Category > Operators xHarbour Developers Network  

$Substring operator (binary): search substring in string.
%Modulus operator (binary): calculates the remainder of a division.
& (bitwise AND)Bitwise AND operator (binary): performs a logical AND operation.
& (macro operator)Macro operator (unary): compiles a character string at runtime.
( )Execution or grouping operator.
*Multiplication operator (binary): multiplys numeric values.
**Exponentiation (binary): raises a number to the power of an exponent.
+Plus operator: add values, concatenate values and unary positive.
++Increment operator (unary): prefix / postfix increment.
-Minus operator: add values, concatenate values and unary negative.
--Decrement operator (unary): Prefix / postfix decrement
->Alias operator (binary): identifies a work area.
.AND.Logical AND operator (binary).
.NOT.Logical NOT operator (unary).
.OR.Logical OR operator (binary).
/Division operator (binary): divides numeric values.
:Send operator (unary): sends a message to an object.
<Less than operator (binary): compares the size of two values.
<<Left-shift operator (binary): shifts bits to the left.
<=Less than or equal operator (binary): compares the size of two values.
<> != #Not equal operator (binary): compares two values for inequality.
<|| >Extended literal code block.
= (assignment)Simple assignment operator (binary): assigns a value to a variable.
= (comparison)Equal operator (binary): compares two values for equality.
= (compound assignment)Compound assignment (binary): inline operation with assignment.
==Exact equal operator (binary): compares two values for identity.
>Greater than operator (binary): compares the size of two values.
>=Greater than or equal operator (binary): compares the size of two values.
>>Right-shift operator (binary): shifts bits to the right.
@Pass-by-reference operator (unary): passes variables by reference.
@()Function-reference operator (unary): obtains a function pointer.
HASSearches a character string for a matching regular expression.
INSearches a value in another value.
LIKECompares a character string with a regular expression.
[ ] (array)Array element operator (unary): retrieves array elements.
[ ] (string)Character operator (unary): retrieves a character from a string.
ˆˆBitwise XOR operator (binary): performs a logical XOR operation.
{ }Literal array.
{=>}Literal hash.
{ˆ }Literal DateTime value.
{|| }Literal code block.
| (bitwise OR)Bitwise OR operator (binary): performs a logical OR operation.

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