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Creates a Get object as check box and displays it to the screen.
@ <nRow>, <nCol> ;
GET <lLogicVar> ;
[CAPTION <cCaption>] ;
[MESSAGE <cMessage>] ;
[WHEN <lWhen>] ;
[VALID <lValid>] ;
[COLOR <cColor>] ;
[FOCUS <bFocus>] ;
[STATE <bState>] ;
[STYLE <cStyle>] ;
[SEND <msg>] ;
[GUISEND <guimsg>]
- @ <nRow>, <nCol>
- The parameters are numeric values specifying the row and column coordinates
for the screen output. The range for rows on the screen is 0 to MaxRow(), and for
columns it is 0 to MaxCol(). The coordinate 0,0 is the upper left corner
of the screen.
- GET <lLogicVar> CHECKBOX
- This is a memory or field variable holding a logical value to be edited by
the user.
- CAPTION <cCaption>
- This is a character string displayed as caption of the check box. The caption string
may include an ampersand character (&) which marks the next character as accelerator key.
Pressing the Alt key together with the accelerator key allows the user to jump directly
to the check box.
- MESSAGE <cMessage>
- This is an optional character string displayed in the message row when the
check box has input focus. The message row is defined with the MSG AT option
of the READ command.
- WHEN <lWhen>
- This is a logical expression or a code block returning a logical value.
If specified, <lWhen> must result in .T. (true) to allow editing. If the
expression yields .F. (false), the check box cannot receive input focus.
- VALID <lValid>
- This is a logical expression or a code block returning a logical value.
If specified, <lValid> must result in .T. (true) to end editing. When the
result is .F. (false), the currently edited value of <lLogicVar> is invalid
and the user cannot leave the check box unless editing is cancelled.
- COLOR <cColor>
- The parameter <cColor> is an optional character string defining the colors
for the display of the check box and its caption. It defaults to the current
SetColor() setting. <cColor> must have four color values
(see ColorSelect()). They are used as follows:
Color values for check boxes
Color value | Description |
1 | Color when the check box does not have input focus |
2 | Color when the check box has input focus |
3 | Color for the check box's caption |
4 | Color for the check box's accelerator key |
- FOCUS <bFocus>
- This is an optional code block which is evaluated when the check box receives
input focus. The code block is evaluated without parameters.
- STATE <bState>
- This is an optional code block which is evaluated when the check box's state
is changed by the user. The code block is evaluated without parameters.
- STYLE <cStyle>
- The display style of a check box can be specified with an optional character string
of four characters. They are used as follows:
Characters for the display style
Position | Description |
1 | Left delimiter of check box |
2 | Character for the Checked state |
3 | Character for the Unchecked state |
4 | Right delimiter of check box |
- SEND <msg>
- This is an optional message to be sent to the Get object before it is displayed.
Refer to the Get class for possible messages that can be
sent to the Get object.
- GUISEND <guimsg>
- This is an optional message to be sent to the HbCheckbox() object associated
with the Get() object before both are displayed. Refer to the HbCheckBox class
for possible messages that can be sent to the check box object.
The @...GET CHECKBOX command creates a Get() object and assigns a HbCheckBox() object
to the oGet:control instance variable. The HbCheckBox() object displays a check box
in text mode and allows a user to edit a logical state (On or Off) within the READ command. The
variable <lLogicVar> must be initialized with a logical value before READ is called.
The Get object created with @...GET CHECKBOX is stored in the current Getlist array. The Get object communicates
with the associated HbCheckBox object while the READ command is active. This communication ensures that focus
and state changes are properly displayed on the screen.
// The example displays two Gets as check boxes using
// different styles.
LOCAL lVar1 := .F.
LOCAL lVar2 := .T.
@ 3, 3 GET lVar1 CHECKBOX ;
CAPTION "&Married " ;
STYLE "[x ]" ;
@ 5, 3 GET lVar2 CHECKBOX ;
CAPTION "&Self employed" ;
STYLE "[o ]" ;
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