Item | Description |
@...GET | Creates a Get object (entry field) and displays it to the screen |
@...GET CHECKBOX | Creates a Get object as check box and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET LISTBOX | Creates a Get object as list box and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET PUSHBUTTON | Creates a Get object as push button and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET RADIOGROUP | Creates a Get object as radio button group and displays it to the screen. |
@...GET TBROWSE | Creates a Get object as browser and displays it to the screen |
@...PROMPT | Displays a menu item for a text mode menu. |
ACCEPT | Basic user input routine. |
CLEAR TYPEAHEAD | Empties the keyboard buffer. |
INPUT | Assigns the result of an input expression to a variable. |
KEYBOARD | Writes a string or numeric key codes into the keyboard buffer. |
MENU TO | Activates a text-mode menu defined with @...PROMPT commands. |
READ | Activates editing of @...GET entry fields in text mode. |
SET CONFIRM | Determines how a GET entry field is exited. |
SET EVENTMASK | Sets which events should be returned by the Inkey() function. |
SET FUNCTION | Associates a character string with a function key. |
WAIT | Suspend program execution until a key is pressed. |