xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference | ![]() |
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Initializes the environment for the incremental tokenizer.
TokenInit( [@<cString>] , ; [<cDelimiter>], ; [<nSkipWidth>], ; [@<cTokenEnv>] ) --> lSuccess
The function returns .T. (true) when the environment for the incremental tokenizer is successfully initialized, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
TokenInit() initializes the environment of the incremental tokenizer of xHarbour. In contrast to the Clipper CA-Tools, xHarbour maintains one global tokenizer environment and any number of local tokenizer environments. The latter are created by passing a fourth parameter by reference to TokenInit(). <cTokenEnv> receives the local tokenizer environment. As a result, the functions SaveToken() and RestToken() become obsolete via the local tokenizer environment.
Note: when TokenInit() is called with <cString> only, and no local tokenizer environment is created by passing the fourth parameter by reference, the global tokenizer environment is initialized. The memory resources for the global tokenizer environment must be released afterwards with TokenExit().
See also: | HB_ATokens(), RestToken(), SaveToken(), TokenEnd(), TokenNext(), TokenExit() |
Category: | CT:String manipulation , Character functions , Token functions |
Source: | ct\token2.c |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
Using the global tokenizer environment
// The example calculates line and word count of a text file // using the global tokenizer environment. To determine the word // count, each line is tokenized in function WordCount(). To // accomplish this, the global tokenizer environment is saved // and restored. #define CRLF Chr(13)+Chr(10) PROCEDURE Main LOCAL cText := MemoRead( "Textfile.txt" ) LOCAL cToken LOCAL aLines := {} LOCAL nLines := 0 LOCAL nWords := 0 // initialize global tokenizer environment TokenInit( @cText, CRLF, 2 ) DO WHILE .NOT. TokenEnd() cToken := TokenNext( @cText ) IF cToken == "" // one blank space is an empty line for AChoice() cToken := " " ENDIF nLines ++ nWords += WordCount( @cToken ) AAdd( aLines, cToken ) ENDDO // release global tokenizer environment TokenExit() // display the text file AChoice( ,,,, aLines ) CLS ? "Line count:", nLines ? "Word count:", nWords RETURN FUNCTION WordCount( cText ) LOCAL cSave := SaveToken() LOCAL nWords := 0 TokenInit( @cText, " ,.!?" ) DO WHILE .NOT. TokenEnd() TokenNext( @cText ) nWords ++ ENDDO RestToken( cSave ) RETURN nWords
Using a local tokenizer environment
// This example does the same, but takes advantage of local tokenizer // environments. The performance is about 20% better compared to the // global tokenizer environment, since SaveToken() and RestToken() are // not needed. #define CRLF Chr(13)+Chr(10) PROCEDURE Main LOCAL cText := MemoRead( "Textfile.txt" ) LOCAL cToken, cTokenEnv LOCAL aLines := {} LOCAL nLines := 0 LOCAL nWords := 0 // initialize local tokenizer environment TokenInit( @cText, CRLF, 2, @cTokenEnv ) DO WHILE .NOT. TokenEnd( @cTokenEnv ) cToken := TokenNext( @cText, , @cTokenEnv ) IF cToken == "" // one blank space is an empty line for AChoice() cToken := " " ENDIF nLines ++ nWords += WordCount( @cToken ) AAdd( aLines, cToken ) ENDDO // display the text file AChoice( ,,,, aLines ) CLS ? "Line count:", nLines ? "Word count:", nWords RETURN FUNCTION WordCount( cText ) LOCAL cTokenEnv LOCAL nWords := 0 TokenInit( @cText, " ,.!?", @cTokenEnv ) DO WHILE .NOT. TokenEnd( @cTokenEnv ) TokenNext( @cText, , @cTokenEnv ) nWords ++ ENDDO RETURN nWords