HbListBox() > Methods |
Determines the position of an item within a list
oHbListBox:findText( <cText> , ;
[<nStartPos>] , ;
[<lCaseSensitive>], ;
[<lExact>] ) --> nItemPos
- <cText>
- This is a character string holding the textual information of a list box item to find.
- <nStartPos>
- This is a numeric value indicating the first item in the list box to begin the search with.
It defaults to 1, the first item in the list.
- <lCaseSensitive>
- This parameter defaults to .T. (true) causing the method to perform a case sensitive search.
Setting <lCaseSensitive> to .F. (false) searches case insensitive.
- <lExact>
- If specified, <lExact> defines the SET EXACT setting for the string comparison.
during the search. The value .T. (true) represents ON, and .F. (false) means OFF.
Method :findText() searches a list box item by its textual representation displayed in
the list box. If <cText> is found in the internal item list, the method returns a numeric
value indicating the ordinal position of the found list box item. Use method
:getItem() to retrieve the found list box item.
When <cText> cannot be found, the return value is zero.
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