Item | Description |
AddASCII() | Adds a numeric value to the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
AfterAtNum() | Extracts the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a search string. |
ASCIISum() | Sums the ASCII codes of all characters in a string. |
AscPos() | Determines the ASCII code of a specified character in a string. |
AtAdjust() | Justifies a character sequence within a string. |
AtNum() | Searches multiple occurrences of a substring within a string. |
AtRepl() | Searches and replaces a substring within a string. |
AtToken() | Returns the position of the n-th token in a string. |
BeforAtNum() | Extracts the remainder of a string before the last occurrance of a search string. |
Center() | Returns a string for centered display. |
CharAdd() | Creates a string from the sum of ASCII codes of two strings. |
CharAND() | Binary ANDs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharEven() | Extracts characters at even positions from a string. |
CharHist() | Creates a histogram of characters in a character string |
CharList() | Removes duplicate characters from a string. |
CharMirr() | Reverses the order of characters in a string. |
CharMix() | Merges the characters of two strings. |
CharNoList() | Returns a string containing all characters not included in a string. |
CharNOT() | Binary NOTs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharOdd() | Extracts characters at odd positions from a string. |
CharOne() | Removes duplicate adjacent characters from a string. |
CharOnly() | Removes all characters but the specified ones from a string |
CharOR() | Binary ORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharPack() | Compresses a string. |
CharRela() | Tests if two substrings in two strings have the same position. |
CharRelRep() | Replaces characters if two substrings in two strings have the same position. |
CharRem() | Deletes specified characters from a string. |
CharRepl() | Searches a list of characters and replaces them with a corresponding list. |
CharRLL() | Rotates bits in a character string to the left. |
CharRLR() | Rotates bits in a character string to the right. |
CharSHL() | Shifts bits in a character string to the left. |
CharSHR() | Shifts bits in a character string to the right. |
CharSList() | Removes duplicate characters from a string and sorts the result. |
CharSort() | Sorts character (sequences) within a string. |
CharSpread() | Formats a character string for block paragraphs. |
CharSub() | Creates a string by subtracting ASCII codes of two strings. |
CharSwap() | Exchanges adjacent characters in a string. |
CharUnpack() | Uncompresses a CharPack() compressed string. |
CharXOR() | Binary XORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CheckSum() | Calculates the checksum for a character string. |
CountLeft() | Counts a specified character from the left side of a string. |
CountRight() | Counts a specified character from the right side of a string. |
Crypt() | Encrypts or decrypts a character string. |
CSetAtMuPa() | Queries or changes the multi-pass mode for At***() functions. |
CSetRef() | Queries or changes the pass-by-reference mode for several string functions. |
Expand() | Inserts characters between all characters in a string. |
JustLeft() | Left justifies characters in a character string. |
JustRight() | Right justifies characters in a character string. |
MaxLine() | Returns the longest line in an ASCII formatted character string. |
NumAt() | Counts multiple occurrences of a substring within a string. |
NumLine() | Returns the number of lines in an ASCII formatted character string. |
NumToken() | Returns the number of tokens in a string. |
Occurs() | Counts the occurrance of a substring in a character string. |
PadLeft() | Pads a character string on the left. |
PadRight() | Pads a character string on the right. |
PosAlpha() | Returns the position of the first alphabetic characters in a character string. |
PosChar() | Replaces a single character at a specified position in a string. |
PosDel() | Deletes character(s) at a specified position in a string. |
PosDiff() | Searches the first position where two character strings differ. |
PosEqual() | Searches the first position where two character strings are equal. |
PosIns() | Inserts character(s) at a specified position in a string. |
PosLower() | Returns the position of the first lower case letter in a character string. |
PosRange() | Retrieves the position of the first character out of a range found in a string. |
PosRepl() | Replaces characters in a string beginning at a specified position. |
PosUpper() | Returns the position of the first upper case letter in a character string. |
RangeRem() | Deletes character(s) within a specified range of characters. |
RangeRepl() | Repleaces character(s) within a specified range of characters. |
RemAll() | Deletes a specified character from both sides of a string. |
RemLeft() | Deletes a specified character from the left side of a string. |
RemRight() | Deletes a specified character from the right side of a string. |
ReplAll() | Replaces a specified character on both sides of a string. |
ReplLeft() | Replaces a specified character on the left side of a string. |
ReplRight() | Replaces a specified character on the right side of a string. |
RestToken() | Restores the global environment of the incremental tokenizer. |
SaveToken() | Saves the global environment of the incremental tokenizer. |
SetAtLike() | Sets the search mode for At***() functions |
StrDiff() | Calculates the similarity of two strings. |
StrSwap() | Exchanges characters between two strings. |
TabExpand() | Replaces a tab with a specified number of another character. |
TabPack() | Inserts a Tab (Chr(9)) for multiple occurrances of a character. |
Token() | Retrieves the n-th token from a string. |
TokenAt() | Returns the start and end position of a token. |
TokenEnd() | Tests if tokens can still be found with TokenNext(). |
TokenExit() | Releases memory resources of the global tokenizer environment. |
TokenInit() | Initializes the environment for the incremental tokenizer. |
TokenLower() | Changes the first character of tokens to lower case. |
TokenNext() | Retrieves the next token from a string. |
TokenNum() | Returns the number of tokens in a tokenizer environment. |
TokenSep() | Retrieves the separating characters of a token. |
TokenUpper() | Changes the first character of tokens to upper case. |
ValPos() | Returns the numeric value of a digit at a specified position in a string. |
WordOne() | Removes duplicate adjacent words (2-byte sequences) from a string. |
WordOnly() | Removes all words (2-byte sequence) but the specified ones from a string |
WordRem() | Deletes specified words (2-byte sequence) from a string. |
WordRepl() | Replaces words (2-byte sequences) in a string with a specified word. |
WordSwap() | Exchanges adjacent words (2-byte sequences) in a string. |
WordToChar() | Replaces words (2 byte sequence) with characters (1 byte) |