xHarbour Reference Documentation > Class Reference (textmode) |
Creates a new Get object.
Get():new( [<nRow>] , ;
[<nCol>] , ;
<bVarBlock> , ;
[<cVarName>] , ;
[<cPicture>] , ;
[<cColorSpec>] ) --> oGet
- <nRow>
- This is the numeric row coordinate on the screen where the Get object
is displayed. It defaults to the return value of function Row().
<nRow> is assigned to oGet:row.
- <nCol>
- This is the numeric column coordinate on the screen where the Get object
is displayed. It defaults to the return value of function Col().
<nCol> is assigned to oGet:col.
- <bVarBlock>
- This is the data code block connecting a Get object with a variable
holding the edited value (see description below). <bVarBlock> is assigned
to oGet:block.
- <cVarName>
- This is a character string holding the symbolic name of a memory variable of
PRIVATE or PUBLIC scope. If the Get object
should edit such a variable, <bVarBlock> is optional. <cVarName> defaults
to an empty string ("") and is assigned to oGet:name.
- <cPicture>
- This is a character string holding a PICTURE format. <cPicture> defaults
to an empty string ("") and is assigned to oGet:picture.
- <cColorSpec>
- This is a character string holding a color string of up to four color values.
(refer to function SetColor() for color values). <cColorSpec>
is assigned to oGet:colorSpec.
Function Get() returns a new Get object and method :new() initializes
the object.
Get objects provide the means for data entry in text mode applications.
They are generally created with the @...GET command and
collected in a PUBLIC array named GetList. All Get objects stored in
the GetList array are processed with the READ command,
or the ReadModal() function, respectively.
A Get object displays data to be edited and provides methods for keyboard
input and cursor movement when it receives input focus. The data to be edited
can be stored a memory or field variable, it is not stored in the Get
object itself. Instead, a Get object must receive a data code block
with the <bVarBlock> parameter, which can be created using functions
MemVarBlock(), FieldBlock() or FieldWBlock().
The data code block can also be coded in a general form like this:
LOCAL variable
bVarBlock := {|xValue| IIf( xValue==NIL, variable, variable := xValue ) }
This code block has one parameter and refers to the variable whose value is
edited. A Get object retrieves the variable's value by evaluating the data
code block with no parameter, and it assigns the edited value to the variable
by passing the edited value to the data code block when it looses input focus.
Instance variables
- :badDate
- Indicates if the editing buffer contains an invalid date value.
- :block
- Data code block of the Get object.
- :buffer
- Character string held in the editing buffer.
- :capCol
- Numeric column position of a caption.
- :capRow
- Numeric row position of a caption.
- :caption
- Character string defining the caption.
- :cargo
- Instance variable for user-defined purposes.
- :changed
- Indicates if the editing buffer was changed.
- :clear
- Indicates if the editing buffer should be cleared
- :col
- Numeric column position of the Get object.
- :colorSpec
- Color string for display and editing.
- :control
- Optional object for extended editing.
- :decPos
- Numeric position of the decimal point during editing.
- :exitState
- Numeric code indicating how editing was terminated.
- :hasFocus
- Indicates if the Get object has input focus.
- :minus
- Indicates if a minus sign is entered for numbers.
- :message
- Character string to be displayed as message when Get receives input focus.
- :name
- Character string holding the symbolic name of the edited variable.
- :original
- Character string holding the original value before editing started.
- :picture
- Character string holding a PICTURE format.
- :pos
- Current cursor position within the editing buffer.
- :postBlock
- Code block to validate a new value before Get looses input focus.
- :preBlock
- Code block to validate a value before Get receives input focus.
- :reader
- Code block calling an alternative Get reader procedure.
- :rejected
- Indicates if the last key stroke was rejected during editing.
- :row
- Numeric row position of the Get object.
- :subscript
- Array element subscript when array is edited.
- :type
- Data type of edited value.
- :typeOut
- Indicates attempt to move the cursor out of editing buffer.
State changing methods
- :assign() --> self
- Assigns the contents of the edit buffer to the edited variable
- :colorDisp( <cColorSpec> ) --> self
- Changes the color and redisplays the Get.
- :display() --> self
- Displays the Get on the screen.
- :hitTest( <nMouseRow>, <nMouseCol> ) --> nHitCode
- Tests if a Get is hit by the mouse cursor.
- :killFocus() --> self
- Removes input focus from the Get object.
- :reset() --> self
- Resets internal state information of a Get object.
- :setFocus() --> self
- Gives input focus to the Get object.
- :undo() --> self
- Assigns the original value back to the edited variable.
- :unTransform() --> xValue
- Converts the editing buffer to its original data type.
- :updateBuffer() --> self
- Updates the editing buffer and redisplays the Get.
- :varGet() --> xValue
- Returns the current value of the edited variable.
- :varPut( <xValue>) --> xValue
- Assigns a new value to the edited variable.
Cursor movement methods
- :end() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the last position in the edit buffer.
- :home() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the first position in the edit buffer.
- :left() --> self
- Moves the cursor one character to the left.
- :right() --> self
- Moves the cursor one character to the right.
- :toDecPos() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the immediate right of Get:decPos.
- :wordLeft() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next left word.
- :wordRight() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next right word.
Editing methods
- :backspace() --> self
- Moves the cursor to the left and deletes a character.
- :delete() --> self
- Deletes the character at the current cursor position.
- :delEnd() --> self
- Deletes all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the edit buffer.
- :delLeft() --> self
- Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
- :delRight() --> self
- Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
- :delWordLeft() --> self
- Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
- :delWordRight() --> self
- Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
- :insert( <cCharacter> ) --> self
- Inserts a single character into the edit buffer.
- :overStrike( <cCharacter> ) --> self
- Overwrites a single character in the editing buffer.
See also: | @...GET, READ, ReadModal(), ReadVar(), Valtype(), SetColor() |
Category: |
Get system
, Object functions |
Header: | Button.ch, Getexit.ch |
Source: | rtl\getsys.prg, rtl\tget.prg, rtl\tgetlist.prg, rtl\mssgline.prg |
LIB: | xhb.lib |
DLL: | xhbdll.dll |
// The example compares the creation of a single Get
// using command oriented and object oriented syntax
LOCAL cString:= "Testing Gets "
LOCAL bBlock
@ 2, 2 SAY "String 1" ;
GET cString ;
VALID !Empty( cString ) ;
bBlock := {|x| IIf( x==NIL, cString, cString := x ) }
@ 4, 2 SAY "String 2"
oGet := Get():new()
oGet:row := Row()
oGet:col := Col() + 1
oGet:block := bBlock
oGet:name := "cString"
oGet:picture := "@K"
oGet:colorSpec := "N/BG,W+/B"
oGet:postBlock := {|o| ! Empty(o:varGet()) }
ReadModal( {oGet} )
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