xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Activates editing of @...GET entry fields in text mode.
ReadModal( <GetList> , ;
[<nStartGet>] , ;
[<oTopBarMenu>], ;
[<nMsgRow>] , ;
[<nMsgLeft>] , ;
[<nMsgRight>] , ;
[<cMsgColor>] ) --> lUpDated
- <GetList>
- This is the GetList array used to collet Get() objects created
with the @...GET command.
- <nStartGet>
- This is a numeric value indicating the ordinal position of the first Get entry field
held in <GetList> to receive input focus. It defaults to 1.
- <oTopBarMenu>
- Optionally, a TopBarMenu() object can be specified. In this case,
the menu can be activated during ReadModal().
- <nMsgRow>
- This is a numeric value specifying the screen row for displaying messages of individual Get objects
or the menu <oTopBarMenu>. The range for <MsgnRow> is between 0 and MaxRow().
- <nMsgLeft>
- This is a numeric value specifying the left screen coordinate for displaying status messages.
Usually, <nMsgLeft> is set to the value 0.
- <nMsgRight>
- This is a numeric value specifying the right screen coordinate for displaying status messages.
Usually, <nMsgRight> is set to the value of MaxCol().
- <cMsgColor>
- The parameter <cMsgColor> is an optional character string defining the color for
the messages to display. It defaults to SetColor().
The return value is .T. (true) if any Get object in <GetList> is edited and changed
by the user, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
ReadModal() is the functional equivalent of the READ command. The only parameter processed
in addition to READ is <nStartGet>. It specifies the first Get to begin editing with.
Refer to the READ command for more information.
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