THtmlNode() > Html Attribute methods |
Sets an attribute and its value.
:setAttribute( <cAttrName>, <cAttrValue> ) --> cValue
Method :setAttribute() assigns the value <cAttrValue> to the attribute named <cAttrName>. If the attribute is not present, it is created. If the attribute is not valid for the HTML tag, a runtime error is raised. Use function THtmlIsValid() to verify if the attribute is valid.
Note: attributes that have only a name but no value receive always an empty string ("") as their value. This applies to the following HTML attributes:
Attributes with no value
Attribute | |
checked | noresize |
compact | noshade |
declare | nowrap |
defer | readonly |
disabled | selected |
ismap | showgrid |
multiple | showgridx |
nohref | showgridy |