Category > CT:Video xHarbour Developers Network  

CharWin()Replaces characters in a specified screen area.
ClearEol()Clears a row on the screen beginning at a specified position.
ClearSlow()Clears a screen area incrementally with a delayed imploding effect.
ClearWin()Clears all or parts of the screen.
ClEol()Clears characters and colors in a row on the screen.
ClWin()Clears characters and colors on the screen.
ColorRepl()Replaces color attributes on the screen.
ColorToN()Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute.
ColorWin()Replaces a color attribute in a screen region.
Enhanced()Selects the enhanced color of SetColor().
FileScreen()Reads the contents of a screen from a file.
GetClearA()Returns the default color attribute for clearing the screen.
GetClearB()Returns the default character for clearing the screen.
InvertAttr()Exchanges the foreground and background color.
InvertWin()Exchanges the foreground and background color on the screen.
NtoColor()Converts a numeric color attribute to a color string.
RestCursor()Restores shape and position of the screen cursor.
SaveCursor()Saves the current cursor shape and position.
SayDown()Outputs a string vertically to the bottom of the screen.
SayMoveIn()Outputs a string on the screen using a "move in" effect.
SayScreen()Displays a string on screen keeping existing color attributes.
SaySpread()Outputs a string on the screen using a "spread" effect.
ScreenAttr()Returns the numeric color attribute for a specified coordinate on the screen.
ScreenFile()Writes the contents of the current screen to a file.
ScreenMark()Searches strings on the screen and changes their color.
ScreenMix()Mixes a character string with color attributes.
ScreenStr()Returns the screen contents beginning at a specified position.
SetClearA()Sets the default color attribute for clearing the screen.
SetClearB()Sets the default character attribute for clearing the screen.
Standard()Selects the standard color of SetColor().
StrScreen()Displays a screen string at the specified position.
Unselected()Selects the unselected color of SetColor().
UntextWin()Removes all text characters from the screen.

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