xHarbour Reference Documentation > Function Reference |
Creates a new Get object.
GetNew( [<nRow>] , ;
[<nCol>] , ;
<bVarBlock> , ;
[<cVarName>] , ;
[<cPicture>] , ;
[<cColorSpec>] ) --> oGet
- <nRow>
- This is the numeric row coordinate on the screen where the Get object
is displayed. It defaults to the return value of function Row().
<nRow> is assigned to oGet:row.
- <nCol>
- This is the numeric column coordinate on the screen where the Get object
is displayed. It defaults to the return value of function Col().
<nCol> is assigned to oGet:col.
- <bVarBlock>
- This is the data code block connecting a Get object with a variable
holding the edited value (see description below). <bVarBlock> is assigned
to oGet:block.
- <cVarName>
- This is a character string holding the symbolic name of a memory variable of
PRIVATE or PUBLIC scope. If the Get object
should edit such a variable, <bVarBlock> is optional. <cVarName> defaults
to an empty string ("") and is assigned to oGet:name.
- <cPicture>
- This is a character string holding a PICTURE format. <cPicture> defaults
to an empty string ("") and is assigned to oGet:picture.
- <cColorSpec>
- This is a character string holding a color string of up to four color values.
(refer to function SetColor() for color values). <cColorSpec>
is assigned to oGet:colorSpec.
Function GetNew() returns a new, initialized Get object.
Function GetNew() is the functional equivalent of Get():new().
Refer to the description of the Get object.
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