Item | Description |
ACos() | Calculates the arc cosine. |
ASin() | Calculates the arc sine. |
ATan() | Calculates the arc tangent. |
ATn2() | Calculates the radians of an angle from sine and cosine. |
Cos() | Calculates the cosine for an angle. |
CosH() | Calculates the hyperbolic cosine for an angle. |
Cot() | Calculates the cotangent. |
DtoR() | Converts an angle from degrees to radians. |
GetPrec() | Retrieves computing precision for trigonometric functions. |
Pi() | Returns Pi with highest accuracy. |
RtoD() | Converts angles from radians to degrees. |
SetPrec() | Specifies the computing precision for trigonometric functions. |
Sin() | Calculates the sine. |
SinH() | Calculates the hyperbolic sine. |
Tan() | Calculates the tangent. |
TanH() | Calculates the hyperbolic tangent. |