xHarbour Reference Documentation > Class Reference (textmode) |
Creates a new Error object.
Error( [<cSubSystem>] , ;
[<nGenCode>] , ;
[<nSubCode>] , ;
[<cOperation>] , ;
[<cDescription>], ;
[<aArgs>] , ;
[<cModuleName>] , ;
[<cProcName>] , ;
[<nProcLine> ] ) --> oError
- <cSubSystem>
- This is a character string holding the name of the subsystem where
the error occurred. It is assigned to oError:subSystem.
- <nGenCode>
- This is a numeric value indicating a generic error code. It is assigned to oError:genCode.
The file Error.ch contains #define constants used for this parameter. They begin with the
prefix EG_.
- <nSubCode>
- This is a numeric value indicating an error code specific for the subsystem where the
error occurred. It is assigned to oError:subCode.
- <cOperation>
- This is a character string holding the name of the failed operation. It is assigned
to oError:operation.
- <cDescription>
- This is a character string holding a description of the failed operation. It is assigned
to oError:description.
- <aArgs>
- This is an array whose elements hold the arguments of the failed operation. It is assigned
to oError:args.
- <cModuleName>
- This is a character string holding the file name of the module where the error occurred.
It is assigned to oError:moduleName.The parameter <cModuleName> defaults
to the return value of function ProcFile().
- <cProcName>
- This is a character string holding the name of the function, method or procedure where the
error occurred. It is assigned to oError:procName. The parameter <cProcName> defaults
to the return value of function ProcName().
- <nProcLine>
- This is a numeric value indicating the line number of the source code file where the error
occurred. It is assigned to oError:procLine. The parameter <nProcLine> defaults
to the return value of function ProcLine().
The function returns a new Error object, optionally filled with information
about a runtime error.
Objects of the Error class are used for error handling and error recovery by the
xHarbour runtime system. An Error object is created when a runtime error occurs.
Information about a runtime error is assigned to instance variables of the
object before an exception is triggered by the runtime system. The Error object
is then passed to the error handling routine programmed in the xHarbour application.
There are two statements available for user-defined error handling routines:
BEGIN SEQUENCE and TRY...CATCH. See these statements
for examples of local error handling.
Note: the default error handling routine is function DefError() implemented in the
file source\rtl\ErrorSys.prg
Instance variables
- :args
- Array holding the arguments of a failed operation.
- :canDefault
- Indicates if a default recovery is available.
- :canRetry
- Indicates if a retry operation is possible.
- :canSubstitute
- Indicates if an erroneous result can be substituted.
- :cargo
- Instance variable for user-defined purposes.
- :description
- Character string holding a description of the error.
- :fileName
- Name of the disk file associated with the operation
- :genCode
- Generic numeric error code.
- :moduleName
- Character string holding the name of the PRG source file where the error occurred.
- :operation
- Character string holding a description of the failed operation.
- :osCode
- Numeric operating system error code.
- :procName
- Character string holding the name of the function where the error occurred.
- :procLine
- Numeric value indicating the line number of the source code file where the error
- :severity
- Numeric value indicating error severity.
- :subCode
- Numeric subsystem-specific error code.
- :subSystem
- Character string holding the name of the subsystem where the error occurred.
- :tries
- Number of times the failed operation was attempted to be executed.
// The example is a code snippet from the file WIN32OLE.PRG.
// It demonstrates how a runtime error can be handled using the
// TRY...CATCH statements and how to fill an Error object with
// information about a runtime error.
METHOD OleValuePlus( xArg ) CLASS TOleAuto
LOCAL xRet, oErr
xRet := ::OleValue + xArg
oErr := ErrorNew()
oErr:Args := { Self, xArg }
oErr:CanDefault := .F.
oErr:CanRetry := .F.
oErr:CanSubstitute := .T.
oErr:Description := "argument error"
oErr:GenCode := EG_ARG
oErr:Operation := '+'
oErr:Severity := ES_ERROR
oErr:SubCode := 1081
oErr:SubSystem := "BASE"
RETURN Throw( oErr )
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