Item | Description |
#command | #translate | User defined command or translation rule for the preprocessor. |
#define | Defines a symbolic constant or pseudo-function. |
#error | Raises an explicit compiler error along with a message. |
#if | Compile a section of code based on a condition. |
#ifdef | Compiles a section of code depending on the presence of a #define constant. |
#ifndef | Compiles a section of code depending on the absence of a #define constant. |
#include | Inserts the contents of a file into the current source code file. |
#pragma | Controls compiler switches at compile time. |
#stdout | Sends a compiler message to StdOut. |
#uncommand | #untranslate | Voids a previously defined #command or #translate directive. |
#undef | Voids a #define constant or pseudo-function. |
#xcommand | #xtranslate | User defined command or translation rule for the preprocessor. |
#xuncommand | #xuntranslate | Voids a previously defined #xcommand or #xtranslate directive. |