Win32Prn() > Print output methods |
Defines the pen for drawing lines.
:setPen( <nStyle>, <nWidth>, <nColor> ) --> nPenHandle
Constants for pen styles
Constant | Value | Description |
PS_SOLID | 0 | Pen draws solid line |
PS_DASH | 1 | Pen draws dashed line (-------) |
PS_DOT | 2 | Pen draws dotted line (.......) |
PS_DASHDOT | 3 | Pen draws dashes and dots (_._._._) |
PS_DASHDOTDOT | 4 | Pen draws dashes and two dots (_.._.._) |
PS_NULL | 5 | Pen is invisible |
Method :setPen() defines the current pen used for drawing lines. Lines are drawn by methods producing basic graphical elements such as :arc(), :box() or :line(). The method returns a numeric handle to the current pen. This can be used with other Windows GDI functions.