Item | Description |
DisableWaitLocks() | Toggles the exclusive file opening mode. |
FClose() | Closes a binary file. |
FCreate() | Creates an empty binary file. |
FErase() | Deletes a file from disk. |
FError() | Retrieves the error code of the last low-level file operation. |
FileAppend() | Concatenates two files. |
FileAttr() | Returns the attributes of a file. |
FileCClose() | Closes the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy(). |
FileCCont() | Continues file copying in backup mode of FileCopy(). |
FileCOpen() | Tests if the file opened in backup mode with FileCopy() is still open. |
FileCopy() | Copies files normally or in backup mode. |
FileDate() | Returns the date of a file. |
FileDelete() | Deletes one or more files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileMove() | Moves a file to another directory. |
FileSeek() | Seeks files specified by a file mask and file attributes. |
FileSize() | Returns the size of a file. |
FileStats() | Retrieves file information for a single file. |
FileStr() | Reads a string from a file beginning at a specified offset. |
FileTime() | Returns the change time of a file. |
FileValid() | Tests if a string contains a valid file name. |
FOpen() | Opens a file on the operating system level. |
FRead() | Reads characters from a binary file into a memory variable. |
FReadStr() | Reads characters up to Chr(0) from a binary file. |
FRename() | Renames a file. |
FSeek() | Changes the position of the file pointer. |
FWrite() | Writes data to an open binary file. |
HB_FCommit() | Forces a disk write. |
HB_FCreate() | Creates and/or opens a binary file. |
HB_FReadLine() | Extracts the next line from a text file. |
HB_FSize() | Returns the size of a file in bytes. |
HB_FTempCreate() | Creates and opens a temporary file. |
HB_F_Eof() | Tests for End-of-file with binary files. |
HB_OsError() | Returns the operating specific error code of the last low-level file operation. |
SetFAttr() | Sets file attributes. |
SetFCreate() | Sets the default file attribute(s) for creating files. |
SetFDaTi() | Sets the last change date and time of a file. |
StrFile() | Writes a string to a file starting at a specified position. |