Item | Description |
DbRLock() | Locks a record for write access. |
DbRLockList() | Returns a list of locked records. |
DbRUnlock() | Unlocks a record based on its indentifier. |
DbUnlock() | Releases file and all record locks in a work area. |
DbUnlockAll() | Unlocks all records and releases all file locks in all work areas. |
FLock() | Applies a file lock to an open, shared database. |
IsLocked() | Checks if a record is locked. |
NetAppend() | Appends a new record to a database open in shared mode in a work area. |
NetCancel() | Releases an existing network connection. |
NetCommitAll() | Writes database and index buffers of all used work areas to disk. |
NetDbUse() | Opens a database file for shared access in a work area. |
NetDelete() | Marks records for deletion. |
NetDisk() | Tests if a drive is a network drive. |
NetErr() | Determines if a database command has failed in network operation. |
NetError() | Determines if a Net*() function has failed. |
NetFileLock() | Applies a file lock to an open, shared database. |
NetFunc() | Evaluates a code block until a timeout period expires. |
NetLock() | Applies locks to a database file or record with timeout. |
NetName() | Retrieves the current user name or the computer name. |
NetOpenFiles() | Opens databases and associated index files. |
NetPrinter() | Tests if the current printer is a network printer. |
NetRecall() | Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion. |
NetRecLock() | Locks the current record for write access. |
NetRedir() | Establishes a connection to a server. |
NetRmtName() | Returns the remote name of a network device. |
Network() | Tests for the existence of a network. |
NNetwork() | Tests for the existence of a Novell network. |
Os_NetRegOk() | Checks for correct network registry settings on Windows platforms. |
OS_NetVRedirOk() | Checks for the correct VREDIR.VXD file. |
RLock() | Locks the current record for concurrent write access in a work area. |
SetNetDelay() | Queries or changes the timeout period for Net*() functions. |
SetNetMsgColor() | Queries or changes the color for displaying failure messages of Net*() functions. |