSHR() | Shifts bits in a character string to the right. |
CharSList() | Removes duplicate characters from a string and sorts the result. |
CharSort() | Sorts character (sequences) within a string. |
CharSpread() | Formats a character string for block paragraphs. |
CharSub() | Creates a string by subtracting ASCII codes of two strings. |
CharSwap() | Exchanges adjacent characters in a string. |
CharUnpack() | Uncompresses a CharPack() compressed string. |
CharWin() | Replaces characters in a specified screen area. |
CharXOR() | Binary XORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CheckSum() | Calculates the checksum for a character string. |
ClearBit() | Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 0. |
ClearEol() | Clears a row on the screen beginning at a specified position. |
ClearSlow() | Clears a screen area incrementally with a delayed imploding effect. |
ClearWin() | Clears all or parts of the screen. |
ClEol() | Clears characters and colors in a row on the screen. |
CLOSE LOG | Closes all open log channels. |
ClWin() | Clears characters and colors on the screen. |
ColorRepl() | Replaces color attributes on the screen. |
ColorToN() | Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute. |
ColorWin() | Replaces a color attribute in a screen region. |
Complement() | Creates the complement for values of data type C, D, L, M, N |
Cos() | Calculates the cosine for an angle. |
CosH() | Calculates the hyperbolic cosine for an angle. |
Cot() | Calculates the cotangent. |
CountGets() | Returns the number of Get fields in the current Getlist array. |
CountLeft() | Counts a specified character from the left side of a string. |
CountRight() | Counts a specified character from the right side of a string. |
CreateObject() | Instantiates a new OLE Automation object. |
Crypt() | Encrypts or decrypts a character string. |
CSetAtMuPa() | Queries or changes the multi-pass mode for At***() functions. |
CSetCent() | Queries or changes the SET CENTURY setting. |
CSetCurs() | Queries or changes the SET CURSOR setting. |
CSetKey() | Retrieves the code block associated with a key. |
CSetRef() | Queries or changes the pass-by-reference mode for several string functions. |
CSetSafety() | Retrieves and/or changes the safety switch used in CA-Tools file operations. |
CStrToVal() | Converts a character string to a value of specific data type. |
CtoBit() | Converts a character string to an integer based on a bit pattern. |
CtoDoW() | Returns the number of a week day from its name. |
CtoF() | Converts an 8 byte string to a floating point number. |
CtoMonth() | Returns the number of a month from its name. |
CtoN() | Converts a string of digits to an integer of the specified base. |
CtoT() | Converts a character string into a DateTime value |
CurDirX() | Returns the current directory of a drive including directory separators. |
CurrentGet() | Returns the position of the current Get field in the Getlist array. |
DateTime() | Returns the current date and time from the operating system. |
DaysInMonth() | Returns the number of days in a month. |
DaysToMonth() | Returns the number of days from first January to the beginning of a month. |
DbfSize() | Returns the size of a database file in memory that is opened in a workarea. |
DbJoin() | Merges records of two work areas into a new database. |
Dblist() | Displays records of a work area to the console, printer or file. |
DbSort() | Creates a new, physically sorted database. |
DbTotal() | Creates a new database summarizing numeric fields by an expression. |
DbUpdate() | Updates records in the current work area from a second work area. |
Default() | Assigns a default value to a variable. |
DeleteFile() | Deletes a file with error handling. |
DirMake() | Creates a directory. |
DirName() | Returns the current directory. |
DisableWaitLocks() | Toggles the exclusive file opening mode. |
DiskFormat() | Formats a floppy disk. |
DiskFree() | Returns the free storage space of a disk drive in bytes. |
DiskReady() | Test if a disk drive is ready. |
DiskReadyW() | Tests if a drive can be written to. |
DiskTotal() | Returns the totl storage space of a disk drive in bytes. |
DiskUsed() | Returns the used storage space of a disk drive in bytes. |
DMY() | Formats a date as "dd. Month yyyy" |
DosParam() | Returns the command line parameters passed to an xHarbour application. |
DoY() | Returns the day number of a Date value in a year. |
DriveType() | Determines the type of a drive. |
DtoR() | Converts an angle from degrees to radians. |
Enhanced() | Selects the enhanced color of SetColor(). |
EoM() | Returns the date of the last day in a month. |
EoQ() | Returns the date of the last day in a quarter. |
EoY() | Returns the date for the last day of a year. |
ExeName() | Returns the EXE file name of an xHarbour application. |
Expand() | Inserts characters between all characters in a string. |
Exponent() | Calculates the exponent of a floating point number. |
Fact() | Calculates the factorial of a number. |
Fahrenheit() | Converts degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit. |
FieldDeci() | Returns the decimal places of a database field. |
FieldNum() | Returns the ordinal position of a field in a database. |
FieldSize() | Returns the length of a database field. |
FileAppend() | Concatenates two files. |
FileAttr() | Returns the attributes of a file. |
FileCClose() | Closes the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy(). |
FileCCont() | Continues file copying in backup mode of FileCopy(). |
FileCOpen() | Tests if the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy() is still open. |
FileCopy() | Copies files normally or in backup mode. |
FileDate() | Returns the date of a file. |
FileDelete() | Deletes one or more files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileMove() | Moves a file to another directory. |
FileReader() | Returns a new TStreamFileReader object. |
FileScreen() | Reads the contents of a screen from a file. |
FileSeek() | Seeks files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileSize() | Returns the size of a file. |
FileStr() | Reads a string from a file beginning at a specified offset. |
FileTime() | Returns the change time of a file. |
FileValid() | Tests if a string contains a valid file name. |
FileWriter() | Returns a new TStreamFileWriter object. |
Floor() | Rounds a decimal number to the next lower integer. |
FloppyType() | Determines the type of a floppy drive. |
FtoC() | Converts a floating point number to an 8 byte binary string. |
Fv() | Calculates the future value of constant, periodic investments. |
GetActive() | Returns or assigns the current Get object during READ. |
GetActiveObject() | Retturns an instantiated OLE Automation object. |
GetApplyKey() | Sends an Inkey() code to the currently active Get object. |
GetClearA() | Returns the default color attribute for clearing the screen. |
GetClearB() | Returns the default character for clearing the screen. |
GetClrBack() | Returns the background color of a color value. |
GetClrFore() | Returns the foreground color of a color value. |
GetClrPair() | Extracts a color value from a color string. |
GetDoSetKey() | Evaluates a SetKey() code block during READ. |
GetE() | Retrieves an operating system environment variable. |
GetFldCol() | Returns the screen column position of a Get field. |
GetFldRow() | Returns the screen row position of a Get field. |
GetFldVar() | Returns the name of a Get variable. |
GetPairLen() | Returns the length of a color value within a color string. |
GetPairPos() | Returns the absolute position of a color value in a color string. |
GetPostValidate() | Validates data after editing. |
GetPrec() | Retrieves computing precision for trigonometric functions. |
GetPreValidate() | Validates data before editing. |
GetSecret() | Allows for hidden Get input for character strings. |
GetVolInfo() | Retrieves the volume label of a disk. |
GuiApplyKey() | Sends an Inkey() code to the associated control of the currently active Get object. |
GuiGetPostValidate() | Validates data after editing. |
GuiGetPrevalidate() | Validates data before editing. |
GuiReader() | Processes user input. |
HbCheckBox() | Creates a new HbCheckBox object. |
HbConsoleLock() | Locks the console for the current thread |
HbConsoleUnlock() | Releases the console lock. |
HbListBox() | Creates a new HbListBox object |
HbPushButton() | Creates a new HbPushButton object. |
HbRadioButton() | Creates a new HRadioButton object. |
HbRadioGroup() | Creates a new HbRadioGroup object. |
HbScrollBar() | Creates a new HbScrollBar object. |
HB_ArrayBlock() | Creates a set/get code block for an array. |
HB_Base64Decode() | Decodes a base 64 encoded character string. |
HB_Base64DecodeFile() | Decodes a base 64 encoded file. |
HB_Base64Encode() | Encodes a character string base 64. |
HB_Base64EncodeFile() | Encodes a file base 64. |
HB_BldLogMsg() | Converts a list of parameters into a text string. |
HB_Clocks2Secs() | Calculates seconds from CPU ticks. |
HB_CloseProcess() | Closes a child process |
HB_ClrArea() | Replaces a color attribute in a screen region. |
HB_ColorToN() | Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute. |
HB_Compress() | Compresses a character string (ZIP). |
HB_CompressBufLen() | Calculates the buffer size required for compression. |
HB_CompressError() | Returns the error code of the last (un)compression. |
HB_CompressErrorDesc() | Returns an error description from a numeric error code. |
HB_CreateLen8() | Converts a numeric value to an eight byte character string in network byte order. |
HB_Decode() | Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement. |
HB_DecodeOrEmpty() | Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement. |
HB_DeserialBegin() | Initiates deserialization of a group of variables of simple or complex data types. |
HB_DeserializeSimple() | Deserializes values of simple data types. |
HB_DeserialNext() | Deserialization the next variable of simple or complex data types. |
HB_DiskSpace() | Returns the free storage space for a disk drive by drive letter. |
HB_DumpVar() | Converts a value to a character string holding human readable text. |
HB_FCommit() | Forces a disk write. |
HB_FCreate() | Creates and/or opens a binary file. |
HB_FEof() | Tests if the end-of-file is reached in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FGoBottom() | Moves the file pointer to the last line in a text file. |
HB_FGoto() | Moves the record pointer to a specific line in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FGoTop() | Moves the record pointer to the begin-of-file. |
HB_FInfo() | Retrieves status information about the currently selected text file. |
HB_FLastRec() | Returns the number of lines in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FReadAndSkip() | Reads the current line and moves the record pointer. |
HB_FreadLN() | Reads the current line and without moving the record pointer. |
HB_FRecno() | Returns the current line number of the currently selected text file. |
HB_FSelect() | Queries or changes the currently selected text file area. |
HB_FSkip() | Moves the record pointer in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FUse() | Opens or closes a text file in a text file area. |
HB_F_Eof() | Tests for End-of-file with binary files. |
HB_GetLen8() | Retrieves the length of data in a serialized binary string. |
HB_IdleWaitNoCPU() | Toggles the mode for CPU usage in Idle wait states. |
HB_IsDateTime() | Tests if the value returned by an expression is a DateTime value. |
HB_LangErrMsg() | Returns language specific error messages. |
HB_LangMessage() | Returns language specific messages or text strings. |
HB_LangName() | Returns the currently selected language. |
HB_LogDateStamp() | Returns a character string holding a date stamp. |
HB_OpenProcess() | Opens a child process. |
HB_OsDriveSeparator() | Returns the operating specific drive separator character. |
HB_OsError() | Returns the operating specific error code of the last low-level file operation. |
HB_OsPathDelimiters() | Returns the operating specific characters for paths. |
HB_OsPathListSeparator() | Returns the operating specific separator character for a path list. |
HB_OsPathSeparator() | Returns the operating specific separator character for a path. |
HB_PCodeVer() | Retrieves the PCode version of the current xHarbour build. |
HB_Pointer2String() | Reads bytes from a pointer into a character string. |
HB_ProcessValue() | Retrieves the return value of a child process. |
HB_ReadLine() | Scans a formatted character string or memo field for text lines. |
HB_RegExAtX() | Parses a string and fills an array with parsing information. |
HB_RegExReplace() | Searches and replaces characters within a character string using a regular expression. |
HB_SerializeSimple() | Serializes values of simple data types. |
HB_SerialNext() | Returns the position of the next chunk of binary data to retrieve. |
HB_SetKeyArray() | Associates a code block with multiple keys. |
HB_SetKeyCheck() | Evaluates a code block associated with a key. |
HB_SetKeyGet() | Retrieves code blocks associated with a key. |
HB_SetKeySave() | Queries or changes all SetKey() code blocks. |
HB_String2Pointer() | Obtains the pointer for a character string. |
HB_SysLogClose() | Closes the log file of the operating system. |
HB_SysLogMessage() | Adds a new entry to the log file of the operating system. |
HB_SysLogOpen() | Opens the log file of the operating system |
HB_Translate() | Converts a character string from one code page to another one. |
HB_Uncompress() | Uncompresses a compressed character string (ZIP). |
HB_UUDecode() | Decodes a UUEncoded character string. |
HB_UUDecodeFile() | Decodes a UUEncoded file. |
HB_UUEncode() | UUEncodes a character string. |
HB_UUEncodeFile() | UUEncodes a file. |
HB_ValToStr() | Converts values of simple data types to character string. |
Hour() | Extracts the hour from a DateTime value |
HS_Add() | Adds a text string entry to a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Close() | Closes a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Create() | Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Delete() | Marks an index entry as deleted in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Filter() | Uses a HiPer-SEEK index file as filter for a work area |
HS_IfDel() | Checks if a HiPer-SEEK index entry is marked as deleted |
HS_Index() | Creates a new HiPer-SEEK index file and fills it with index entries. |
HS_KeyCount() | Returns the number of index entries in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Next() | Searches a HiPer-SEEK index file for a matching index entry. |
HS_Open() | Opens a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Replace() | Changes a HiPer-SEEK index entry. |
HS_Set() | Defines a search string for subsequent HS_Next() calls. |
HS_Undelete() | Removes the deletion mark from an index entry in a HiPer-SEEK index file. |
HS_Verify() | Verifies a HS_Next() match against the index key. |
HS_Version() | Returns version information for HiPer-SEEK functions. |
HtmlToAnsi() | Converts an HTML formatted text string to the ANSI character set. |
HtmlToOem() | Converts an HTML formatted text string to the OEM character set |
INetAccept() | Waits for an incoming connection on a server side socket. |
INetAddress() | Determines the internet address of a remote station. |
INetCleanup() | Releases memory resources for sockets. |
INetClearError() | Resets the last error code of a socket. |
INetClearPeriodCallback() | Voids a callback function for a socket. |
INetClearTimeout() | Voids a timout value for a socket. |
INetClose() | Closes a connection on a socket. |
INetConnect() | Establishes a sockets connection to a server. |
INetConnectIP() | Establishes a sockets connection to a server using the IP address. |
INetCount() | Returns the number of bytes transferred in the last sockets operation |
INetCreate() | Creates a raw, unconnected socket. |
INetCRLF() | Returns new line characters used in internet communications. |
INetDataReady() | Tests if incoming data is available to be read. |
INetDGram() | Creates an unbound datagram oriented socket. |
INetDGramBind() | Creates a bound datagram oriented socket. |
INetDGramRecv() | Reads data from a datagram socket. |
INetDGramSend() | Sends data to a datagram socket. |
INetErrorCode() | Returns the last sockets error code. |
INetErrorDesc() | Returns a descriptive error message |
INetGetAlias() | Retrieves alias names from a server. |
INetGetHosts() | Queries IP addresses associated with a name. |
INetGetPeriodCallback() | Queries a callback associated with a socket. |
INetGetTimeout() | Queries a timout value for a socket. |
INetInit() | Initializes the sockets subsystem. |
INetPort() | Determines the port number a socket is connected to. |
INetRecv() | Reads data from a socket. |
INetRecvAll() | Reads all data from a socket. |
INetRecvEndblock() | Reads one block of data until an end-of-block marker is detected. |
INetRecvLine() | Reads one line of data until CRLF is detected. |
INetSend() | Sends data to a socket. |
INetSendAll() | Sends all data to a socket. |
INetServer() | Creates a server side socket. |
INetSetPeriodCallback() | Associates callback information with a socket. |
INetSetTimeout() | Sets a timout value in milliseconds for a socket. |
Infinity() | Returns the largest number. |
INIT LOG | Initializes the Log system and opens requested log channels. |
InvertAttr() | Exchanges the foreground and background color. |
InvertWin() | Exchanges the foreground and background color on the screen. |
IsAffirm() | Converts "Yes" in a national language to a logical value. |
IsBit() | Checks whether a bit at a specified position is set. |
IsDefColor() | Checks if the default color is set. |
IsDir() | Checks if a character string contains the name of an existing directory. |
IsLeap() | Checks if a Date value belongs to a leap year. |
IsLocked() | Checks if a record is locked. |
IsNegative() | Converts "No" in a national language to a logical value. |
JustLeft() | Left justifies characters in a character string. |
JustRight() | Right justifies characters in a character string. |
KbdStat() | Determines the state of special keys like Ctrl or Shift keys. |
KeySec() | Starts a timer to write a key code into the keyboard buffer. |
KeyTime() | Writes a key code into the keyboard buffer at a specified time. |
KSetCaps() | Queries or changes the status of the Caps lock key |
KSetIns() | Queries or changes the status of the Insert/Overwrite key |
KSetNum() | Queries or changes the status of the Num lock key |
KSetScroll() | Queries or changes the status of the Scroll lock key |
LastDayoM() | Returns the number of days in a month. |
LIST | Lists records of a work area to the console, file or printer. |
LOG | Sends a message to open log channels. |
Log10() | Calculates the base 10 logarithm. |
LtoC() | Converts a logical value to a character. |
LtoN() | Converts a logical value to a numeric value. |
Mantissa() | Calculates the mantissa of a floating point number. |
MaxLine() | Returns the longest line in an ASCII formatted character string. |
MDY() | Formats a date as "Month dd, yy". |
MilliSec() | Defines a time delay in milliseconds. |
Minute() | Extracts the minute from a DateTime value |
NationMsg() | Returns application specific messages. |
NetAppend() | Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area. |
NetCancel() | Releases an existing network connection. |
NetCommitAll() | Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk. |
NetDbUse() | Opens a database file for shared access in a work area. |
NetDelete() | Marks records for deletion. |
NetDisk() | Tests if a drive is a network drive. |
NetError() | Determines if a Net*() function has failed. |
NetFileLock() | Applies a file lock to an open, shared database. |
NetFunc() | Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires. |
NetLock() | Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout. |
NetOpenFiles() | Opens databases and associated index files. |
NetPrinter() | Tests if the current printer is a network printer. |
NetRecall() | Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion. |
NetRecLock() | Locks the current record for write access. |
NetRedir() | Establishes a connection to a server. |
NetRmtName() | Returns the remote name of a network device. |
Network() | Tests for the existence of a network. |
NNetwork() | Tests for the existence of a Novell network. |
NtoC() | Converts an integer to a string of digits for a specified number base. |
NtoCDoW() | Converts a numeric week day to its name. |
NtoCMonth() | Converts a numeric month to its name. |
NtoColor() | Converts a numeric color attribute to a color string. |
Nul() | Returns a null string (""). |
NumAND() | Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values. |
NumAndX() | Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values. |
NumAt() | Counts multiple occurrences of a substring within a string. |
NumCount() | Installs and/or increments an internal counter value. |
NumDiskL() | Returns the number of logical drives. |
NumHigh() | Retrieves the high byte of a 16-bit integer. |
NumLine() | Returns the number of lines in an ASCII formatted character string. |
NumLow() | Retrieves the low byte of a 16 bit integer. |
NumMirr() | Mirrors 8 or 16 bits of a 16-bit integer. |
NumMirrX() | Mirrors bits of a numeric integer value. |
NumNOT() | Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value. |
NumNotX() | Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value. |
NumOR() | Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values. |
NumOrX() | Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values. |
NumRoL() | Rotates bits of a numeric 16-bit integer value to the left. |
NumRolX() | Rotates bits of a numeric integer value to the left. |
NumToken() | Returns the number of tokens in a string. |
NumXOR() | Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric 32-bit integer values. |
NumXorX() | Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric integer values. |
Occurs() | Counts the occurrance of a substring in a character string. |
OemToHtml() | Inserts HTML character entities into an OEM text string. |
Ole2TxtError() | Returns the last OLE error code as character string. |
OleError() | Returns the last OLE error code. |
Os_NetRegOk() | Checks for correct network registry settings on Windows platforms. |
OS_NetVRedirOk() | Checks for the correct VREDIR.VXD file. |
PadLeft() | Pads a character string on the left. |
PadRight() | Pads a character string on the right. |
Payment() | Calculates a periodical payment for loans. |
Periods() | Calculates the duration for paying back a loan at fixed interest rate and payments. |
Pi() | Returns Pi with highest accuracy. |
PosAlpha() | Returns the position of the first alphabetic characters in a character string. |
PosChar() | Replaces a single character at a specified position in a string. |
PosDel() | Deletes character(s) at a specified position in a string. |
PosDiff() | Searches the first position where two character strings differ. |
PosEqual() | Searches the first position where two character strings are equal. |
PosIns() | Inserts character(s) at a specified position in a string. |
PosLower() | Returns the position of the first lower case letter in a character string. |
PosRange() | Retrieves the position of the first character out of a range found in a string. |
PosRepl() | Replaces characters in a string beginning at a specified position. |
PosUpper() | Returns the position of the first upper case letter in a character string. |
PrgExpToVal() | Converts a character string obtained from ValToPrgExp() back to the original data type. |
PrintReady() | Tests if a printer connected to a specified port is ready. |
PrintSend() | Sends a string or a single character to the printer. |
PrintStat() | Returns the status of a printer. |
Pv() | Calculates the present value of future capital, based on periodic investments. |
Quarter() | Returns the quarter a date belongs to. |
RangeRem() | Deletes character(s) within a specified range of characters. |
RangeRepl() | Repleaces character(s) within a specified range of characters. |
Rate() | Calculates the interest rate for a loan. |
RddRegister() | Registers a user defined Replaceable Database Driver (RDD). |
ReadExit() | Enables or disables up/down arrow keys as exit keys for READ |
ReadInsert() | Queries or changes the insert/overstrike mode during READ. |
ReadKey() | Returns the key code of the key that has terminated READ. |
ReadKill() | Queries or changes the READ termination flag. |
ReadUpdated() | Queries or changes the updated flag of the READ command. |
ReadVar() | Returns name of the current GET or MENU TO variable. |
RemAll() | Deletes a specified character from both sides of a string. |
RemLeft() | Deletes a specified character from the left side of a string. |
RemRight() | Deletes a specified character from the right side of a string. |
RenameFile() | Renames a file and handles errors. |
ReplAll() | Replaces a specified character on both sides of a string. |
ReplLeft() | Replaces a specified character on the left side of a string. |
ReplRight() | Replaces a specified character on the right side of a string. |
RestCursor() | Restores shape and position of the screen cursor. |
RestGets() | Restores a previously saved Getlist array. |
RestSetKey() | Restores SetKey() settings and associated code blocks. |
RestToken() | Restores the global environment of the incremental tokenizer. |
RtoD() | Converts angles from radians to degrees. |
SaveCursor() | Saves the current cursor shape and position. |
SaveGets() | Saves the current Getlist array for nested READs. |
SaveSetKey() | Saves SetKey() settings and associated code blocks. |
SaveToken() | Saves the global environment of the incremental tokenizer. |
SayDown() | Outputs a string vertically to the bottom of the screen. |
SayMoveIn() | Outputs a string on the screen using a "move in" effect. |
SayScreen() | Displays a string on screen keeping existing color attributes. |
SaySpread() | Outputs a string on the screen using a "spread" effect. |
ScreenAttr() | Returns the numeric color attribute for a specified coordinate on the screen. |
ScreenFile() | Writes the contents of the current screen to a file. |
ScreenMark() | Searches strings on the screen and changes their color. |
ScreenMix() | Mixes a character string with color attributes. |
ScreenStr() | Returns the screen contents beginning at a specified position. |
Scrollfixed() | Scrolls a screen region horizontally and/or vertically. |
SecondsCpu() | Returns the CPU time used by the current process. |
SecToTime() | Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string. |
SET LOG STYLE | Selects a style for logging data to log channels. |
SetAtLike() | Sets the search mode for At***() functions |
SetBit() | Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 1. |
SetClearA() | Sets the default color attribute for clearing the screen. |
SetClearB() | Sets the default character attribute for clearing the screen. |
SetClrPair() | Replaces a color value in a color string. |
SetDate() | Changes the system date from a Date value. |
SetFAttr() | Sets file attributes. |
SetFCreate() | Sets the default file attribute(s) for creating files. |
SetFDaTi() | Sets the last change date and time of a file. |
SetLastKey() | Changes the return value of function LastKey() |
SetNetDelay() | Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions. |
SetNetMsgColor() | Queries or changes the color for displaying failure messages of Net*() functions. |
SetNewDate() | Changes the system date from Numeric values. |
SetNewTime() | Changes the system time from Numeric values. |
SetPosBS() | Moves the screen cursor (text mode) one column to the right. |
SetPrec() | Specifies the computing precision for trigonometric functions. |
SetTime() | Changes the system time from a Time string. |
ShowTime() | Displays the system time continuously at a specified screen position. |
Sign() | Converts the sign of a number to a numeric value. |
Sin() | Calculates the sine. |
SinH() | Calculates the hyperbolic sine. |
Standard() | Selects the standard color of SetColor(). |
StoT() | Converts a "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc" formatted string to a DateTime value |
Strdel() | Deletes characters from a string based on a mask string. |
StrDiff() | Calculates the similarity of two strings. |
StrFile() | Writes a string to a file starting at a specified position. |
StringToLiteral() | Creates a literal character string from a string. |
StrPeek() | Determines the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
StrPoke() | Changes the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
StrScreen() | Displays a screen string at the specified position. |
StrSwap() | Exchanges characters between two strings. |
SX_Decrypt() | Decrypts an encrypted character string. |
SX_DtoP() | Converts a Date value into a 3-byte character string. |
SX_Encrypt() | Encrypts a character string. |
SX_FCompress() | Compresses a file. |
SX_FDecompress() | Decompresses a compressed file. |
SX_PtoD() | Unpacks a packed 3-byte date value. |
TabExpand() | Replaces a tab with a specified number of another character. |
TabPack() | Inserts a Tab (Chr(9)) for multiple occurrances of a character. |
Tan() | Calculates the tangent. |
TanH() | Calculates the hyperbolic tangent. |
THtmlCleanup() | Releases memory tables required for HTML classes. |
THtmlDocument() | Creates a new THtmlDocument object. |
THtmlInit() | Initializes memory tables required for HTML classes. |
THtmlIsValid() | Validates a HTML tag name and attribute. |
THtmlIterator() | Creates a new THtmlIterator object. |
THtmlIteratorRegEx() | Creates a new THtmlIteratorRegEx object. |
THtmlIteratorScan() | Creates a new THtmlIteratorScan object. |
THtmlNode() | Creates a new THtmlNode object. |
TimeToSec() | Calculates the number of seconds since midnight. |
TimeValid() | Checks if a character string is a valid time string. |
TIpClient() | Abstract class for internet communication. |
TIpClientFtp() | Creates a new TIpClientFtp object. |
TIpClientHttp() | Creates a new TIpClientHttp object. |
TIpClientPop() | Creates a new TIpClientPop object. |
TIpClientSmtp() | Creates a new TIpClientSmtp object. |
TIpMail() | Creates a new TIpMail object. |
Token() | Retrieves the n-th token from a string. |
TokenAt() | Returns the start and end position of a token. |
TokenEnd() | Tests if tokens can still be found with TokenNext(). |
TokenExit() | Releases memory resources of the global tokenizer environment. |
TokenInit() | Initializes the environment for the incremental tokenizer. |
TokenLower() | Changes the first character of tokens to lower case. |
TokenNext() | Retrieves the next token from a string. |
TokenNum() | Returns the number of tokens in a tokenizer environment. |
TokenSep() | Retrieves the separating characters of a token. |
TokenUpper() | Changes the first character of tokens to upper case. |
TrueName() | Completes a relative path to include the root directory. |
TStream() | Abstract class for low-level file data streams. |
TStreamFileReader() | Creates a new TStreamFileReader object. |
TStreamFileWriter() | Creates a new TStreamFileWriter object. |
TtoC() | Converts a DateTime value to a character string in SET DATE and SET TIME format. |
TtoS() | Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc format. |
TUrl() | Creates a new TUrl object. |
Unselected() | Selects the unselected color of SetColor(). |
UntextWin() | Removes all text characters from the screen. |
Updated() | Queries the updated flag of the READ command. |
UsrRdd_AreaData() | Queries or attaches user-defined data to a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_AreaResult() | Queries the result of the last operation of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_ID() | Queries the ID of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_RddData() | Queries or attaches user-defined data a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_SetBof() | Sets the BoF() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_SetBottom() | Defines the bottom scope value for a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_SetEof() | Sets the Eof() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_SetFound() | Sets the Found() flag in a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
UsrRdd_SetTop() | Defines the top value for a work area of a user-defined RDD. |
ValPos() | Returns the numeric value of a digit at a specified position in a string. |
VAR | Declares an instance variable of a class. |
VolSerial() | Returns the serial number of a disk drive. |
Volume() | Sets the volume label of a disk. |
WAClose() | Closes all windows. |
WaitPeriod() | Defines a wait period and allows for time controlled loops. |
WBoard() | Determines the area that can be used for displaying windows. |
WBox() | Draws a frame around the current window. |
WCenter() | Centers a window on the screen or makes it entirely visible. |
WClose() | Closes the current window and selects the next window as current window. |
WCol() | Returns the left column position of the selected window. |
Week() | Calculates the numeric calendar week from a date. |
WfCol() | Returns the left column position of the usable area in a formatted window. |
WfLastCol() | Returns the right column position of the usable area in a formatted window. |
WfLastRow() | Returns the bottom row position of the usable area in a formatted window. |
WFormat() | Defines the usable display area inside the current window. |
WfRow() | Returns the top row position of the usable area in a formatted window. |
Wild2RegEx() | Converts a character string including wild card characters to a regular expression. |
Win32Bmp() | Creates a new Win32Bmp object. |
Win32Prn() | Creates a new Win32Prn object. |
WInfo() | Returns all coordinates of the current window. |
WLastCol() | Returns the right column position of the selected window. |
WLastRow() | Returns the bottom row position of the selected window. |
WMode() | Determines on which side windows are allowed to be moved off the screen. |
WMove() | Changes the upper left coordinate for the current window. |
WMSetPos() | Moves the mouse cursor to a new position in a window. |
WNum() | Returns the largest window ID of all windows. |
WoM() | Calculates the week number in a month. |
WOpen() | Creates a new window. |
WordOne() | Removes duplicate adjacent words (2-byte sequences) from a string. |
WordOnly() | Removes all words (2-byte sequence) but the specified ones from a string |
WordRem() | Deletes specified words (2-byte sequence) from a string. |
WordRepl() | Replaces words (2-byte sequences) in a string with a specified word. |
WordSwap() | Exchanges adjacent words (2-byte sequences) in a string. |
WordToChar() | Replaces words (2 byte sequence) with characters (1 byte) |
WRow() | Returns the top row position of the selected window. |
WSelect() | Returns and/or selects an open window as the current window. |
WSetMouse() | Determines the visibility and/or position of the mouse cursor. |
WSetMove() | Toggles the setting for moving windows interactively. |
WSetShadow() | Defines the shadow color for windows. |
WStack() | Returns window IDs of all open windows. |
WStep() | Sets the increments for horizontal and vertical window movement. |
XtoC() | Converts values of data type C, D, L, M, N to a string. |
{ˆ } | Literal DateTime value. |