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Sorts character (sequences) within a string.
CharSort( <cString> , ;
[<nSeqLen>] , ;
[<nCompareLen>], ;
[<nSkipChars>] , ;
[<nSkipSeq>] , ;
[<nSortLen>] , ;
[<lDescending>] ) --> cResult
- <cString>
- This is the character string to process.
- <nSeqLen>
- This is a numeric value defining the number of characters per character sequence to be sorted.
The default value is 1 (single character).
- <nCompare>
- This is a numeric value defining the number of characters per character sequence that are
recognized in a sort. The default is <nSeqLen>, so that all characters of a sequence are
- <nSkipChars>
- This numeric parameter defaults to 0 so that the function begins sorting with
the first character of <cString>. Passing a value > 0 instructs the function to
ignore the first <nSkipChars> characters in the operation.
- <nSkipSeq>
- This numeric parameter defaults to 0 so that the functions sorts character sqeuences
with the first character of a sequence. Passing a value > 0 instructs the function to
ignore the first <nSkipSeq> characters in a character sequence.
- <nSortLen>
- This numeric parameter defaults to Len( <STring> so that the functions sorts all character
sqeuences contained in <cString>. Passing a value > 0 instructs the function to
stop sorting at position <nSkipChars> + <nSortLen>.
- <lDescending>
- By default, the function sorts in asscending order. When .T. (true) is passed for
<lDescending>, the result string is sorted in descending order.
The function returns the sorted string or a null string ("") when an error occurs.
// The example demonstrates various sort results of CharSort()
LOCAL cStr := "4ef2ab1cd3gh"
// sort single characters
? CharSort( cStr ) // result: 1234abcdefgh
// sort character pairs
? CharSort( cStr, 2 ) // result: 1c4eabd3f2gh
// sort character triplets (by digit)
? CharSort( cStr, 3 ) // result: 1cd2ab3gh4ef
// sort character triplets (by alphabet)
? CharSort( cStr, 3, 2, 0, 1 ) // result: 2ab1cd4ef3gh
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