Category > SET commands xHarbour Developers Network  

SET AUTOPENToggles automatic opening of a structural index file.
SET AUTORDERDefines the default controlling index for automatically opened index files.
SET AUTOSHAREDefines network detection for shared file access.
SET BACKGROUND TASKSEnables or disables the activity of background tasks.
SET BACKGROUNDTICKDefines the processing interval for background tasks.
SET BELLToggles automatic sounding of the bell in the GET system.
SET CENTURYSets the date format to include two or four digits.
SET COLORDefines default colors for text-mode applications.
SET CONFIRMDetermines how a GET entry field is exited.
SET CURSORToggles the display of the screen cursor in text-mode applications
SET DATESpecifies the date format for input and display.
SET DBFLOCKSCHEMESelects the locking scheme for shared database access.
SET DECIMALSDefines the number of decimal places for displaying numeric values on the screen.
SET DEFAULTSets the default drive and directory.
SET DELETEDSpecifies visibility of records marked for deletion.
SET DELIMITERSDefines delimiting characters for GET entry fields and their visibility.
SET DESCENDINGChanges the descending flag of the controlling index at runtime.
SET DIRCASESpecifies how directories are accessed on disk.
SET DIRSEPARATORSpecifies the default separator for directories.
SET EOLDefines the end-of-line character(s) for ASCII text files.
SET EPOCHDetermines the interpretation of date values without century digits.
SET ERRORLOGDefines the default error log file.
SET ERRORLOOPDefines the maximum recursion depth for error handling.
SET ESCAPESets the ESC key as a READ exit key.
SET EVENTMASKSets which events should be returned by the Inkey() function.
SET EXACTDetermines the mode for character string comparison.
SET EXCLUSIVESets the global EXCLUSIVE open mode for databases.
SET FILECASESpecifies how files are accessed on disk.
SET FILTERDefines a condition for filtering records in the current work area.
SET FIXEDToggles fixed formatting for displaying numbers in text-mode.
SET FUNCTIONAssociates a character string with a function key.
SET HARDCOMMITToggles immediate committing of changes to record buffers.
SET INTENSITYToggles usage of enhanced colors for GET and PROMPT
SET KEYAssociates a key with a procedure.
SET MARGINDefines the left margin for text-mode print output.
SET MEMOBLOCKDefines the default block size for memo files.
SET MESSAGEDefines the screen row for @...PROMPT messages.
SET OPTIMIZEToggles filter optimization with indexed databases.
SET PATHSet the search path for opening files.
SET PRINTEREnables or disables output to the printer or redirects printer output.
SET SCOREBOARDToggles the display of messages from READ and MemoEdit().
SET SOFTSEEKEnables or disables relative seeking.
SET STRICTREADToggles read optimization for database access.
SET TIMESpecifies the time format for input and display.
SET TRACEToggles output of function TraceLog().
SET TYPEAHEADDimensions the size of the keyboard buffer.
SET UNIQUEIncludes or excludes non-unique keys to/from an index.
SET VIDEOMODEChanges the current video mode of the application.
SET WRAPToggles wrapping of the highligh bar in text-mode menus.

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