Item | Description |
CharWin() | Replaces characters in a specified screen area. |
ClearEol() | Clears a row on the screen beginning at a specified position. |
ClearSlow() | Clears a screen area incrementally with a delayed imploding effect. |
ClearWin() | Clears all or parts of the screen. |
ClEol() | Clears characters and colors in a row on the screen. |
ClWin() | Clears characters and colors on the screen. |
ColorRepl() | Replaces color attributes on the screen. |
ColorToN() | Converts a color value to a numeric color attribute. |
ColorWin() | Replaces a color attribute in a screen region. |
Enhanced() | Selects the enhanced color of SetColor(). |
FileScreen() | Reads the contents of a screen from a file. |
GetClearA() | Returns the default color attribute for clearing the screen. |
GetClearB() | Returns the default character for clearing the screen. |
InvertAttr() | Exchanges the foreground and background color. |
InvertWin() | Exchanges the foreground and background color on the screen. |
NtoColor() | Converts a numeric color attribute to a color string. |
RestCursor() | Restores shape and position of the screen cursor. |
SaveCursor() | Saves the current cursor shape and position. |
SayDown() | Outputs a string vertically to the bottom of the screen. |
SayMoveIn() | Outputs a string on the screen using a "move in" effect. |
SayScreen() | Displays a string on screen keeping existing color attributes. |
SaySpread() | Outputs a string on the screen using a "spread" effect. |
ScreenAttr() | Returns the numeric color attribute for a specified coordinate on the screen. |
ScreenFile() | Writes the contents of the current screen to a file. |
ScreenMark() | Searches strings on the screen and changes their color. |
ScreenMix() | Mixes a character string with color attributes. |
ScreenStr() | Returns the screen contents beginning at a specified position. |
SetClearA() | Sets the default color attribute for clearing the screen. |
SetClearB() | Sets the default character attribute for clearing the screen. |
Standard() | Selects the standard color of SetColor(). |
StrScreen() | Displays a screen string at the specified position. |
Unselected() | Selects the unselected color of SetColor(). |
UntextWin() | Removes all text characters from the screen. |