Item | Description |
ADir() | Fills pre-allocated arrays with file and/or directory information. |
CSetSafety() | Retrieves and/or changes the safety switch used in CA-Tools file operations. |
CurDir() | Returns the current directory of a drive |
CurDirX() | Returns the current directory of a drive including directory separators. |
CurDrive() | Determines or changes the current disk drive |
DefPath() | Returns the SET DEFAULT directory. |
DirChange() | Changes the current directory. |
Directory() | Loads file and directory information into a two-dimensional array. |
DirectoryRecurse() | Loads file information recursively into a two-dimensional array. |
DirRemove() | Removes a directory. |
DisableWaitLocks() | Toggles the exclusive file opening mode. |
DiskChange() | Changes the current disk drive. |
DiskName() | Returns the current disk drive. |
DiskSpace() | Returns the free storage space for a disk drive. |
FCharCount() | Counts the number of characters in a text file ignoring white space characters. |
FClose() | Closes a binary file. |
FCount() | Returns the number of fields in the current work area. |
FCreate() | Creates an empty binary file. |
FErase() | Deletes a file from disk. |
FError() | Retrieves the error code of the last low-level file operation. |
File() | Checks for the existence of a file in the default directory or path |
FileAppend() | Concatenates two files. |
FileAttr() | Returns the attributes of a file. |
FileCClose() | Closes the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy(). |
FileCCont() | Continues file copying in backup mode of FileCopy(). |
FileCOpen() | Tests if the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy() is still open. |
FileCopy() | Copies files normally or in backup mode. |
FileDate() | Returns the date of a file. |
FileDelete() | Deletes one or more files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileMove() | Moves a file to another directory. |
FileSeek() | Seeks files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileSize() | Returns the size of a file. |
FileStats() | Retrieves file information for a single file. |
FileStr() | Reads a string from a file beginning at a specified offset. |
FileTime() | Returns the change time of a file. |
FileValid() | Tests if a string contains a valid file name. |
FLineCount() | Counts the lines in an ASCII text file. |
FOpen() | Opens a file on the operating system level. |
FParse() | Parses a delimited text file and loads it into an array. |
FParseEx() | Parses a delimited text file and loads it into an array (optimized). |
FParseLine() | Parses one line of a delimited text and loads it into an array. |
FRead() | Reads characters from a binary file into a memory variable. |
FReadStr() | Reads characters up to Chr(0) from a binary file. |
FRename() | Renames a file. |
FSeek() | Changes the position of the file pointer. |
FWordCount() | Counts the words in a text file. |
FWrite() | Writes data to an open binary file. |
HB_FCommit() | Forces a disk write. |
HB_FCreate() | Creates and/or opens a binary file. |
HB_FEof() | Tests if the end-of-file is reached in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FGoBottom() | Moves the file pointer to the last line in a text file. |
HB_FGoto() | Moves the record pointer to a specific line in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FGoTop() | Moves the record pointer to the begin-of-file. |
HB_FInfo() | Retrieves status information about the currently selected text file. |
HB_FLastRec() | Returns the number of lines in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FNameMerge() | Composes a file name from individual components. |
HB_FNameSplit() | Splits a file name into individual components. |
HB_FReadAndSkip() | Reads the current line and moves the record pointer. |
HB_FreadLN() | Reads the current line and without moving the record pointer. |
HB_FRecno() | Returns the current line number of the currently selected text file. |
HB_FSelect() | Queries or changes the currently selected text file area. |
HB_FSkip() | Moves the record pointer in the currently selected text file. |
HB_FTempCreate() | Creates and opens a temporary file. |
HB_FUse() | Opens or closes a text file in a text file area. |
HB_F_Eof() | Tests for End-of-file with binary files. |
HB_ReadIni() | Reads an INI file from disk. |
HB_SetIniComment() | Defines the delimiting characters for comments and inline comments. |
HB_WriteIni() | Creates an INI file and writes hash data to it. |
IsDirectory() | Checks if a character string contains the name of an existing directory. |
IsDisk() | Verify if a drive is ready |
MakeDir() | Creates a new directory. |
RenameFile() | Renames a file and handles errors. |
SetFAttr() | Sets file attributes. |
SetFCreate() | Sets the default file attribute(s) for creating files. |
SetFDaTi() | Sets the last change date and time of a file. |
StrFile() | Writes a string to a file starting at a specified position. |
SX_FCompress() | Compresses a file. |
SX_FDecompress() | Decompresses a compressed file. |