xHarbour Reference Documentation > Class Reference (textmode) |
Creates a new HbRadioGroup object.
HbRadioGroup():new( <nTop> , ;
<nLeft> , ;
<nBottom>, ;
<nRight> ) --> oHbRadioGroup
- <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>
- These numeric parameters indicate the screen coordinates for the upper left and
lower right corner of the radio button group output. The range for rows on the screen
is 0 to MaxRow(), and for columns it is 0 to MaxCol(). The coordinate 0,0 is
the upper left corner of the screen.
Function HbRadioGroup() returns a new HbRadioGroup object and method :new() initializes
the object.
Objects of the HbRadioGroup class are used in text mode applications to display
multiple options and select one of it. A single option is represented by a HbRadioButton()
object. Radio buttons must be added to a HbRadioGroup object with its :addItem()
method. A radio group object maintains multipe radio buttons. Both classes are designed to be integrated into
the standard Get system and are usually created with the @...GET RADIOGROUP
command. This command creates a Get() object and an associated HbRadioGroup
object. Editing the edit buffer of the radio button group is then accomplished by the
READ command.
Instance variables
- :bottom
- Numeric bottom row coordinate of the radio button group display.
- :buffer
- Numeric ordinal position of the selected radio button.
- :capCol
- Numeric column position of the caption.
- :capRow
- Numeric row position of the caption.
- :caption
- Character string defining the caption.
- :cargo
- Instance variable for user-defined purposes.
- :coldBox
- Box string for border when the radio button group has no input focus.
- :colorSpec
- Color string for display and selection.
- :fBlock
- Code block evaluated when input focus changes.
- :hasFocus
- Indicates if the HbRadioGroup object has input focus.
- :hotBox
- Box string for border when radio button group box has input focus.
- :itemCount
- Numeric value indicating the total number of radio buttons in the group.
- :left
- Numeric left column coordinate of the radio button group display.
- :message
- Character string to be displayed as message when the radio button group receives input focus.
- :right
- Numeric right column coordinate of the radio button group display.
- :top
- Numeric top row coordinate of the radio button group display.
- :typeOut
- Logical value indicating if a radio button group is empty.
- :addItem( <oHbRadioButton> ) --> self
- Adds a new radio button to a radio group
- :delItem( <nPos> ) --> self
- Removes a radio button from a HbRadioGroup object.
- :display() --> self
- Displays the radio button group on the screen.
- :getAccel( <nKey>|<cChr> ) --> nPos
- Checks if an accelerator key is pressed for a radio button.
- :getItem( <nPos> ) --> oHbRadioButton
- Retrieves a radio button object.
- :hitTest( <nMouseRow>, <nMouseCol> ) --> nHitCode
- Tests if a radio group is hit by the mouse cursor.
- :insItem( <nPos>, <oHbRadioButton> ) --> oHbRadioButton
- Inserts a new radio button into a radio group
- :killFocus() --> self
- Removes input focus from the HbRadioGroup object.
- :nextItem() --> self
- Selects the next radio button in the radio group.
- :prevItem() --> self
- Selects the previous radio button in the radio group.
- :select( <nPos> ) --> self
- Changes the Selected sate of a radio button in a radio group.
- :setColor( <cColor> ) --> self
- Changes the color of all radio buttons in a group.
- :setFocus() --> self
- Gives input focus to the HbRadioGroup object.
- :setStyle( <cStyle> ) --> self
- Changes the style attribute of all radio buttons in a group.
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