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Creates a new TBrowse object.


TBrowse():new( [<nTop>]   , ;
               [<nLeft>]  , ;
               [<nBottom>], ;
               [<nRight>]   ) --> oTBrowse


This is the numeric screen coordinate for the top row of the browse display. It defaults to zero and is assigned to the instance variable :nTop.
This is the numeric screen coordinate for the left column of the browse display. It defaults to zero and is assigned to the instance variable :nLeft.
This is the numeric screen coordinate for the bottom row of the browse display. It defaults to MaxRow() and is assigned to the instance variable :nBottom.
This is the numeric screen coordinate for the right column of the browse display. It defaults to MaxCol() and is assigned to the instance variable :nRight.


Function TBrowse() returns a new TBrowse object and method :new() initializes the object.


TBrowse objects are used in text mode applications to display tabular data organized in rows and columns in a rectangular area on the screen. Common data sources for TBrowse objects are database files or arrays. In order to display such data, a TBrowse object must receive objects of the TBColumn() class which contain all information required for displaying a single column in a browse view. In addition, a TBrowse object must be assigned code blocks required for navigating the row pointer of the data source as a response to user input. The example below demonstrates all steps required to create a fully functional browse view with TBrowse and TBColumn objects.

Instance variables

Logical value for automatic highlighting of the browse cursor.
Character string defining a border to display around the browse display.
Instance variable for user-defined purposes.
Number of columns maintained by the TBrowse object
Color string for the TBrowse display.
Numeric column position of the browse cursor.
Characters used as vertical column separator.
Characters used as horizontal separator for column footings.
Number of columns to freeze in the browse display.
Code block that navigates the data source to the last row.
Code block that navigates the data source to the first row.
Character used as horizontal separator for column headings.
Indicates that the browser reached the end of the data source.
Indicates that the browser reached the beginning of the data source.
Numeric position of the leftmost unfrozen column in the browse display.
Numeric column position of the mouse cursor within the browse display.
Character string to display in the Get system's status line
Numeric row position of the mouse cursor within the browse display.
Numeric bottom row coordinate of the browse display.
Numeric left column coordinate of the browse display
Numeric right column coordinate of the browse display
Numeric top row coordinate of the browse display
Numeric position of the rightmost unfrozen column in the browse display.
Number of data rows in the browse display.
Numeric row position of the browse cursor.
Code block that navigates the row pointer of the data source.
Indicates that the browse display is stable.

Methods for columns

:addColumn( <oTBColumn> ) --> oTBColumn
Adds a TBColumn object to a TBrowse object.
:colWidth( <nColPos> ) --> nColumnWidth
Returns the width of a column in the browse display.
:delColumn( <nColPos> ) --> oTBColumn
Removes a TBColumn object from a TBrowse object.
:getColumn( <nColPos> ) --> oTBColumn
Retrieves a TBColumn object from a TBrowse object.
:insColumn( <nColPos>, <oTBColumn> ) --> oTBColumn
Inserts a TBColumn object into a TBrowse object.
:setColumn( <nColPos>, <oTBColumnNew> ) --> oTBColumnOld
Replaces a TBColumn object within a TBrowse object

Display methods

:colorRect( <aTLBR>, <aColorIndex> ) --> self
Changes the color of a group of cells in the browse display.
:configure() --> self
Reconfigures the internal data of a TBrowse object.
:deHilite() --> self
Dehighlights the browse cursor.
:forceStable() --> self
Performs a complete stabilization of the browse display.
:hilite() --> self
Highlights the browse cursor.
:invalidate() --> self
Invalidates the entire browse display.
:refreshAll() --> self
Invalidates all data rows of the browse display.
:refreshCurrent() --> self
Invalidates the current data row of the browse display.
:setStyle( <nStyle>, [<lNewOnOff>] ) --> lOldOnOff
Retrieves or changes a browse style.
:stabilize() --> lIsStable
Performs one incremental stabilization cycle.

Cursor navigation

:down() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the next row.
:end() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the rightmost visible data column.
:goBottom() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the last row in the data source.
:goTop() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the first row in the data source.
:home() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the leftmost visible data column.
:left() --> self
Navigates the cursor left one column.
:pageDown() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the next page in the data source.
:pageUp() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the previous page in the data source.
:panEnd() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the rightmost data column.
:panHome() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the leftmost visible data column.
:panLeft() --> self
Pans the browse display left without changing the cursor position.
:panRight() --> self
Pans the browse display right without changing the cursor position.
:right() --> self
Navigates the cursor right one column.
:up() --> self
Navigates the cursor to the previous row.

Event handling

:applyKey( <nInkey> ) --> nReturnCode
Evaluates a code block associated with a navigation key.
:hitTest( <nMouseRow>, <nMouseCol> ) --> nHitCode
Tests if a TBrowse is hit by the mouse cursor.
:setKey( <nInkey>, [<bNewBlock>] ) --> bOldBlock
Sets or retrieves a code block associated with a navigation key.


See also:DbSkipper(), SetColor(), TBColumn(), TBrowseDb(), TBrowseNew(), TBMouse()
Category: Object functions


// The example demonstrates the steps required for creating a
// browse view for a database file.

   #include "TBrowse.ch"

      LOCAL oTBrowse, oTBColumn
      LOCAL bFieldBlock, cFieldName, i, nKey

      USE Customer ALIAS Cust

      // create TBrowse object
      oTBrowse := TBrowse():new( 2,2, MaxRow()-2, MaxCol()-2 )
      oTBrowse:headSep   := "-"
      oTBrowse:colorSpec := "N/BG,W+/R"

      // add code blocks for navigating the record pointer
      oTBrowse:goTopBlock    := {|| DbGoTop() }
      oTBrowse:goBottomBlock := {|| DbGoBottom() }
      oTBrowse:skipBlock     := {|nSkip| DbSkipper(nSkip) }

      // create TBColumn objects and add them to TBrowse object
      FOR i:=1 TO FCount()
         cFieldName  := FieldName( i )
         bFieldBlock := FieldBlock( cFieldName )
         oTBColumn   := TBColumn():new( cFieldName, bFieldBlock )
         oTBrowse:addColumn( oTBColumn )

      // display browser and process user input
      DO WHILE .T.
         nKey := Inkey(0)

         IF oTBrowse:applyKey( nKey ) == TBR_EXIT



// The example demonstrates the steps required for creating a
// browse view for a two dimensional array. Note that the data
// source and row pointer of the data source are stored in
// oTBrowse:cargo. The pseudo instance variables :data and :recno
// are translated by the preprocessor.

   #include "TBrowse.ch"

   #xtrans  :data   =>   :cargo\[1]
   #xtrans  :recno  =>   :cargo\[2]

      LOCAL i, nKey, bBlock, oTBrowse, oTBColumn
      LOCAL aHeading := { "File Name", ;
                          "File Size", ;
                          "File Date", ;
                          "File Time", ;
                          "File Attr"  }
      LOCAL aWidth := { 20, 10, 9, 9, 9 }

      // Create TBrowse object
      // data source is the Directory() array
      oTBrowse := TBrowse():new( 2, 2, MaxRow()-2, MaxCol()-2 )
      oTBrowse:cargo         := { Directory( "*.*" ), 1 }

      oTBrowse:headSep       := "-"
      oTBrowse:colorSpec     := "N/BG,W+/R"

      // Navigation code blocks for array
      oTBrowse:goTopBlock    := {|| oTBrowse:recno := 1 }
      oTBrowse:goBottomBlock := {|| oTBrowse:recno := Len( oTBrowse:data ) }
      oTBrowse:skipBlock     := {|nSkip| ArraySkipper( nSkip, oTBrowse ) }

      // create TBColumn objects and add them to TBrowse object
      FOR i:=1 TO Len( aHeading )

         // code block for individual columns of the array
         bBlock    := ArrayBlock( oTBrowse, i )

         oTBColumn := TBColumn():new( aHeading[i], bBlock )
         oTBColumn:width := aWidth[i]

         oTBrowse:addColumn( oTBColumn )

      // display browser and process user input
      DO WHILE .T.
         nKey := Inkey(0)

         IF oTBrowse:applyKey( nKey ) == TBR_EXIT


   // This code block uses detached LOCAL variables to
   // access single elements of a two-dimensional array.
   FUNCTION ArrayBlock( oTBrowse, nSubScript )
   RETURN {|| oTBrowse:data[ oTBrowse:recno, nSubScript ] }

   // This function navigates the row pointer of the
   // the data source (array)
   FUNCTION ArraySkipper( nSkipRequest, oTBrowse )
      LOCAL nSkipped
      LOCAL nLastRec := Len( oTBrowse:data ) // Length of array

      IF oTBrowse:recno + nSkipRequest < 1
         // skip requested that navigates past first array element
         nSkipped := 1 - oTBrowse:recno

      ELSEIF oTBrowse:recno + nSkipRequest > nLastRec
         // skip requested that navigates past last array element
         nSkipped := nLastRec - oTBrowse:recno

         // skip requested that navigates within array
         nSkipped := nSkipRequest

      // adjust row pointer
      oTBrowse:recno += nSkipped

   // tell TBrowse how many rows are actually skipped.
   RETURN nSkipped

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