xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Reads a string from a file beginning at a specified offset.
FileStr( <cFileName>, ;
[<nBytes>] , ;
[<nStart>] , ;
[<lCtrl_Z>] ) --> cString
- <cFileName>
- This is a character string holding the name of the file to read from. It must
include path and file extension. If the path is omitted from <cFileName>,
the file is searched in the current directory.
- <nBytes>
- This is a numeric value specifying the number of bytes to read from the
file. If omitted, the entire file is read.
- <nStart>
- This optional numeric parameter specifies the number of bytes to skip before
reading from the file. It defaults to 0 bytes, which reads from the beginning
of the file.
- <lCtrl_Z>
- This parameter defaults to .F. (false). When .T. (true) is passed, only the
characters up to the first Ctrl-Z character (Chr(26)) are returned. This is useful
for reading Chr(26) terminated DBT memo fields directly from a DBT file.
The function returns a character string holding the data read from <cFileName>,
or a null string in case of an error or when the end-of-file is reached.
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