Item | Description |
SET AUTOPEN | Toggles automatic opening of a structural index file. |
SET AUTORDER | Defines the default controlling index for automatically opened index files. |
SET AUTOSHARE | Defines network detection for shared file access. |
SET BACKGROUND TASKS | Enables or disables the activity of background tasks. |
SET BACKGROUNDTICK | Defines the processing interval for background tasks. |
SET BELL | Toggles automatic sounding of the bell in the GET system. |
SET CENTURY | Sets the date format to include two or four digits. |
SET COLOR | Defines default colors for text-mode applications. |
SET CONFIRM | Determines how a GET entry field is exited. |
SET CURSOR | Toggles the display of the screen cursor in text-mode applications |
SET DATE | Specifies the date format for input and display. |
SET DBFLOCKSCHEME | Selects the locking scheme for shared database access. |
SET DECIMALS | Defines the number of decimal places for displaying numeric values on the screen. |
SET DEFAULT | Sets the default drive and directory. |
SET DELETED | Specifies visibility of records marked for deletion. |
SET DELIMITERS | Defines delimiting characters for GET entry fields and their visibility. |
SET DESCENDING | Changes the descending flag of the controlling index at runtime. |
SET DIRCASE | Specifies how directories are accessed on disk. |
SET DIRSEPARATOR | Specifies the default separator for directories. |
SET EOL | Defines the end-of-line character(s) for ASCII text files. |
SET EPOCH | Determines the interpretation of date values without century digits. |
SET ERRORLOG | Defines the default error log file. |
SET ERRORLOOP | Defines the maximum recursion depth for error handling. |
SET ESCAPE | Sets the ESC key as a READ exit key. |
SET EVENTMASK | Sets which events should be returned by the Inkey() function. |
SET EXACT | Determines the mode for character string comparison. |
SET EXCLUSIVE | Sets the global EXCLUSIVE open mode for databases. |
SET FILECASE | Specifies how files are accessed on disk. |
SET FILTER | Defines a condition for filtering records in the current work area. |
SET FIXED | Toggles fixed formatting for displaying numbers in text-mode. |
SET FUNCTION | Associates a character string with a function key. |
SET HARDCOMMIT | Toggles immediate committing of changes to record buffers. |
SET INTENSITY | Toggles usage of enhanced colors for GET and PROMPT |
SET KEY | Associates a key with a procedure. |
SET MARGIN | Defines the left margin for text-mode print output. |
SET MEMOBLOCK | Defines the default block size for memo files. |
SET MESSAGE | Defines the screen row for @...PROMPT messages. |
SET OPTIMIZE | Toggles filter optimization with indexed databases. |
SET PATH | Set the search path for opening files. |
SET PRINTER | Enables or disables output to the printer or redirects printer output. |
SET SCOREBOARD | Toggles the display of messages from READ and MemoEdit(). |
SET SOFTSEEK | Enables or disables relative seeking. |
SET STRICTREAD | Toggles read optimization for database access. |
SET TIME | Specifies the time format for input and display. |
SET TRACE | Toggles output of function TraceLog(). |
SET TYPEAHEAD | Dimensions the size of the keyboard buffer. |
SET UNIQUE | Includes or excludes non-unique keys to/from an index. |
SET VIDEOMODE | Changes the current video mode of the application. |
SET WRAP | Toggles wrapping of the highligh bar in text-mode menus. |